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The Romance of the Forest
The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard
Leaving seventeenth-century Paris, Adeline seeks refuge in a ruined abbey, where the unwanted attentions of a villainous marquis force her to flee
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Romance of the Forest | Ann Radcliffe
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J.K. Rowling hid her gender so readers would trust the author‘s ability to deliver a magic, adventure and action novel. That is astounding when you read 18 C female authors. Radcliffe wrote novels of castles, chevaliers, and criminals. It‘s breathtaking and one reason that she was the - the — highest paid writer of the 1790s. It was published under her own name. Review: https://www.facebook.com/1082882538/posts/10222230587968628/

The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard
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This is the Radcliffe mentioned in Emma, but the finding of a manuscript is satirized excellently in Northanger Abbey. The cover on the left (from my Kindle edition) has no relation to the story, but I found the one at right online that gives the mood. Our heroine is subjected to every danger and horror imaginable, but in the end the evil get what they deserve and the virtuous are rewarded. As one expects from this era. #pemberlittens

batsy I do want to read more Radcliffe, and this one seems pretty short? Relatively speaking 😅 4y
Lcsmcat @batsy It‘s about half the length of Udolpho, which is the only other Radcliffe I‘ve read. (And if you skim/skip the poetry it‘s even shorter. 😀 ) 4y
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The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard
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A little pre-council meeting reading. #pemberlittens

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Getting in a bit more reading before Monday morning brings it's craziness. I can always depend on Ann Radcliffe to bring some mystery and suspense with her gothic novels. Seems suitable for October.

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Mini book haul today from our favorite indie store @AaronsBooksLititz while dodging the raindrops from sudden quickmoving storm. (Like I need an excuse to dawdle in a bookstore! 😉)

The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard
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The beginning of Gothic Romance, glad I read it.

Romance of the Forest | Ann Radcliffe

To discover depravity in those whom we have loved, is one of the most exquisite tortures to a virtuous mind, and the conviction is often rejected before it is finally admitted.

The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard

Did he think a life of mere negative virtue deserved an eternal reward? Mistaken man! reason, had you trusted to its dictates, would have informed you, that the active virtues, the adherence to the golden rule, ‘Do as you would be done unto,‘ could alone deserve the favour of a Deity, whose glory is benevolence.

The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard
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I also finished this one this weekend. What a ride! I have read several Gothic Novels before, so I knew what to expect. It still was all over the place. Didn‘t find a photo of a forest in my camera roll, so I added another pic of the Baltic Sea. Including a tree!

Palimpsest Beautiful photo 6y
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The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard
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This one is also a rather slow read. I am enjoying it, but I think I will need to add a fun book this weekend. I have a few audiobooks lined up, but need something for the eyes, too 😋

The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard
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Starting this while waiting for my daughter at the orthodontist. Looks like it hasn't been a big favorite with those of you who've read it, but I'll give it a try.

Daisey It was not a favorite, but it was interesting to read an early gothic novel. It also helped me get more references to Radcliffe's writing in a recent reread of Northanger Abbey. 7y
syasutake Thanks for your perspective, @Daisey. It sounds like it's worth reading for me. 7y
moranadatter It's not my favorite of hers, but it's a fun read. 7y
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syasutake @moranadatter This is the first book of hers I've read. Which do you recommend after this? 7y
moranadatter The style is a bit of a struggle, but I find her books amusing because they were pop culture for Jane Austen and her contemporaries. 7y
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The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard

While I'm glad I read it, I can't say I enjoyed most of it. I really liked the tense parts involving the abbey, but then it sort of became tedious. When Adeline isn't fainting she's reciting poet & singing...and it basically became a book of sighs.
Gothic horror you have come far. #rotf

Jhullie I totally agree! 8y
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The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard
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I can't say I was enthralled by this story, the heroine's constant fainting in the face of adversity annoyed me no end. It was ok but I far prefer other gothic authors.

Daisey Just a heads up, if you're interested in another Serial Reader readalong, some of are going to start the Sherlock Holmes story A Study in Scarlet. 8y
Jhullie Thank you @Daisey I will join you in that. 8y
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The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard
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If I hadn't been reading this with others in serial form I'm not sure if I would have pushed through more quickly or just bailed. Some days it was interesting and suspenseful, other days it was just over the top dramatic, and some days it dragged. My favorite parts were probably the descriptions of setting. I'm glad I read it as an example of an early gothic romance, but I'm ready to move on to something else.

