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Joined January 2017

Shameless book addict
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The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver
Imaginary Friend | Stephen Chbosky
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A soft pick for this #roll100 read (I was really torn between pick & so-so) - I was really into it at first, very reminiscent of NOS4R2 / IT / Stranger Things - but I felt like the author was pushing his agenda a bit too much and also really needed a better edit as there was far too much repetition.

PuddleJumper 🥳🥳 1d
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 1d
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A Hat Full of Sky | Terry Pratchett

#doublespin LOVED this! I think the Tiffany Aching books might be my new favourites in Discworld. Granny Weatherwax is an utter legend and the Nac Mac Feegle are blooming hilarious

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 6d
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#roll100 - not David Nicholls strongest, but quite sweet

PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 2w
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Widowland | C J Carey
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I really enjoyed my #bookspin pick for July - seems to have gotten mixed reviews but I liked this alternate history with a feminist slant, imagining if Britain & Nazi Germany became an alliance. Loved the literary references scattered throughout. It‘s definitely derivative as others have mentioned but still a pick from me!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2w
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The Hunger | Alma Katsu
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Final #roll100 read for June and I really enjoyed this slightly-supernatural reimagining of the Donner Party - something I knew nothing about prior and found extremely interesting! A slow burn but that helped ratchet up the tension - really enjoyed it!

PuddleJumper 🥳🥳 3w
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Spinning Away | Jake Maddox
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#bookspin #doublespin #bookspinbingo

Excited for both picks this month 🤩

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Enjoy!!! 4w
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 3w
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Slow, and quite difficult in parts to follow, but some really interesting sections, this fictionalised account of an African dictator makes me feel as if I need to learn more about actual modern African history. #roll100

Surfacing | Kathleen Jamie
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A really beautiful collection of essays for #doublespin this month - some super short, some extended, all thoughtful and interesting.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 4w
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The Amber Fury | Natalie Haynes

#roll100 I always enjoy a book that references Greek tragedy so this was good, but not great. I was expecting some sort of twist or reveal which didn‘t come but good nonetheless!

PuddleJumper 🌟🌟 1mo
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So Lucky | Dawn OPorter
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#bookspin for June - didn‘t really get all the hype with this one - it was ok ands quite funny in parts but felt a bit too try-hard for me..

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 1mo
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 1mo
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Suitable Boy | Vikram Seth
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Thanks so much Lindy for hosting this #buddyread - as others have said, slowing down really enriched this read for me, I read Les Mis last year by doing a chapter a day (pleasingly, it‘s 365 chapters) but I enjoyed even more doing this in step with other readers and getting to share thoughts and opinions!

I was disappointed not to get a last minute twist in the main storyline but nevertheless really enjoyed this one!

Lindy Beka, it‘s been a true pleasure reading this book together with lovely people like you. 🤗 1mo
squirrelbrain I did think it fizzled out slightly at the end, but maybe leaving it open for the sequel, that never happened? 1mo
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Story of O: A Novel | Pauline Reage
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Final #roll100 read from the May list. I feel like this would have been really shocking when it first came out but there‘s so much erotica around these days I didn‘t really think it was anything special. Onto the next one!

Matter | Iain M Banks

Finally finished my #doublespin pick for May! This was epic, I really really like the culture series, especially the ones which have a less developed civilisation like this one… almost done with the series!!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2mo
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Love a retelling of Greek myth! I really enjoyed this interpretation of the Iliad (and a bit before/after) primarily from the POV of Briseis. I‘m not sure how I felt about a book positioned as giving women a voice having some chapters from Achilles POV though. A good #roll100 choice though!

Lasher | Anne Rice
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Enjoyed this re-read for #bookspin but had forgotten how bloody long it is! Not quite as good as the witching hour, but good to get more of Lasher‘s history, and also hear more from Julian, whom I LOVE

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2mo
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The Satsuma Complex | Bob Mortimer

#roll100 a quirky crime story from comedy legend Bob Mortimer. I enjoyed the ramblings of Gary‘s brain as definitely reminded me of some of Bob‘s stories in ‘would I lie to you‘ not the greatest novel I‘ve ever read but by no means the worst!

PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 3mo
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When Women Were Dragons | Kelly Barnhill
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Another soft pick for my final match #roll100 read. Really reminded me of The Power in style(with the academic excerpts littered throughout the book). The whole metaphor was a bit heavy handed, I enjoyed the back third or so a lot more than the rest. And my #bookspin #doublespjn #bookspinbingo list for May!

PuddleJumper ❤️❤️ 3mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3mo
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Darkly Dreaming Dexter | Jeffry P. Lindsay

#doublespin this was a re-read for me & I stand by my original conclusion that this is a rare case of the tv show being better than the book. But, it was ok, and I will continue with the series!

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 3mo
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The Sisters Grimm | Menna van Praag

A soft pick for my next #roll100 read. I enjoyed the characterisation of the 4 very different sisters, ands this was really different to what I was expecting (in a good way!) Not sure if I will continue the series but this was worth a read.

Ruin and Rising | Leigh Bardugo
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Trilogy complete for #bookspin ! I enjoyed this one, I liked the twists we got at the end, and I thought it was a pretty satisfying conclusion.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3mo
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#roll100 first book done. This was ultra violent and lots of twists and turns. It was ok but not amazing, a fair bit of exposition, and also some rampant sexism 🙄

PuddleJumper ❤️❤️ 4mo
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April Showers | George Shannon
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#bookspin #doublespin for April! Only 4 new books on the list as have also been balancing 2 book club reads, and also doing #roll100 - getting to read lots of interesting stuff though! Although my TBR is still not getting any smaller 🙈

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 4mo
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Maybe I‘m missing something but I thought this was dreadful. Rubbish pacing, completely ridiculous plot, and I didn‘t really develop any feelings for any of the characters. The one redeeming feature is its short chapters so quick to rattle through but could be at least 100 pages shorter.

Black Sun | Rebecca Roanhorse
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Final #roll100 read for March and what a brilliant book this was. Excellent world building and character development, little to no exposition, just really really good fantasy. Keen to read the rest of the series now!

PuddleJumper It's such a great book! 4mo
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The Understudy: A Novel | David Nicholls
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#doublespin was an easy, gentle rom com- not amazing, but not terrible!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 5mo
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Moxyland (Revised) | Lauren Beukes
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Really enjoyed my second #roll100 read for March! A scarily prescient dystopian novel worth an eclectic bunch of characters. Short, far paced, and lots of interesting thoughts on phones, connectedness, robots, nanotechnology and corpocracy.

PuddleJumper ❤️❤️ 5mo
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Darkfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning

#bookspin done and I thought this was DREADFUL. I don‘t mind trashy, paranormal fantasy/thriller every once in a while but the main character was vapid, the prose was repetitive, and it really grated on me. I disliked how every other paragraph was about how pretty the MC was & she ‘couldn‘t do anything about it‘. I won‘t be continuing the series, so at least it‘s done now!

dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
TheAromaofBooks Oh my, at least it's one series you don't have to worry about finishing!! 5mo
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The Mad Women's Ball | Victoria Mas
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First off my #roll100 reads for March - sort but enjoyable, and an insight into French women‘s asylums which is something I knew basically nothing about prior. I found some the construction of some passages a bit odd; you would move on in time (present tense) but then immediately shift to a flashback of something that had happened since the end of the previous chapter - I‘m not sure if that was a symptom of this being translated from the French..

PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 5mo
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 5mo
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The Lost Bookshop | Evie Woods
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My book club read for the month - not what I expected but I enjoyed it very much. Loved all the little Easter egg references to classic books (and I probably missed loads too) - a nice cosy story.

