It's super cold in Austin, TX today.... so this... 👆🏻
#coldweather #gooddayforreading #hotshowers #goodbooks #coffee
It's super cold in Austin, TX today.... so this... 👆🏻
#coldweather #gooddayforreading #hotshowers #goodbooks #coffee
This one had the makings of a great story, but ultimately, it flopped. I didn't hate it, but I would not recommend it. 😔
I adore this manga so very much. Can't wait to see where the third volume takes us...
I rarely watch a movie or series, then read the book....but that was the order for this one. The TV series was so fucking great, I absolutely had to, and I was not disappointed. As anyone that partakes of both forms of media knows, so much more information is usually conveyed in the written. Such was the case with this book, and the details were so worth it! It adds immensely to the story.
Utterly adorable. Love the art and the story. Can't wait to read volume 2!
This is my latest planner. As a neurospicy person, it's difficult for me to stay consistent with things, so I'm helping this blank, plug in your own dates, journal will be easier to stay consistent with, as there will be no "expectations". ?
Punching .............................. $2
Doing the Big Job ........... $100 and up?
This List ............................ Priceless
I was really hoping for something different from this book. I pickled it up with the idea that it would be full of strategies and guidance for how to live more productively and effectively with ADHD. However, it works off the premise that women with ADHD have low self esteem and feel inferior as a result. Most of the book is spent trying encourage and help them get over that.... only maybe one chapter sorta talks about improving strategies.
Adorable! Full of so many vampire and werewolf puns and dad jokes. 🖤
Just one more.....
What are you reading right now that you just can't put down?
Well written and thorough look at the British Aristocracy and their involvement with the Third Reich.
1. Neil Gaimon
2. Anywhere, Everywhere - whenever I've a free moment
3. No. I suck at schedules...
@Eggs #wondrouswednesdays
Not sure who to tag... anyone?
I really appreciated this book. As a person who has a long family history of addiction, I have sought to know more about this disease. I love how in-depth they went with the science. That speaks greatly to me. I wasn't as interested in the biographical information, though I understand how that can be helpful for others that want relatable information.
I do wish this were a much longer book though, with detailed treatment information.
I can't decide which one to read next..
Note: I've already read the R.A.Wilson ones before, but it feels like it's time to reread them...
1. I'm currently in love with the book "The Hate You Give"
2. I have moments where I can be either....
Thanks for the tag, @RamsFan1963 for tagging me, and to @AmandaBlaze for creating this.
1. Single POV
2. Yes, the one tagged above... in Arabic.
3. Mood reader.... though I try to be a "list" reader.
@Eggs #wonderouswednesday
1. Honestly, I am in the middle of "The Hate You Give" and I can't get enough of it.... will likely finish it soon.... then, who knows.
2. There are so many words that are over used or used incorrectly. I'm tired of the way folks water down the words "Love" and "Friend." These have depth of meaning for me that I feel few actually convey when using.
Thanks for tagging me @RamsFan1963 .... Thanks for creating this, @TheSpineView
1. I grew up in a suuuuuuper small town (pop. 175) so when the rodeo/fair came to the neighboring town, it was a yearly highlight.
2. I buy my books always now because I can never return shit on time.
Thanks for the game @Eggs, and for tagging me @DarkMina .... wanna play, @RamsFan1963 ?
3. "Into the Painted Bear Lair" by Pamela Stearns
1. I'm not familiar with this term.....
2. I always prefer to read....
Thanks for the tag @RamsFan1963 and thanks for the game, @TheSpineView ... what actually is a "chunkster?"
Wanna play, @DarkMina ?
1. Nope... can't....
2. Yes. I learned more information about neuroplasticity and how remarkable are our brains.
Thanks for the tag @RamsFan1963 and the game, @TheSpineView
Anyone who wants to, play along!
1. Johnathan Strange
2. Back to Ancient Egypt, early dynastic eras.
Thanks for the tag @RamsFan1963
And for the game, @TheSpineView
1. All Ramona Quimby books or Nancy Drew books reminds me of my childhood.
2. I mostly read historical fiction, and the ones I choose are typically set in other countries.... but a bias, per se.... just what occurs.
Thanks for the tag, @RamsFan1963 and for not giving up on me. I've not been on social media... Same with @DarkMina for keeping the faith. Wanna play?
