I just signed up to #ReadingEurope2020, and I‘m excited! 🙌
@BarbaraBB asked for inspiration for Danish authors, so I thought I would compile a little sample of both classic and contemporay Danish authors, that I have read a liked/loved. There‘s a lot of crime/mystery writers in Denmark, but that‘s not my genre, so you‘ll have to find those for yourself 😅
List of authors in the comments 👇
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2. Karen Blixen (Isak Dinesen) - most known for Out of Africa
3. Hans Scherfig - The Stolen Spring is the only book I had to read in High School Danish, that I ended up loving
4. Jakob Ejersbo - his Africa trilogy is considered a bit of a masterpiece in Denmark
5. Lene Kaaberbøll - YA Fantasy writer
6. Olga Ravn - contemporay, poetic, and a bit weird 5y