Ella Minnow Pea | Mark Dunn
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Third #roll100 done for Feb. LOVED this. Really clever, interesting, and scary

PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 5mo
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Woken Furies | Richard K. Morgan

#doublespin done - I struggled with this - it felt way too long and every time I thought we were reaching a conclusion some other twist happened which just left me confused and bored. Which is a shame cos I really enjoyed the forest in this trilogy, and they‘ve just gotten progressively worse. Hey ho!

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 5mo
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Suitable Boy | Vikram Seth
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Part 2 - I enjoyed this little detour through Holi and the introduction of Saeeda Bai and Maan. I‘m hoping we return to the ‘core‘ characters in the next part though! I liked Saeeda Bai‘s story and I feel like she will be an interesting side character that we return to… #suitableboy2024

squirrelbrain I agree - I enjoyed this part, but preferred the first. 5mo
Leftcoastzen I‘m with you , like the other set of characters a bit better.I love the style of the book , the story sucks me right in. I am spending some time looking up words I‘m not familiar with, that‘s ok, never too old to learn something new.! 5mo
RebelReader I liked the first part better than part 2. I love books like this where we really get to know the characters well. I‘m not enjoying the small print in this book however. My old eyes are rebelling against it. 5mo
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Lindy @squirrelbrain @Leftcoastzen @RebelReader Based on the family trees at the beginning of this novel, I‘m guessing we will be meeting a great number of new characters in the pages ahead. I hope to see more of Saeeda Bai‘s sister Tasneem, who appears to also possibly be Firoz‘s half-sister. (edited) 5mo
azulaco I read Maan‘s stupid Holi prank on Pran‘s boss and thought “Oh nooooo….” Professor Mishra won‘t forgive that. I had my head in my hands just like Pran. Poor Pran. 5mo
bekakins @Lindy oh that‘s interesting! My copy doesn‘t have Saeeda Bai or Tasmeena included in the family tree! I just have the Mehras, the , the Khans and the Chatterjis… and I think we‘ve met most of the named characters on it! 5mo
Lindy @bekakins My copy doesn‘t have Saeeda Bai included in a family tree either. But of the Chatterji family, we‘ve only met Meenakshi. And I wonder if Saeeda Bai is tangentially related to the Khans (through Tasneem)? (edited) 5mo
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The Exhibitionist | Charlotte Mendelson
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My second #roll100 read for Feb and this didn‘t really do it for me. Didn‘t feel believable in the least, and although there were darkly comic moments it failed to grip me.

PuddleJumper Ah well! It's off your list 5mo
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Suitable Boy | Vikram Seth
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I‘ve really enjoyed reading part 1 this week. I keep having to refer back to the family trees in the front of the book to keep track of who everyone is and how they interrelate. I‘m loving the characterisation of everyone and looking forward to seeing how the plot unfolds. I‘m also enjoying all the references to amazing sounding food and drink! #suitableboy2024

squirrelbrain We have the same copy. And I spy a pup in the background… 6mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 6mo
kassandrik I started to add stickers to the family trees. For instance, I have marked twins characters, so I will remember them in future. I wonder if I even start drawing some more connections and relationships. Sadly, my copy is not my own, but from library. 6mo
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bekakins @squirrelbrain - it‘s a gorgeous cover! And the doggo is always photo bombing 🤣 he is fascinated by books @dabbe 5mo
bekakins @kassandrik - that‘s a great idea! I‘m starting to get my head around who‘s who now but feel like the family tree will be a near constant point of reference! 5mo
dabbe @bekakins He's a smart boy! 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
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Permanent Record | Edward Snowden
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A fascinating, terrifying book for this month‘s #bookspin

What an incredibly brave man.

