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Camp Carnage
Camp Carnage | Elliot Arthur Cross
7 posts | 4 read | 7 to read
In the summer of 1986, Billy Collins is sent to his own personal Hell - summer camp. The remote Camp Genesis offers desperate parents a place to "straighten" out their gay teenagers with the help of the puritanical Katherine Creevey. Besides the typical horsing around, campfire tales and summer games, the Genesis program forces gay and questioning teens into humiliating gender-based lessons. While Billy wants nothing more than to escape Camp Genesis, he can't help worrying that something even more sinister is hiding just out of sight. Unknown to Billy, two campers were murdered three years ago. Just days after Billy and the new campers arrive, people start to go missing, and it's up to Billy and his new friend Jem to find out what's really going on. Is a maniac on the loose? Is history repeating itself? One thing's for sure - at Camp Genesis, you have to fight to survive...
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Camp Carnage | Elliot Arthur Cross
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#ScarathlonDailyPrompts #Killer #Scarathlon2022 #TeamMonsterMash This one has been on my TBR for a while. Ever since I heard about it from @Reggie a couple years back. I‘m hoping I get to it this month. In fact when I heard about the They/Them (They Slash Them) movie that came out recently, I thought it was based on this book because it‘s a similar premise (killer at an evangelical conversion camp). +6pts

Reggie Ohhhh, I hope you read this. I loved it. And last time I checked it was still free on Amazon. 2y
Ruthiella Another successful #Reggimendation ! 👍 2y
rwmg @reggie @ruthiella I read it last year - also originally from Reggie's review, I think. Great fun. 2y
Reggie @Ruthiella @rwmg 🖤🖤🖤 2y
MatchlessMarie @Ruthiella I love the tag! I almost tagged this as #BlameItOnReggie bahaha 🤣 2y
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Camp Carnage | Elliot Arthur Cross
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Camp Carnage | Elliot Arthur Cross
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YA horror story set in a mid-1980s summer camp for gay teens whose parents want to convert them to heterosexuality.

Although the premise sounds grim, this was actually quite light-hearted and fun in a “Scary Movie“ kind of way, though it might not have been the BEST choice to get me through a 1 a.m. bout of insomnia.

Reggie I loved this book! 3y
rwmg @Reggie I think I got it on your recommendation (and it didn't hurt that it was a freebie) 3y
Reggie That‘s great if you did, but yeah, when I got this for free I was shocked because it‘s just as good as some of the mainstream stuff out there. 3y
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Camp Carnage | Elliot Arthur Cross
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Here is my October #bookspin which will also serve as my #scarathlon2020 and #screamathon TBR #teamslaughter

Also as a side note to my #hauntedhollowswap and #allhallowsreadswap matches when I was putting my TBR together I realized that I actually do own the tagged book. I didn‘t remember buying it whoops 🙈

Clwojick Ohhhh! You have such a great selection! 😍 make sure to award yourself 26 points for sharing your october TBR 🧡 4y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Looks great!! 4y
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Camp Carnage | Elliot Arthur Cross
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Sorry, last one I swear, but I really liked this book.

vivastory Carpe Collins 🤘 4y
JoScho I am down for any book with a camp setting. 4y
Reggie @vivastory hell yeah 🤘🏽🌬 4y
Reggie @JoScho if you‘ve watched Sleepaway Camp Massacre or Friday the 13th you‘ve seen this book. But the book has way more sass! 4y
JoScho @Reggie I can‘t wait 🖤 4y
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Camp Carnage | Elliot Arthur Cross
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Own voices, queer, slasher horror. Think Friday the 13th at a gay conversion camp. Kids dropped off at Camp Genesis for their summer of conversion do not know the horror that awaits them. These authors did a great job characterizing a bunch of sassy and snarky teenagers. There are some really funny moments while providing some great commentary on homosexuality. And then came the horror which hurt cause I cared about these kids. 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪 Pick!

vivastory Excellent review! Definitely gonna check it out 👍 4y
sprainedbrain Omg it‘s free on Kindle too! Done. 😂 @vivastory do you kindle? 4y
JoScho Stacked it above. Sounds awesome! 4y
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vivastory @sprainedbrain I do! Gonna grab it 📚 4y
Reggie @sprainedbrain @vivastory @JoScho ya‘ll won‘t be disappointed. 4y
rwmg stacked as a Kobo freebie 4y
Reggie @rwmg Yayy!! Hope you like it! 4y
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Camp Carnage | Elliot Arthur Cross
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This book was so hilarious until we got to the carnage. It‘s free on Amazon right now as an e-book and I encourage anyone who feels like they need a great queer slasher distraction to go read it. I‘m usually apprehensive about indie horror until I read books like this one. And for more on this quote, please follow the link. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eGx7tiNofVc

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