... and thanks for @TheSpineView for creating these. 🖤
1 It's my handle on all social media
2 Anytime, anywhere
3 The Body Keeps the Score
4 me, my bunny, and my kitty.
Thanks for the tag, @RamsFan1963
Thanks, @Eggs for the game.
Who wants to play? @DarkMina ?
1. No. I rarely read reviews unless they are by folks I'm connected to on here or Goodreads... and that's only when they post them, not when I'm prepping to write one.
2. Not at all.
Thanks for the tag, @RamsFan1963 and the game, @TheSpineView
Here's another, if ya wanna, @DarkMina 😁
This book is awful. If it weren't for #bookspinbingo I'd abort this one.... but I'm trudging through. I'll have a scathing review to share once completed, I'm sure...
2. Rosalind Miles is my favourite writer of historical fiction
3. Steven Pinker
Sorry I'm a bit late, but thank you @DarkMina for the tag... and thanks @Eggs for this fun bit.
Is he ever not great? I've yet to read a book by Christopher Moore that I haven't loved.
#vampires #vampirenovel
An excellent book about a commonly misunderstood addiction. This author has overcome the addiction himself and created a successful treatment plan for those suffering from this as well as their partners.
1. No.
2. Yes. I do a lot of graphic design work and listening to a book while I'm working actually helps me stay focused.
Also, when I'm driving it's a great way to avoid road rage. 🤣
Thanks for the tag @RamsFan1963 ... and thanks for the game, @TheSpineView
@DarkMina and @ElleSkel wanna play?
Thank you for tagging me, @DarkMina ... and for creating this, @Eggs .... Play along, @RamsFan1963 or @ElleSkel ?
1. Ramona & Beezus
Gregory & Bear
Sam & Frodo
2. Always reading several
3. The book tagged is set in late 1800s, early 1900s China
Finished my list for the April edition of #bookspinbingo
Many of these I've carried over from the previous month...
Hope to read more this month....
I am quite sure I'll not complete anymore books over the next few days.... so here's the tally on my #bookspinbingo for March. Gonna post my next list soon!
I found out last night that one of my favourite authors since childhood died recently. Her books were a refuge in my childhood. Thank goodness she was such a prolific author, because she gave me many worlds in which to live, as well as stories that will forever live in me. You are missed, but always remembered, Beverly Cleary.
1. Yes!.... actually, accept may be a better word. 🤣
2. My father is an avid reader of mostly Sci-Fi
3. Something (anything) by Jane Austen
Thanks for the tag @DarkMina ....@eggs #wonderouswednesday
I have a new reading companion.... Well, tbh, she doesn't really let me read just yet. She's trying to get used to the surroundings and is quite clingy. (I really don't mind that at all 🤣.) She's a great cuddler.
Trying to name her - Mugwort or Sekhmet?
#catsoflitsy #readingcompanion
The information is all correct, but the writing is dry and not organized well. I would not recommend this to someone unfamiliar with this info due to its boring af presentation.
I actually get disappointed when I come to the end of his books. Such a brilliant writer, and I love the way he views the living aspect of English.
1. In a wooded park.
2. Non-fiction
3. I don't much snack....
4. Cocoa Pebbles
Thanks for the tag. This was fun, @RamsFan1963
I know... I know... I shouldn't get new books until I read all the old ones...but....
1. Not yet! Hopefully there won't be any....
2. Hmmm....... Can't think of any atm....
Thanks for the tag, @RamsFan1963 And for creating this, @TheSpineView
These are the books I've left to read for March's #bookspinbingo in order to complete one line and do the two pics.... which one should I pick up next!?
@ElleSkel thank you so much for the book, Homegoing!! I'm so very blessed and excited to read it.... As such, I wanna pay it forward. I've only one book to share at the moment, but if anyone wants it, I'll send it to ya. Just let me know....
Note: this is a hardback library withdrawal.
#giveaway #payitforward #gratitude
Thank you for the tag, @RamsFan1963
1 - Paperback.
2 - As a child, under the sink in the kitchen
3 - I'm grateful to have water and power back after the storm here in Texas took those both away from most of us...
Anyone who'd like to play.... maybe @AkashaVampie @xicanti @Andrew65 ?