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Camp Carnage | Elliot Arthur Cross
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#ScarathlonDailyPrompts #Killer #Scarathlon2022 #TeamMonsterMash This one has been on my TBR for a while. Ever since I heard about it from @Reggie a couple years back. I‘m hoping I get to it this month. In fact when I heard about the They/Them (They Slash Them) movie that came out recently, I thought it was based on this book because it‘s a similar premise (killer at an evangelical conversion camp). +6pts

Reggie Ohhhh, I hope you read this. I loved it. And last time I checked it was still free on Amazon. 2y
Ruthiella Another successful #Reggimendation ! 👍 2y
rwmg @reggie @ruthiella I read it last year - also originally from Reggie's review, I think. Great fun. 2y
Reggie @Ruthiella @rwmg 🖤🖤🖤 2y
MatchlessMarie @Ruthiella I love the tag! I almost tagged this as #BlameItOnReggie bahaha 🤣 2y
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Absalom! Absalom! | William Faulkner
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#weeklyforecast for me and #hiselderliness

I‘m going to continue with Absalom Absalom and hopefully get into IQ as well, which is a #blameitonReggie read 😂

Two nature books for dad. Had to wait for weeks for the Wilding book at the library - seems very popular!

Cinfhen I bought that Douglas Adams book on Kindle last year...I‘ll be curious to hear your dad‘s thoughts 😉 4y
vivastory IQ is fantastic! 4y
AlaMich What @vivastory said!! 4y
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Cathythoughts Looking good 👍🏻I enjoyed IQ ...Happy Reading friend X 4y
readordierachel I've heard good things about Wilding! Also, is that a dahlia up there in the corner 😍 4y
Centique @readordierachel yes! It was a crazy huge dahlia - but not from my garden unfortunately - at a hotel I was staying at. 4y
Reggie I hope you like IQ! I need to get to the 2nd one. 4y
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Red, White & Royal Blue | Casey McQuiston
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This book was a #blameitonlitsy #blameitonreggie 😂
I don‘t do romance but I did enjoy this a lot. I found myself smiling constantly and it was quiet sexy too!
It was ‘charming‘ as the British would say.
❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍 Thanks for the recommendation @Reggie it was nice to read something totally different and out of my comfort zone!

Reggie Yayyy!!! Glad you liked it! I loved when he was rooming with the turkey. There was more humor in here than I thought there‘d be. 4y
Cathythoughts Nice review! I don‘t like romance novels either, but I think this may be an exception. I have it stacked already 4y
Rissreads @reggie Yes I laughed a lot but I also had my heart ripped out whenever Alex called Henry ‘Baby‘ ❤️ 4y
Rissreads @Cathythoughts just give it a go, it might surprise you. It was fun, not real life, but I do wish the US had a female president! (edited) 4y
CarolynM It's a delight. Glad you enjoyed it🙂 4y
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Top row is my week ahead -
Sill going on The Once and Future King
Just started Tender at the Bone and Red, White and Royal Blue has just come in at the library. #blameitonreggie 😂@Reggie

Bottom two are what I‘m adding to dad‘s pile #hiselderliness Not looking very uplifting are they? 😉
Plus - A random snap of some vases I‘m tempted to buy - they‘re more cheerful!

Leftcoastzen I love Tender at the bone. 4y
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Reggie I hope you like it!!! It‘s very cute and a much needed escape. 4y
Cinfhen Those vases are adorable 😍 I‘m nearly done with Red, White & Royal blue...so fun BUT a bit extra steamy 🙄I‘m listening on audio and my 18 year old was all “what are you reading???” He‘s now calling me the smutty mum 4y
Cinfhen Also your choices for #HisElderliness are definitely going to add to his fury!!! I wonder if he‘d like 4y
Centique @Cinfhen don‘t worry, I can handle the 🔥🔥🔥😂so funny that your kid overheard it! Dad‘s read Born a Crime and enjoyed it but the other one is a good idea. I‘ll put it on his list! 4y
CarolynM I liked Red White and Royal Blue a lot. It's ridiculous but very charming🙂 4y
TrishB Great plans 👍🏻 4y
Cathythoughts I‘m getting curious about Red White & Royal Blue ! Have a good week to you & to his Elderliness too X 4y
writerlibrarian Has your dad read any Peter Hopkirk? NF spy great game books I've learned a lot and it's really well written. 4y
Centique @writerlibrarian thanks for the recc! I‘ll add it to the list 😊 4y
LeahBergen Those vases! I want! ❤️ 4y
readordierachel Those vases are charming! 4y
Rissreads I'm reading Red, white and Royal Blue next month. I'm really looking forward to reading something different. It's also thanks to @Reggie 🤣 #blameitonreggie 4y
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Need to finish Good Omens and It‘s All in Your Head so I can start Frankly in Love and Autumn Light.

Frankly in Love is a #blameitonreggie addition to my TBR @Reggie 😆🥰 You are one charming TBR saboteur creating toppling piles of books all around the globe 😘😘😘

Cinfhen I was going to say I remember @Reggie review about 5y
Reggie I hope you like it!!! 😊 5y
Jeg I found Its all in your head, very very interesting. Have a friend with a teenage daughter who could well fit into this. 5y
Centique @Jeg I found it so fascinating too. I have a niece with unexplained illness who has had every test known - and this seemed to have some possible answers. 5y
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#GratefulReads Day 12: Not really #AShortStory but more like essays/vignettes. This is a #BlameItOnLitsy title or to be more precise #BlameitOnReggie. @Reggie 🤣😂🧚🏼‍♀️

