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Le Mdecin d'Ispahan
Le Mdecin d'Ispahan | Noah Gordon
Londres, en l'an 1021. Orphelin, Rob J. Cole, neuf ans, est recueilli par un barbier-chirurgien et devient son apprenti. Ensemble, ils sillonnent l'Angleterre. C'est une poque o l'on brle les sorcires, o la vie est dure et la mort vite venue... Mais Rob n'a qu'une ide en tte : devenir mdecin et il a un terrible don : il sent si un patient va mourir lorsqu'il lui prend la main. Ayant appris qu'on peut tudier srieusement la mdecine chez les Arabes, Rob n'hsite pas et, vingt ans, le voil qui traverse l'Europe pour gagner l'Orient. Comme chez les Arabes on n'admet pas les chrtiens, il va se faire passer pour juif... Le Mdecin d'Ispahan est un formidable roman d'aventures. C'est l'histoire d'un homme enflamm d'une passion dvorante : vaincre la mort et la maladie, gurir. Pour atteindre son but, il fuira la brutalit et l'ignorance de l'Angleterre du xie sicle, traversera tout un continent pour dcouvrir la cour de Perse, le monde tonnant des universits arabes et la chaude sensualit des palais d'Ispahan. Et, dominant tout cela, Le Mdecin d'Ispahan est la magnifique histoire d'un amour que rien ne parvient dtruire.
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The Physician | Noah Gordon
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Pour moi, la lecture passe la plupart du temps par un moment de détente confortable, et ça ne peut se faire sans la jetée douillette et chaude qui m'accompagne depuis plus de 15 ans. Ajoutez à cela un décor ambiant ponctué d'accessoires immersifs visant à émuler le passé, et le salon se présente alors comme la meilleure alternative pour lire “Le Médecin d'Ispahan“!

Physician | Noah Gordon
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March 18 #ItTakesAllKinds With Physician You cannot beat a song with "Weird Al" Yankovic I had to do it lol @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

lil1inblue 😂 😂 😂 Yes! 6mo
Eggs Awesome 😎 6mo
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Le Mdecin d'Ispahan | Noah Gordon

Book bewitching as much by its universe as by the gripping story told.
The author manages to draw you into her lines, telling the story of a person whose life does not make any gift. A must read!
You won't regret it, the story will only confirm what you said!

The Physician | Noah Gordon
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The main character of this novel is born in England in the 11th century. He ends up travelling to Persia, posing as a Jewish man as a way to study medicine. It was fascinating.

Chrissyreadit I really want to read this one 4y
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Physician | Noah Gordon
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I love historical fiction, and have a lot of books- so I explored timelines and books I do not have to narrow down my #sits ideas. 11th century North America? 19th century Silk Road? 14th century England? 11th century England and Persia? Where and when should I request to be transported to?

Kenyazero I say either of the two middle books! 4y
Crazeedi I totally enjoyed Gordon's series!! The first one was excellent 4y
Chrissyreadit @Crazeedi yay!! I love medicine and history ❤️ 4y
sblbooks Go to the 11th century, England and North America sound interesting. 4y
Crazeedi @Chrissyreadit then you will enjoy, so much about the knowledge that the Persians knew, and how medicine developed, I love these kind of books, anything medical 4y
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The Physician | Noah Gordon
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My books arrived! Yay!

Soubhiville 😍😍😍 5y
TrishB Cool 👍🏻 5y
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Physician | Noah Gordon
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A #kindledeal on a book I‘ve been meaning to read ever since @Sarah83 recommended it. 😊 #kindle #deals

Sarah83 Yess... Such a great one 😊👍 6y
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The Physician | Noah Gordon
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Got this download for free, has anyone read this. I‘m currently struggling with The Bear and The Nightingale and May switch books for now

ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Sounds good! 6y
BookedBySunrise @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled , it really does sound good. I look at some reviews and it was compared to Pillards of The Earth by Ken Follett 6y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Ooooo! That is SO in my wheelhouse! Thanks for the heads up! 6y
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Physician | Noah Gordon
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#spotlightgiveaway @BarbaraBB

