I have a group of students who love this series! Now I‘m helping them walk through the origami instructions that are included in the books. 😀 Such a good series for reluctant readers.
I have a group of students who love this series! Now I‘m helping them walk through the origami instructions that are included in the books. 😀 Such a good series for reluctant readers.
This was such a cute book! Perfect for 4th and 5th graders. I loved how each chapter was told from the point of view of a different character with comments from the main narrator at the end of each chapter. May the force be with you.
Adorable and fun. A cute tale written for children, but equally entertaining for me.... though I'm childlike in many ways.
Saw another Litten post about these books and had to check them out. I‘m not a Star Wars super fan, but I definitely have some nostalgia that creeps up on me sometimes!
These are cute middle grade books that are similar in style to the Wimpy Kid books. Very quick read for an adult; the plot involves some learning about what makes someone seem cool or not in sixth grade.
I enjoyed this unique, hilarious, touching series with my kids at bedtime five years ago. We are rereading it and enjoying it just as much this time. Finished the first book last night. #BedtimeBookClub
1. Nay-I‘m intrigued by the concept but often side-eye the book choices.
2. I tripped on the stairs and fell sideways into some guy‘s lap during Freshman orientation for my scholarship group.
3. Tagged
4. Eastern VA to visit my parents.
Friday lunch is fried eggs and coffee paired with #kidlit. This one is super popular at the library and I can see why, although it talks way more about crushes and girls than I expected. (Its characters are in 6th grade but I'd bet its average reader was 3rd or 4th.) Love the case file concept and the book design. Pages are printed to look artfully crumpled, but a thoughtful reader or 50 at my library went ahead and crumpled them for real 😆
📚Turn in your books on time!!! 📚The Library‘s bulletin board! My students love memes... and I love memes(especially Library related ones! ) Melissa and I created this dual love bulletin board to bring a few smiles 😊
My non-reading pursuits include an obsession with #origami, fostered by a love for the mythological danuki. The danuki is a Japanese raccoon-dog who uses his testicles as an umbrella when it rains. You see a lot of icons of him around Japan, including a Hello Kitty version, which seems so wrong! #litsyreads #uncannyOctober @RealLifeReading
"The Force is strong in my family." #kidsbooks
Cute, funny, charming and so much more. It's profound in its own way. Anyone from 9 to 99 should be moved and enjoy this story.
For today's #octphotochallenge. I cannot even begin to express how much I love this series! It has the best portrayal of a librarian, too. I met Tom Angleberger and he made me my very origami yoda. I was devastated when I lost it.
My kids and I highly recommend this clever, hilarious, engaging, relevant series. #OctPhotoChallenge #StarWars