I didn't realize when I picked this up it was mostly just pages and pages of quotes with some short essays interspersed.
This didn't work for me. The quotes didn't match up all that well to the essays and some were a bit eye roll inducing (often asked why you're not married? Explain: I can't mate in captivity 😐)
Might be a good waiting room book but I got nothing from it, I feel like if you have read her before even the essays are not new.
Mayhem and I agree.
"Voting isn't the most you can do, but it is the least."
If you are in the US make sure to vote Tuesday!!
Midterms are so important and not enough people get out there for it, but your reps and local officials really do control so much of our lives it is important to vote for the ones you want making the laws!
Quick read bc it‘s mostly just quotes with little nuance or context. A sort of introductory sampler platter.
The Truth Will Set You Free, But First It Will Piss You Off is a sentiment Steinem wrote after seeing Vietnam War protest signs. At first, no one noticed it; but over the course of her career, it's become a call to action. At 86 years old, Steinem has the lady-balls to love her writing enough to make a whole book of her own quotes. https://onthebl.org/2020/04/28/the-truth-will-set-you-free-but-first-it-will-pis...
When I checked this out, I thought it was maybe a collection of later in life journal entries? I was VERY excited. It‘s women‘s history month, but so is every month, right? Then i realized it was a collection of quotes which tbh is like the dumbest thing to me. You didn‘t write anything new, just collected what you said?
Anyway, collectively read, Gloria has been through it and knows. She‘s speaking directly to us. Trust in her.
I liked the Steinem book. It‘s a collection of quotes surrounded by discussion, based on the quotations, of issues in the lives of women. I started Landwhale today because that‘s honestly what I feel like right now; I‘m hoping Baker‘s book will help with my attitude and give me a different perspective.
Whenever I think about things I would change in my life if I could go back in time, I think I would have myself realize this before I had a daughter. Because it‘s true — especially as the mother of a girl— every time you harshly criticize your body, a girl hears this and learns that it‘s what women do. You teach that child to hate her own body.
A couple of nights ago I got to be in the same room as Gloria Steinem and I thought my poor little feminist heart might explode ❤️ It was great!
I loved this quick little read filled with quotes and insights from Gloria Steinem and fellow feminists. This is a book that I know I‘ll return to again and again for its wonderful quotes, as well as one that I will probably buy additional copies of to gift to others. #NFNov #nonfictionnovember #feminism
The best thing about this book talk was that War Memorial Auditorium was full and the energy was high! Restored a bit of faith! 💪💖