#SerialReader #RotF #readalong

Eyelit Same 8y
jpmcwisemorgan Can we do another read together - now or in the future? 8y
Theresa Agreed! 8y
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Theresa @jpmcwisemorgan If you do that, I'd be interested in participating. 😄 8y
Daisey @jpmcwisemorgan and @Theresa I'd love to do another readalong! I'm assuming you mean using Serial Reader to choose another classic and help keep us all on track? I think another this length or shorter would be best. 8y
jpmcwisemorgan @Daisey & @Theresa Yes another selection from Serial Reader, and shorter is a good idea. 8y
Kathrin You made it!! I'll also be interested in another serial readalong! 8y
Daisey @Kathrin @jpmcwisemorgan @Theresa So, how do we go about choosing our next book, and how soon would we think of starting? Any shorter options that might take about a month or less we're particularly interested in? 📚 My read later list includes Wizard of Oz, Agnes Grey, The Awakening, Sherlock Holmes, etc. 8y
Theresa @Daisey @kathrin @jpmcwisemorgan I am open to anything. I just need some thing to get me out of the reading slump I'm in. 8y
jpmcwisemorgan @kathrin @Theresa @Daisey @kmdartist I'm up for anything except for the really really long ones. I think the Sherlock Holmes ones are pretty short. 8y
moranadatter @jpmcwisemorgan @kathrin @Theresa @Daisey If we do Sherlock Holmes, I highly recommend "A Scandal in Bohemia." It's the story of how Irene Adler outsmarts Sherlock Holmes. I've got Anne of Green Gables, Heidi and Wuthering Heights on my TBR. (edited) 8y
jpmcwisemorgan @kmdartist @Theresa @Daisey @kathrin I've not read Wuthering Heights. 8y
Daisey @Kathrin @Theresa @jpmcwisemorgan A Scandal in Bohemia (and many of the other Sherlock Holmes stories) is just 3 issues, so we could easily do that and then something else. The others @kmdartist mentioned are all books I would be interested in rereading, except I would consider Wuthering Heights another gothic novel so maybe not right away. 8y
jpmcwisemorgan @Daisey @Kathrin @Theresa @kmdartist I'm good with Sherlock. I've read them all but ta been ages so I could do with a re-read. We could use #Sherlocked as the hashtag. In case you haven't seen the current BBC's version it's a reference to something in it. I don't want to give away anything. I do recommend watching it, its very well done. 8y
Kathrin @jpmcwisemorgan @Daisey @Theresa @kmdartist I am good with Sherlock. I just recently read (in the last year or so) read Wutgering Hights, so I would sit that one out and cheer from the sidelines! 👏👏👏👏👏 8y
Theresa @Kathrin @jpmcwisemorgan @Daisey @kmdartist Ooh, I've been meaning to read some Sherlock Holmes so I'm definitely interested! Do I understand correctly that the suggestion is to start with "A Scandal in Bohemia"? 8y
moranadatter @Theresa @jpmcwisemorgan @Daisey @Kathrin It sounds like we have a consensus on reading some Sherlock Holmes. Any suggestions on a reading order? If we go by publication date, A Study in Scarlet is first, followed by The Sign of the Four and The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Short Stories - A Scandal in Bohemia is the first story in this collection). 8y
jpmcwisemorgan @kmdartist @kathrin @Theresa @Daisey and anybody else. We can start wherever you like. I'm read to get #Sherlocked with y'all! 8y
Kathrin @jpmcwisemorgan @kmdartist @Theresa @Daisey I don't have a preference on where we start. By publication date sounds fine. 8y
Daisey @jpmcwisemorgan @kmdartist @Theresa @Kathrin Publication date is probably the easiest way to go, and A Study in Scarlet is just 17 issues to get us started. Looking forward to it since I really enjoy the current BBC version and have been wanting to read some of the original stories! 😀 8y
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The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard

I'm trying to catch up and it's not going well because of all the poems and sonnets and songs and I don't even know what else. Does anyone else find them annoying? #ROTF

InLibrisVeritas Yes! I used to skim them now I just skip them. I'm all for artistic expression but it's like once a chapter now. 8y
jpmcwisemorgan @InLibrisVeritas Whew, I do the same thing. I don't feel so bad now. 8y
Theresa I skipped over them too! I don't feel like I missed anything in the story by doing that. 8y
Daisey I haven't gotten to the point of outright skipping them, but I definitely skim! 8y
moranadatter I skimmed them. They felt like pop culture references that I just wasn't going to understand. 8y
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The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard
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I'm enjoying a quiet Friday evening catching up on my #SerialReader, and there's an interesting development in issue 45.

