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Feeling Lucky
Feeling Lucky | Kathy Bryson
4 posts | 2 read
So, Megan O'Malley gave in to drunken temptation and pinched a cute guy's ass at her cousin's wedding. Who'd have thought a perfectly normal guy-okay, a bit short-was a leprechaun or that he'd have such a bad attitude about giving away his money?! Now that she's captured him, Megan may be five million dollars richer, but she's also got an angry leprechaun camped out on her sofa, doing his best to prevent her from becoming the business mogul of her dreams! Fergus O'Reilly cannot figure out what he's done to upset the Queen of the Fairies. He was working hard to rebuild his family's honor when he took one small break to help friends play a wedding. Then some drunken lady pinched his ass, the Queen declared him caught, and now he's broke, homeless, and hustling to stop the lovely lady with the wandering fingers from spending his money! This would be so much easier if she wasn't cute and caring and determined to help with his so-called money addiction!
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Feeling Lucky | Kathy Bryson
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I finished this on my hot and muggy morning audio walk. It was just ok. It is what is. A self published unrealistic story of a messed up 40 yo woman that magically turns her life around with the help of fairies and leprechauns. 🤷‍♀️ #audiowalk

Feeling Lucky | Kathy Bryson
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This little fledgling was practicing his flying today and flew right in front of me on my audio walk. Then I got caught in a rainstorm. Interesting audio walk of an so so book.

Feeling Lucky | Kathy Bryson
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Giveaway time!!

To enter, comment below with what title you‘d like to own. I‘ll randomly select a winner(s) on Thanksgiving at 8pm EST. Sorry, U.S. only.

Feel free to repost!

Callemarie The girl from blind river! 6y
Samplergal I‘d love The Art of Fielding! 6y
Jennick2004 Love Interest :) 6y
See All 25 Comments
Amiable I've already read "The Art of Fielding"--just had to stop scrolling and comment about how much I loved that book! 6y
Victoriahoperose I have been dying to read Blood Will Out! Hope you have a wonderful holiday! 6y
Julies_Bookshelf_Adventures Behind her eyes! 6y
KatieDid927 Ooo I‘d love to read 6y
Brooke_H The Girl from Blind River! Thank you! ❤️ 6y
AsYouWish Oh my stars, this is so sweet of you!!! I would love to read Love Interest. 6y
JamieArc I‘ve been covering Idaho for a while now! 6y
Mccall0113 The Art of Fielding! 🍀 6y
BookaholicNatty The art of fielding or The girl from blind river! What an awesome giveaway @TheLibrarian thanks for doing this! Hope you are doing well! ❤️😘 (edited) 6y
S3V3N The Girls 6y
Ash.on.the.line How kind! Idaho has been on my radar for awhile! Thanks!! 6y
Caterina I would love Idaho or The Art of Fielding! Thanks for doing this! 😊 6y
Sargar114 Oooh, thanks for doing the giveaway! The Girls has been on my tbr list 6y
mcipher I still haven‘t read Behind Her Eyes! Thanks for the giveaway. 😊 6y
CoffeeNBooks Thanks for the chance to win in your giveaway! I'd love The Girl from Blind River! 📚 6y
TheLibrarian @KatieDid927 @Ash.on.the.line @Jennick2004 @Victoriahoperose Congratulations!! Send me an email at carriecarter9118@gmail.com with your name and address and I‘ll mail them out next week. (edited) 6y
Jennick2004 Woo! Sent thanks! 💜 (edited) 6y
TheLibrarian @Jennick2004 could you resend to the new email? Just realized that I had too many R‘s in the first name. Sorry. 6y
Jennick2004 Haha I wondered about that 😉 6y
KatieDid927 Yay! Thanks! 6y
TheLibrarian @Ash.on.the.line Please send your name/address to carriecarter9118@gmail.com so I can send you your book. 6y
Ash.on.the.line Ah sorry, I just saw this. Emailing now! 6y
65 likes25 comments
Feeling Lucky | Kathy Bryson
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...as to how many books are in my bag on this flight home to Puerto Rico! Maybe it's none, maybe it's a lot. (Includes any I may have bought during my layover...not that I do that...👀)

HCBB I didn't know you were from PR, me too btw. Have a great flight! 7y
MicheleinPhilly 🤔4? 7y
dixi_e Eight? 7y
See All 11 Comments
monkeygirlsmama More than enough, and not enough to be too many? 😉😁 7y
Caroline2 5! 7y
LDuffN 3📚 7y
gibblr @Caroline2 got it right!!! Although I suppose @monkeygirlsmama was also technically correct 😂 7y
gibblr @HCBB Not technically from here, but have lived here for awhile! 7y
HCBB Nice! Welcome home and enjoy the book haul! 😊 7y
monkeygirlsmama Sounds like the perfect number to me! 😀 7y
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