Excellent conclusion to the trilogy and a return to form after the missteps of the second book. The incorporation of the Stardust project and events of the final episodes of Rebels makes the book a welcome entry to the growing new canon.
Excellent conclusion to the trilogy and a return to form after the missteps of the second book. The incorporation of the Stardust project and events of the final episodes of Rebels makes the book a welcome entry to the growing new canon.
Like the other Thrawn novels, an enthralling combination between a Sherlock Holmes style mystery and an Aubrey/Maturin naval adventure.
Very enjoyable read.
Zahn does such a good job with Thrawn, creating a character that is good but on the wrong side. He‘s good at what he does, he believes in what he does, and he is loyal to a fault. He isn‘t petty, he cares about his people, he cares about honesty and justice. A great lesson is how being a good person doesn‘t protect you from participating in evil. A very poignant lesson for our time.
This one took a bit to get going for me, but by the end I thoroughly enjoyed it. I don‘t always enjoy the Empire-side stories as much, but Thrawn who is alien even by the Empire‘s standards, is so intriguing. This one focuses on the Chiss Ascendancy‘s enemy, a very creepy alien species named the Grysk, who creep into Empire space & cross paths with Stardust construction, creating a magnificent collision of characters & plots.
So I didn‘t actually enjoy this one as much as the previous two. :( I loved Thrawn and Thrawn: Alliances (loved the team-up with Vader in that one). For whatever reason the plot of this one didn‘t grab me as much. I‘m definitely interested in a fourth one though!
By far the best in the series. Thrawn is SUCH a good character.
Excellent book mail today! I'm really excited to see where this one goes.