#RotF #readalong

rachellayown Looks lovely! 8y
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The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard

Poor Adeline is either fainting or deathly ill. I always thought I talked a lot but Peter might beat me out for that title. I'm trying to catch up, I've been distracted by my #novembertbr. #ROTF

Theresa I pushed through to finish this on October because it was driving me crazy! Stop whining people! All the melodrama!! 😆 8y
moranadatter I'm in the same boat. I felt I needed to build up a stock of issues to read because one a day was too little for this one. 8y
jpmcwisemorgan @kmdartist Thats what I've been doing but I kind of let it go for a little too long. @Theresa I thought about doing that but decided I'd just lag a little instead! 8y
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The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard
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Seriously this girl needs to stop fainting at every hurdle! She is annoying the bejeezus out of me.

Leniverse ?Unfortunately that's part of the gothic genre. If it annoys you too much, try Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey where she makes fun of every trope. Or "The Woman in White" by Wilkie Collins, where the pale Victorian heroine swoons and trembles while her intrepid half-sister (the real heroine!) skulks around on rooftops and stands up to her sister's enemies. 8y
Jhullie @Leniverse I have both of those books 😄 8y
Leniverse 👍 8y
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The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard

Huzzah, I made it through and it sure wasn't always pretty. The basic storyline was good, but the storytelling was just way too dramatic and in the end way too neat of a package. Some classics just don't age very well. #ROTF

The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard
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Issue 51

Adeline just doesn't get a break. Give the woman a Valium or five. #ROTF

BookishFeminist There is SO much swooning in this book.😂 8y
jpmcwisemorgan I'm concerned that she has underlying health issues given the amount of fainting going on. 😬 8y
Daisey I started reading this quote and thought, "Wait, I thought @Kathrin was way ahead of me in this book. Yes, issue 51; it's just going to continue the same way until the end!" 8y
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Kathrin @Daisey 😂😂😂 I have to give the author credit for the multitudes of ways she describes Adeline's fainting! 8y
Kathrin @jpmcwisemorgan "Damsel in Distress" syndrome! ??? 8y
jpmcwisemorgan @Kathrin I like it! @Daisey we're doomed but at least we're not fainting over it. 😉 8y
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The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard
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Pairing this story with leftover Halloween monster munch and wine tonight. Issue 35 . . . and here we go again!

#Novemberland #SerialReader #RotF #readalong #ReadandEat

The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard
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Issue 50 #ROTF

jpmcwisemorgan What issue is everyone else on? 8y
Daisey @jpmcwisemorgan I just read issue 35. 8y
jpmcwisemorgan @Daisey Ok, good to know. I'm a bit behind and I think once I catch up I'll be there too. 8y
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The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard
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I'm quite pleased that La Motte had been apprehended. What a twit to give up Adeline, again. I hope she makes it far enough away this time, or secretes a weapon somewhere handy. Now, the Marquis needs to be caught at his nefarious plotting. #ROTF

moranadatter Proving yet again that people are worse than ghosts. 8y
Kathrin Couldn't agree more... he had it coming to him!!! 8y
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The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard

Does anybody else feel like saying here we go again? Maybe this time Adeline will get her hands on a dinner knife. #ROTF

The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard
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I'm caught up on my #SerialReader for the first time in weeks! I read several issues of The Three Musketeers so delivery of issues is now back on, kept up with a couple more issues of #RotF, and even fit in a Lovecraft story for the Halloween weekend. Wonder how long this will last?


