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Castle Roogna
Castle Roogna | Piers Anthony
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Dor, the young magician, travels back in time to find an elixir which would prove his right to rule Xanth in the future.
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Castle Roogna | Piers Anthony
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4 ⭐️s
I love Dor and Jumper. Oh to have a giant green spider companion! ❤️🥰 This adventure follows Dor, the 12-year-old son of Bink and Chameleon, as he goes back in time to find a potion that will turn a zombie back into a human, and matures along the way. As always there‘s plenty of wordplay and puns littered throughout the book. I hope we see more of Dor and his talent of talking to objects in the next books.

Castle Roogna | Piers Anthony
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picked up a Xanth novel today, i hope these don‘t have to be read in order? 🤔 i think is 3rd in the series..

BehindthePages I tried to like Xanth but it couldn't keep my attention. Not sure if you can read them out of order. 4y
reading_rainbow @Letora oh shoot 🤦🏻‍♀️ i guess i‘ll keep an eye out for the first one, i had no idea. i have heard mixed reviews for sure about the series so now i‘m curious lol 4y
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Castle Roogna | Piers Anthony
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CatchMyBookBreath Xanath didn't thrill me but Incarnations of Immorality did x 👍💖💘 7y
Centique @wordslinger42 was just convincing me to read this series yesterday! 👋😊 7y
wordslinger42 @Centique Yay! Another Xanth fan!! 😄 7y
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wordslinger42 @GrilledCheeseSamurai I just posted yesterday asking the same thing! I'm currently reading Vale of the Vole! 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @Centique @wordslinger42 I've been toying with the idea of doing a re-read this summer. They are the perfect books for a blanket in the park! 🤸‍♂️ 7y
CSeydel I read them in college ☺️ 7y
CSeydel @CatchMyBookBreath I loved Incarnations of Immortality! I found #Xanth to be fun and light while Incarnations was a little deeper and more interesting. (edited) 7y
wordslinger42 @GrilledCheeseSamurai Definitely! This is the first time I've read the series, but I love it so far. I heard there's supposed to be a new one coming out soon! 7y
Reggie I don‘t know if you ever listen to This American Life, it‘s a podcast, but there‘s this episode about this boy who was having a tough time at home and decides to runaway to go live with Piers Anthony, and funny enough he finds him based on the clues Piers leaves on the sections about his life in the back of the books. The story was so touching. 20 years later both boy and Piers talk to each other. Such a moving episode. 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @Reggie Right one. 👍 7y
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