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Soft pick. I chose this particular book because I wanted to hear Boudica's story from the mouth of a woman who could be critical of sexist sources who used Boudica's story to further their own agendas. In a way, she reveals those agendas and some of their biases. But, for the most part, she simply retells their stories without too much criticism (where it was due). 1/3

bookwyrm7 Perhaps, used to write as a scholar, she hides her own voice, simply wishing to present what is already out there without further critical analysis. Perhaps, it was my own hopes that led to my disappointment. But I still find she missed a few chances to really shine. 2/3 3mo
bookwyrm7 There was a lot of repetition of ideas already mentioned but without exploring these in more detail, for example. She doesn't do a lot more than to point out the obvious a lot of the time.
Still, the book itself is a great way of telling what little there is about Boudica's story. A lot of research seems to have gone into it and I'm glad I read it. I'd definitely recommend it! 3/3
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Starting in 1982, Simon Winchester traveled to the remaining parts of the UK outside the British Isles, from Tristan da Cunha to #Bermuda to the Falkland Islands (arriving there at a very interesting time). Aspects of this book are super interesting, but the book is ultimately flawed by relying so heavily on the British viewpoint and ignoring that of the locals.


Librarybelle Good to know about the viewpoint! 8mo
Bookwormjillk This was on my list. I‘ll keep your review in mind. 8mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 8mo
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"In 1958...the circulation of popular stereotypes about the sexual and economic threat that West Indian men in particular posed, they [the Tory government] were able to leverage a type of media fiction about the problem that the growing presence of black newcomers posed for the white working class to justify the need for implementing migration controls." ?

Yeah, so, thank goodness that's no longer a thing! ?

TrishB Good job we passed that point…… 10mo
Bookwomble @TrishB Yes, fortunately, the current leadership of the Conservative Party and their grass roots support are so much more progressive 😒 10mo
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#FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl

"Africans were William Shakespeare's countrymen."

- 'Blackamores' have their own names in early modern England, by Onyeka Nubia. The first essay proposes that the appearance of Black people in the historical record should not, as is apparently the tendency, be automatically coded as slaves or captives, as the evidence presented is strongly suggestive of early modern English Black people having their own identity ⬇️

Bookwomble ... and agency, and that the 'slave narrative' is an historical revision to justify later racist ideologies.
Nubia's lecture on the subject is available on You Tube. I made the rookie error of reading some of the comments which, given the subject, was a terrible mistake I'd caution you against making 😬
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"It would appear that the main function of the British press is to PRESS down on those who don't think."

- From the 1939 version of the Manifesto Against War, issued by the International African Service Bureau.

Thankfully, things are so much different now ?

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Phew 😮‍💨 It‘s taken me many many weeks to get through this chunkster, at almost 900 pages it was very dense but so interesting and I felt like I learned a lot I didn‘t know about the British empire. The author made it easy to understand and broke it up nicely so the chapters weren‘t too long. A depressing read at times but I‘m glad I read about an important part of history which we don‘t get taught in school but should

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You need to be a committed history buff to make it through this book. Maybe the narrator annoyed me more than I thought (his voice BOOMED then dropped to a whisper frequently). After this history lesson it was easy for me to identify that Ashurbanipal was the Assyrian ruler who compiled the world‘s 1st library of all knowledge. I still can‘t get over that Sennacherib (destroyer of Babylon fame) sounds like snack-a-rib! ⚠️ for violence & gore!

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This gloomy Saturday was perfect for polishing off my #bookspin. Oof. Knowing the Raj was morally indefensible and exploitative is one thing — but Tharoor can give detailed proof. Vital to understanding the British colonization of India. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 1y
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Rogue Squadron | Michael A. Stackpole
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Riders of the Dead | Dan Abnett

This was not only my first foray into the books of Warhammer, but also into adult “dark“ fantasy. I didn't know exactly what to expect because I've heard the lore of Warhammer is vast in scope. However, when I read this book, I felt like I did when I read fantasy books in middle and high school. It was very difficult for me to stop reading once I started, which I take as a sign of a good book.