Reviewsbylola I always feel great when I'm caught up! 8y
readinginthedark I'm so behind; I keep forgetting to finish Anne of Avonlea! 8y
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The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard

And the plot thickens...again. Will Adeline find herself in peril once again? Will she finally pick up her dinner knife and stab someone in the eye? Will La Motte continue to be an ass? #ROTF

Theresa 😂😂 8y
Kathrin Well... keep on reading... there is a major turn in the story up ahead... 😬😬😬😬 8y
jpmcwisemorgan @Kathrin I have an inkling... 🙂 8y
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The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard
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Caught back up on my #rotf reading....I really wish Adeline would just punch one of these assholes in the throat. 😑

jpmcwisemorgan Knife to an eyeball! 8y
Shaunesay I am so behind on this one! 8y
InLibrisVeritas @jpmcwisemorgan Seriously! It's so frustrating because I know she's going to pass out, and I just want her to at least start flailing and hit someone by accident. 😂 8y
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InLibrisVeritas @Shaunesay I was about a week and a half behind this morning 😅 8y
jpmcwisemorgan @InLibrisVeritas I know, accidentally trip someone, something. Stop fainting for real, pretend to faint and use that to her advantage. 8y
moranadatter Totally agree. 8y
Jhullie Oh I thought it was just me, all that fainting, damsel in distress stuff is driving me insane! 8y
Daisey I have 2 issues to read tonight, but I'm loving all these comments and am in complete agreement with them! 8y
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The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard

Repeat after me: La Motte is an ass. This is the chant that runs through my head as I read any section with him in it. Adeline needs a knife to stab someone in the eye with because that would solve a lot of problems. #ROTF

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The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard
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Stressful day at work but I have come home to the welcoming arms of my books and all is right with the world again.

Michelle_mck Tomorrow is a new day 8y
moranadatter I hope tomorrow is better. 8y
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The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard
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Issue 29 - More drama while once again trapped behind a locked door! 🗝

#RotF #readalong #SerialReader

Theresa Perfect timing for this post. I was just looking for #rotf posts to get an idea of what episode folks are on so I could figure out if I'm caught up or still behind. Thank you!! 😄 8y
Daisey @Theresa I think I've been staying on track; a few nights it's been tough not to read ahead! This issue definitely had me wondering what everyone else was thinking at this point, and I couldn't find any other recent posts. 8y
Theresa @Daisey I think I started later than others so I was behind from the start & read 2 episodes a day for a bit to catch up. But then I missed several days & fell behind all over again. I didn't see any other recent posts either, which is why I was happy to see yours. 8y
Kathrin @Daisey I have been reading ahead a couple of times last week... 😬 But mostly because it feels so slow sometimes, that I want it to be over already. 8y
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The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard
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Halfway there 🤓

Michelle_mck Are you enjoying it? 8y
Jhullie @Michelle_mck yes I am. It was slow to begin but I am waiting each day for my next installment now. 8y
SaturnDoo Awesome...I contemplated getting that one as a serial read ☺ 8y
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The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard
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jpmcwisemorgan Tell me about it. How many times did she faint, feel faint, or something to that effect in that section? It felt like she was unconscious the entire time. 8y
Libby1 I love when old books talk about "unclosing" a door. I came across this earlier this year in Shirley by Charlotte Bronte. 8y
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The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard

And now we learn of the nefarious plot! I'm really glad I save up episodes because I want to read until it's done because I need to know what's going to happen next. #ROTF

Theresa I am so far behind on this! Looking forward to a few hours of concentrated time to catch up over the weekend!! 8y
moranadatter I'm thinking this wasn't such a great choice for a serial read. It's too much of a page turner. 8y
jpmcwisemorgan @kmdartist I agree. Once I figured that out I started skipping a day and/or reading another story at the same time. 8y
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Kathrin What episode are you in?? 8y
Daisey I'm a couple days behind, but I'm not sure if I want to catch up or wait and read several during readathon on Saturday! You all are making me very curious! 8y
jpmcwisemorgan @Kathrin I have finished through issue 25. 8y
jpmcwisemorgan @Daisey I tend to save up. 8y
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The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard
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Almost halfway through. ❤️📕💚📗💙📘

The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard
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Finally catching up on my #rotf reading. I was behind a few days, and I'm so happy I'm back in it because it's really picked up! We're getting some answers for the tension, and it's building up nicely.