Cathythoughts The lunch looks delicious 😋 delicious 😋 5y
Reggie This pic makes me hungry. Hope you‘re liking the book. 5y
OriginalCyn620 🙌🏻📚❤️ 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Yum!! I‘m more interested in the food!! 5y
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Rain | Kirsty Gunn
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Title fits the day. Been raining for about 24 hours now and feels like November! Have read half this book over lunchtime and just know it‘s not going to end well!!

erzascarletbookgasm I stacked this because of @Reggie ‘s review! 5y
TrishB @erzascarletbookgasm that‘s why I brought it! #blameitonreggie 5y
Kalalalatja Stacked! 5y
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Birdsong28 It's horrible!!! I don't think I can bear it if it carries on for another 24 hours!!! 📚📖 5y
BookwormM We have had the heating on that is just wrong in June!! 5y
TrishB @Birdsong28 @BookwormM it‘s November in disguise! 5y
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My Struggle: Book One | Karl Knausgaard
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This is what all I picked up at the used bookstore today. Fill a bag for $17, but My Struggle Book 1 was specially priced at $4, so total was $21 plus tax. Not bad!

Some are #1001Books. The Wolitzer is #blameitonReggie 😂. I read The Bonfire of Vanities way back when, and wanted to re-read (someday).

Reggie I haven‘t read that one by her but I‘m sure I‘ll circle back for it. Nice haul!!! 6y
LauraJ Not bad at all! 6y
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merelybookish Great stack!! 6y
rachelk I ❤️a book sale! The Fire Next Time is on my tbr. 6y
Tamra Yay!! 6y
britt_brooke Nice!! 6y
Zelma Excellent haul! 6y
LeahBergen I have The Lady in Gold on my TBR, too. 👍🏻 6y
Reviewsbylola What Remains is excellent. Nice haul!! 6y
DivineDiana Wow! I loved The Lady in Gold. Attended a lecture about it as well. Have you seen the movie with Helen Mirren? It too is well done. Now, I just need to see actual painting in NY! 6y
BarbaraBB Great haul 😍 6y
ValerieAndBooks @Reggie I‘ll get to the Interestings first though because I had that one already 😊! 6y
ValerieAndBooks @LauraJ it takes a lot of careful packing of the store‘s bag to maximize the haul...I think this is a record number for me 😊! 6y
ValerieAndBooks @Cinfhen good to know you liked it...I‘m a sucker for almost anything about art! 6y
ValerieAndBooks @merelybookish thanks! I got lucky 😊 6y
ValerieAndBooks @rachelk I‘m trying to decide if I should read the Baldwin now before the month is over and Duncan Jones moves onto March, or read in order of his recs 🤔! 6y
ValerieAndBooks @Tamra 😊📚😊📚😊!! 6y
ValerieAndBooks @LauraBeth I love @Reggie‘s blurbs 😄!! 6y
ValerieAndBooks @emilyhaldi @Reviewsbylola I read What Remains many years ago, and regretted I didn‘t keep my copy (moves and all that). Was glad to find a copy again! 6y
ValerieAndBooks @LeahBergen 😊👍 @DivineDiana I haven‘t seen the movie based on this book yet. I need to see the actual artwork, too. I‘ll try to read this when I know I‘ll visit the museum it‘s in! 6y
rachelk @ValerieAndBooks I‘d read Baldwin now, but that‘s just me - you can‘t go wrong either way! 🙂 6y
ValerieAndBooks @britt_brooke 😊 now I just need to read faster!! 6y
ValerieAndBooks @Zelma thanks! Now to really get cracking on my ever-growing TBR 😅! 6y
ValerieAndBooks @BarbaraBB it‘s a good place for me to find books off of the #1001books list 😊 6y
ValerieAndBooks @ForeverNerdy 😊 I‘m excited 😆!! 6y
Zelma @ValerieAndBooks I always look at my TBR as the pile of endless possibility. And I‘ll never run out of something great to read! 6y
LeahBergen @DivineDiana @ValerieAndBooks I liked the movie, too, bought the book after seeing it. I haven‘t seen this painting but I did see a big Klimt exhibit that was glorious. 😃 6y
Cinfhen Hey @DivineDiana do u want to try and meet up in NY to see the Klimt, you as well @ValerieAndBooks ?!?? I‘ll be in NY from Friday March 9 until midday Tuesday March 13 6y
DivineDiana @Cinfhen That would be fun! There is a new bus line out here in the Burbs that I have been wanting to try! @ValerieAndBooks 6y
DivineDiana @LeahBergen The exhibit must have been divine! I enjoyed the history of Klimt and his relationships in the book. Highly recommend. 6y
Cinfhen Like a Bolt Bus??? @DivineDiana 6y
Cinfhen I‘m gonna go online and see if we need to order tickets etc and I‘ll let you know what I discover @DivineDiana @ValerieAndBooks 6y
DivineDiana @Cinfhen Yes, like a Bolt Bus. It is OurBus and the stop is in Malvern. 6y
Cinfhen Where does it drop you off in the city?? @DivineDiana 6y
ValerieAndBooks @Cinfhen @DivineDiana I‘d love to do this, but we‘ll be in Boston that weekend for older son‘s senior concert. I‘m sure you‘ll have fun if you go 😊!! 6y
DivineDiana @Cinfhen It looks like there are 2 stops. Either the Port Authority or Madison between 26th and 27th 6y
Cinfhen That sounds like a great weekend @ValerieAndBooks sorry u won‘t be around! 6y
ValerieAndBooks @DivineDiana I‘m glad to know about this bus service going out of Malvern! More convenient than going into Philly first. @Cinfhen 6y
Suet624 That‘s fantastic! 6y
DivineDiana @Cinfhen Yes. I‘ll check my calendar and email you some dates that could work for me. Safe travels! My email is dmillerick@comcast.net 6y
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