Annnnd, I‘m probably on a list now 😬

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 6mo
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The Cat and the City | Nick Bradley
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I enjoyed this series of loosely connected short stories about people (and cats) in Tokyo. Some were pretty dark (!!), and I liked seeing the same characters flow across a few. This was one of my #roll100 reads for Feb, and also gets me started on my #bookspinbingo board!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 6mo
PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 6mo
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The Collector | Laura Kat Young
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I was really intrigued by the premise of this book (a dystopian future where depression / grief / despair is forbidden) but it fell a little flat for me. It needed more world building and character development of Dev & Shay IMO, I think that would have drawn me in more. That being said, I did enjoy part 2, and it had me recoiling in parts at some of the more graphic sections (but not overly graphic)

Just Like February: A Novel | Deborah Batterman
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#bookspin #doublespin list for Feb! My birthday month 🎈 got a week off work so hopefully I‘ll be able to get a decent amount of reading done!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 6mo
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Look to Windward | Iain M Banks
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Scored a line in #bookspinbingo with this one! I really really like the Culture series, each one is so different, exploring lots of very serious themes with a sometimes lighthearted and often hilarious touch. I‘ll be sad once I‘ve finished them all.

TheAromaofBooks Yay bingo!!! 6mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 6mo
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What a nostalgic little read! I absolutely LOVED this series as a child and my parents have returned my copies… hilariously I have written my name inside the front cover about 27 times 🤣

Fully expecting the series to have some problematic passages in the 21st century, but I really enjoyed this one!


This is my book club read for the month and I thought it was absolutely dreadful 🙈 but that sometimes makes for better discussion! It had some horrendous metaphors in it (The sins of his family weighed so heavily on his shoulders he had to lay on his side or words to that effect… no. No they didn‘t) and the plot twist was obvious (and kind of boring).

Creatures of Passage | Morowa Yejide

Well this was pretty beautiful. There was a plot but it felt really meandering. I read it slowly, but I enjoyed it. It reminded me of American Gods, but wayyy more serious.

Third and final #roll100 read for Jan done!

PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 6mo
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Think this is the best true crime book I‘ve read (but tbh I haven‘t read that many!) really compelling, and contained all the necessary forensic detail without feeling dry. Totally heartbreaking, but nice to be reading an updated version with a ‘happy‘ ending for some of the main players (Cinnamon).

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Number 78 for #roll100 and this was great! Not what I expected but really enjoyed this sad coming of age story. Definitely reminiscent of Stephen King‘s works from a teenage POV, with some really poignant moments.

monalyisha I forgot I wanted to read this! So grateful for the reminder. 😊 7mo
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#bookspin for Jan. an interesting read, but very short, and nothing really ‘new‘ IMO.

It does have a great selection of recipes included though, which elevates it to a pick, including the pictured recipe which I‘m making for my lunch 😋

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 7mo
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Siege and Storm | Leigh Bardugo
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Torn a bit between Pick and So-So for this one but think So-So most appropriate as I found this quite difficult to get into. The second half was wayyyy better and I am looking forward to reading the conclusion to the trilogy.

#doublespin done for Jan!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 7mo
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The Bread the Devil Knead | Lisa Allen-Agostini
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Absolutely loved this, even though Alethea had led such a sad life, this felt quite uplifting!

First #roll100 read down, and also #fourfoursin24 as Alethea works in retail and part of the plot is centred around this 🙌 - Retail Greyscale ✅

PuddleJumper 🎉🎉🎉 Amazing! 7mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 7mo
Lauredhel \o/ 7mo
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Purple Hibiscus: A Novel | Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
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Final read for #wintergames - think my appendicitis was actually more of a help than a hindrance in the end!

This was bleak, but brilliant, a really moving story.

2375pts for #snowangels total

#promptmaze #snowedin #20in4

sblbooks I hope you feel better soon! 7mo
Emilymdxn Thanks for doing the points so promptly and sending very good vibes for you feeling better soon! 7mo
kwmg40 Sending good wishes for your quick recovery! 7mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 7mo
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Happy New Year! | Greg Roza
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Stay up (mainly to console the dog!)
Champagne flute

I‘ve not been a NYE person since my late teens/early 20s - we‘ve always just enjoyed a quiet one at home watching films and eating & drinking too much!

#wintergames #snowangels

Emilymdxn Sounds great! I‘m the same, I don‘t like the extra expense of going out which I can never afford. For me it was a bottle of wine on my friends sofa 7mo
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