The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard
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I am also reading The Literature Book right. Here are the elements of a gothic novel: #ROTF ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️ 5 out of 5!! 😆

Kathrin Tag for the other book 8y
Graciouswarriorprincess I love this book! It is on my bookshelf!👍📚 8y
Kathrin @Graciouswarriorprincess I am not done yet, but I like it so much, that I also got the History Book when it was a Kindle deal last week. 8y
brendanmleonard Great image - thank you for the recommendation! 8y
Graciouswarriorprincess @Kathrin Cool! I got the Shakespeare one! 8y
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The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard

Holy biscuits! Villains cause main characters to flee, check. Gloomy location, check. Trap door, check. Sense of foreboding complete with a warning, check. Waiting forever to find out what the warning is, check. Mysterious manuscript that the contents are being slowly shown to us, check. Questionable Marquis, check. Yup, the suspense is killing me. #ROTF

The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard
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The story has pulled me in and I wait eagerly for each installment from #SerialReader 📚📖😱

SaturnDoo @Jhullie I saw this post last night and discovered #serialreads. Thank you😊 Such a great way to read through the classics!! 8y
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The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard
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La Motte... dragging the ladies around the dark corners of the abbey again... such a gentleman! #ROTF

The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard
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Hanging out for the next installment from #SerialReader.

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The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard
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Tons of foreboding going on in issue #18 and it ends with a cliffhanger... Is something happening finally? 😂


moranadatter Old manuscript! Now we're getting somewhere. 8y
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The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard
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Who is Annette? Did I miss something? #ROTF

Daisey Isn't she a maid? I thought the family had two servants, Peter and Annette. 8y
Kathrin I know! I was like "is this a typo"? I was wondering the whole time who is taking care of the cooking! ? 8y
jpmcwisemorgan @Daisey & @Kathrin That makes sense but I don't recall her being mentioned. 8y
Daisey @Kathrin & @jpmcwisemorgan From the first issue, "His family consisted of his wife, and two faithful domestics, a man and woman, who followed the fortunes of their master." So, when her name was mentioned a few issues later kindling a fire or something, it seemed a logical conclusion that she was the female servant. I don't recall any other explanation. 8y
jpmcwisemorgan @Daisey Oh, that rings a bell! Whew. 8y
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The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard

Is anybody still awake??? #ROTF

This is not my first serial, but I wonder if for this particular book, the individual issues are too short.

At this point it feels like a slug. I just finished issue 17.

Theresa I missed several days last week so I'm behind several issues. I just finished 14. I'm enjoying it so far but I'm ready for something big to happen. 8y
jpmcwisemorgan I'm reading two serials at once so sometimes I skip this one and let it build up a day or two so I can read more at once without getting ahead of everyone. 8y
Kathrin @jpmcwisemorgan That's a pretty good strategy! 👍🏻 8y
jpmcwisemorgan @Kathrin It seems to be working. And now that @Daisey has clarified Who Annette is I know I'm not going crazy. 8y
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The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard
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All this secrecy... this better be good once it's revealed!! 🤗 #ROTF

jpmcwisemorgan I know! I need to know but what if we're all worked up for nothing? 8y
Kathrin @jpmcwisemorgan That's exactly what worries me! 😬 8y
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The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard
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25%...this is slow going!

Kazen Hang in there! Is it enjoyable, at least? 8y
Jhullie Yes it is enjoyable @Kazen but I find it disjointed only having a few minutes to read each day. 8y
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The Romance of the Forest | Ann Ward Radcliffe, Chloe Chard

Ahhhhh...now there's a storm! I want to read ahead because I feel as if we're finally getting somewhere without whatever sinister undertakings have happened or will happen or something. But, I will stay strong in the face of this desire. Or something. 😉 #ROTF

moranadatter Haha! Or just not tell us about it! 😉 8y
jpmcwisemorgan @kmdartist I could but I have quite a few other books going that I'm reasonably certain the library will want back someday. 8y
moranadatter @jpmcwisemorgan Yep, I have a few of my own. 8y
jpmcwisemorgan @kmdartist The library hold system is both a curse and a blessing. I'm not putting anything else on hold for awhile. I got a little click happy. 8y
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