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Dying of Whiteness
Dying of Whiteness: How the Politics of Racial Resentment Is Killing America's Heartland | Jonathan M. Metzl
A physician reveals how right-wing backlash policies have mortal consequences -- even for the white voters they promise to help Named one of the most anticipated books of 2019 by Esquire and the Boston Globe In the era of Donald Trump, many lower- and middle-class white Americans are drawn to politicians who pledge to make their lives great again. But as Dying of Whiteness shows, the policies that result actually place white Americans at ever-greater risk of sickness and death. Physician Jonathan M. Metzl's quest to understand the health implications of "backlash governance" leads him across America's heartland. Interviewing a range of everyday Americans, he examines how racial resentment has fueled progun laws in Missouri, resistance to the Affordable Care Act in Tennessee, and cuts to schools and social services in Kansas. And he shows these policies' costs: increasing deaths by gun suicide, falling life expectancies, and rising dropout rates. White Americans, Metzl argues, must reject the racial hierarchies that promise to aid them but in fact lead our nation to demise.
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Truly tragic that some people would rather hurt themselves or even die rather than support something that might also help a minority. Not a new phenomenon, but having statistics showing how drugs and guns among other things are having a tragic effect on all Americans just highlights how so much is unnecessary.

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This is a tough book. The author began researching after the Affordable Care Act passed, and the premise about that section is 💯 more relevant in Covid times. Plus there‘s a section about pro-gun laws and suicide (TW for this) that is brutal. The section about taxes and schools punched me in the gut too.

Full review https://www.TheBibliophage.com

#thebibliophage2022 #nonfictionchallenge2022 #imabasketcase #pantone2022 #northerndroplet

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I‘ve been commuting towards some *gorgeous* sunsets lately. Decided to catch this (blurry 😥) one while stopped at a red light. And the beauty helped balance out this book, which is dark and upsetting.

Christine Yay for beauty and balance! This book is one I really want to get to. 2y
Leftcoastzen So beautiful! 2y
rwmg Actually, I think the blurriness adds to it. The reader's view of the world around them. 2y
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BarbaraTheBibliophage @rwmg Good point! Although, I don‘t want the world to be blurry when I‘m driving. 🤪 I do love the audiobook experience, always have. I first listened in the late 80s and never really stopped. 2y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Christine Definitely. It‘s not an easy book. Heart breaking and angry making. But the content needed to be studied and shared. 2y
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I read this book because it was referenced a few times in Heather McGhee‘s book (“The Sum of Us”) and it seemed a good follow up. It‘s a tough read, but a good one. It‘s not prescriptive in the way that McGhee‘s book is so it is naturally less hopeful.

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As you may have guessed, this book isn‘t an easy read. Obviously the subject matter is difficult to swallow, but it also had more of a textbook feel than I was anticipating. I‘d recommend it, but you might want to take breaks now and then!

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Although this was written in 2019, it also explains the ongoing denial of Covid in overwhelmingly conservative, white communities. A thought-provoking read.

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This one made me regret not becoming a journalist like I had planned my 1st year of college (I‘m a teacher). Interjecting chapters of white Midwesterners interviews on topics of guns, health care, and education, the author broke up the data heavy chapters that illustrated how racist-based policies sink the whole sink instead of helping the collective.

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I finally have a reading buddy, but I've been in a reading slump for months. I bought Dying of Whiteness back in late May and haven't made it more than 10% through. 😩😩 #Fury #CatsofLitsy #shesnewhere

hannah-leeloo Aw your reading buddy is beautiful. When I'm in a reading slump I read a childhood favourite to cheer me up. They are more simple and fun, just right for coming out of a slump ❤️ 4y
Velvetfur Aaww I love that contented puss face! 😍 4y
Soubhiville So cute! 💜 4y
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Clare-Dragonfly What a beautiful and happy kitty! 😻 4y
WhatThePuck @hannah-leeloo thanks that a great idea! @Velvetfur @Soubhiville @Clare-Dragonfly we got her last month. When we took her to the vet she was 13oz. 😔 She's so spoiled now she meows at the fridge for her wet food, but she gained a pound in less than a month. 💜 4y
Velvetfur @WhatThePuck I've just tried working out what 13oz is and I'm confused but it seems to be hardly anything! But her gaining weight is great to hear, and she deserves to be spoiled as all puddy cats do 💜 She's a lucky girl to have come to live with you! 4y
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Very good. Very depressing.

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my New Year‘s Eve plans: 📚 + 🍋🍺

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This book is a must read. It‘s full of data, studies, and commentary. It‘s an important book.

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Darn you Audible! Picked up some new listens—with strong recommendations from friends—that look terrific. Can‘t complain about the price for over 40 hours of listening, either.

#bookhaul #audiblesale #holidayshoppingformyself

Samplergal I have all three on my wish list! Enjoy! 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Samplergal Hey, you have good taste in books! 🤣🤣 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Just realized this is kind of a #NFNov post ... am I right? @rsteve388 ? 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen I‘m sure your review was part of why I picked it up! 5y
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Divide and conquer—or, cutting off your nose to spite your face.

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My TBR for today.

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A busy week, but at least tomorrow‘s Friday! Got my running and yoga in, and finished the tagged book, which was pretty good. Just a little less than one week left of my first year as a school librarian. Having a workout routine will be good to keep me grounded during my month off. #BFC #BookFitnessChallenge

wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌🏻 5y
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Congressional ban on funding research on the health impact of firearms. Wow.

MicheleinPhilly Yep. It reminds me of when I was picking psych thesis topics in undergrad. I wanted to pick something that was happening on campus and my advisor told me that I couldn‘t because “if you present evidence indicating this problem is evident, you are ethically bound to take steps to address the problem through treatment and/or prevention.” 🎯🎯🎯 5y
kspenmoll Yup. 5y
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