Super interesting read, and a really interesting perspective, focusing on a woman who has been largely forgotten by history
Super interesting read, and a really interesting perspective, focusing on a woman who has been largely forgotten by history
Love Sam Vimes 😆 I wish someone would adapt City Watch into a TV series. This got #doublespin done early in March, which is good cos my #bookspin choice is 1100 pages long 🤯
Not my usual sort of read, but I thought this was great! Completely bonkers plot, very very funny, and some amazing characters! Will definitely be reading some more Hiaasen.
And 2 lines in #bookspinbingo which I think is a record for me!
Absolutely loved this. A years adventure in a 20kmx20km map centred around the authors home. Really made me think about exploring more of the area in which I live - something I did a lot during Covid but may resume once I‘m moving a bit more!
Also some really interesting thoughts around sustainability, right to roam, housing, and numerous other topics.
Final #roll100 read for Feb and also scored a line in #bookspinbingo recovering from surgery and not being able to do anything has its advantages as gives me lots of reading time!
Really enjoyed this, loved the prose, and there were a couple of twists that I did not see coming. Really interesting subject too.
A trip down memory lane for #doublespin enjoying my reread of my favourite series asked around 7-8. Love all the descriptions of the food they get to eat I remember being really jealous of all the weird picnics 🤣
Enjoyable when not feeling at my best!
#bookspin this month was a reread - still loved this. It‘s really nice to read some wholesome, positive AI for a change!
And I should have a good month of reading ahead as I‘ve been in hospital again after what was left of my appendix got infected so have now had 2 appendectomy‘s 🤯
TJR is just the BEST. #roll100 read and this has me near tears by the end. Beautiful writing and a horrendous premise.
This was a reread, and sadly not as good as I remembered it (first read when I was about 15 so a lonnnng time ago!) Really not a fan of the pedophilia that was completely romanticised. Did get me a line in #bookspinbingo though for Jan!
And #bookspin list for Feb!
Terrifying. A must read for anyone using social media.
Absolutely bloody loved it! My book club read for the month and I DEVOURED this. I loved Marian, I really liked the time hopping and the detours into historical events along the way.
#doublespin for Jan - the writing was beautiful, this just wasn‘t my cup of tea. Found it a bit of a slog.
David Mitchell writes exactly how he speaks 🤣 really enjoyed this for #doublespin in Dec - going over well trod territory but adding his own spin - def recommended for anyone interested in history
Well it‘s been 8 years since I first posted about this book when it arrived in a mystery box and I‘ve finally gotten around to reading it! A bit more battered now after the dog got hold of it as a puppy 🙈 but quite enjoyable. A soft pick.
#doublespin for Nov and my new favourite Discworld book! I‘m a bit sad that I‘m nearing the end of this series, it‘s so funny & clever. This one I found particularly good, really enjoyed the character of Moist 😆
I haven‘t been as active as I would have liked during #hauntedshelf because… life! But I‘ve enjoyed it regardless and finishing on 500 pts total for #skeletoncrew 🎃👻 happy Halloween!!!
A reread for October‘s #doublespin & second time round I still loved it. Properly cosy sci-fi, I really enjoyed the exploration of different gender/sexuality/parenthood etc across different alien species
#hauntedshelf #skeletoncrew
Another book ticked off for #roll100 #hauntedshelf #skeletoncrew this was really unsettling, very sparse, but really built tension. Enjoyed it!
#bookspin for October - LOVED this! So sad, yet uplifting, really makes me want to walk the south west coast path one day!
#hauntedshelf #skeletoncrew
Book club read - I enjoyed this! Always like a small town American novel that really focus in on familial relationships. Behind on collating #hauntedshelf points as been laid up with some horrible cold/flu, but it has let me do a lot of reading, so every cloud!!
Unsurprisingly, given the authors previous book, this was absolutely heartbreaking. So well written, there were a couple of moments where I had to have a little break because it‘s SO. HEAVY. But absolutely beautiful.
And #bookspin #doublespin for October! Looking forward to ticking some off for #hauntedshelf 😁
A bittersweet moment as I finally finish the culture series for September‘s #doublspin
Not my favourite in the series, but still enjoyable! I particularly liked the idea of the elevenstring
Catching up on the weekends reading- this was my #doublespin for Aug and I found it absolutely riveting! Probably not for everyone but I found it genuinely suspenseful & also enjoyed the extracts from various diaries of those on the original Endurance expedition!
#roll100 read - This was ok. I guessed some of the twists along the way and wasn‘t quite as gripping as some of the reviews make out
Final #roll100 read for July and enjoyed this one. Quite slow paced and atmospheric, but I enjoyed the different perspectives and enjoyed it being a bit meandering. And #bookspin #doublespin list done for August!