It's quite some time ago that I read this gorgeous book. It's one of the books, you will never forget, when you read it once. I loved how the story develops and it's a great book about history, mankind and therefore written so perfectly well. 😍

Andrew65 I own this, I obviously need to read it! 6y
Sarah83 @Andrew65 you really have to. Anyway I liked just the first book. 😉 6y
Andrew65 @Sarah83 It‘s only the first one I own. 6y
See All 14 Comments
Sarah83 @Andrew65 👍👍👍 6y
Melissa_J @Andrew65 I‘m in the same boat! 6y
Andrew65 @Melissa_J @Sarah83 Mine was one of the books passed to me by my mum before she died. 6y
Sarah83 @Andrew65 sorry to hear that. 😪 Now I know, why you haven't read it 6y
Andrew65 @Sarah83 Thanks, but a few years of passed and I need to read some of them, I‘ve actually got a lot of older historical fiction from her and my passion for historical fiction too! (edited) 6y
Sarah83 @Andrew65 you will love it. I promise. 😉 6y
Andrew65 @Sarah83 Will let you know when I get to it. 👍 6y
BarbaraBB Good recommendation, thanks! 6y
rubyslippersreads I‘ve never even heard of this book. I ❤️ historical fiction. Stacking. 😊 6y
Sarah83 @rubyslippersreads I really recommend this one 💖😘 6y
WritethebookAnniemae Welcome to Litsy! 👍🏽📚🎉 6y
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The Physician | Noah Gordon
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Finally made it to part two of this giant book! It is great so far! It reminds me of when I read Ken Follet's The Pillars of the Earth. I like the character development in both books.

The Physician | Noah Gordon
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#humpdaypost @MinDea
👍 we spent a couple days with grandchildren
👍👍 No
👍👍👍 the tagged book- The Physician by Noah Gordon
👍👍👍👍 both
👍👍👍👍👍 Chance and the Dance by Tom Howard

TrishB I loved that book 👍🏻 6y
MinDea Cute grandkids! 6y
Crazeedi @MinDea thanks!😊 6y
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The Physician | Noah Gordon
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This book has been recommended to me by several people, all of whom have fairly different taste in books from my own, but it‘s historical fiction and it‘s on Kindle Unlimited so I figured I‘d give it a whirl.

Maike That doorstopper has been sitting on my shelf for years now... 🤭 7y
Elisa @Maike 😄😄😄 just as well I cannot see how big it is when I download the kindle version I guess! I have had another doorstopper sitting on my shelf for years so this is book karma I suppose 😅 (edited) 7y
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The Physician | Noah Gordon
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This showed up in today's BookBub email. I may rank this in my top ten historical fiction. It is a story that has stuck with me for years, and I've enjoyed every reread as much as the original. Highly recommended!! #blameLitsy

robinb Got it! Thanks for the tip. 7y
Emily92Bibliophile I love Noah Gordon!! I read The Last Jew for my Spanish Literature Class I took before I went to Spain for two weeks! We read books on the Inquisition and The Last Jew has stuck with me these past couple of years 💙 I'll be buying this one thank you!👍🏻 7y
TrishB I loved this! Don't know what happened to my copy though. 7y
Lynnsoprano @Emily92Bibliophile I had forgotten about that one! That deserves a reread. 7y
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The Physician | Noah Gordon
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Still plugging along... Page 661 out of 762...

The Physician | Noah Gordon
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After a fun but insanely busy weekend with no time to read, I am very ready to settle in with all 765 pages! I have been really looking forward to this one. Im hoping I make it at lest through a few chapters before passing out... 💤😴

MrBook Nice picture 😊👍🏻. 8y
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The Physician | Noah Gordon

Such a satisfying read, The Physician will stay with me for a long time.

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The Physician | Noah Gordon
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A lazy, rainy Saturday morning with a little dog, mindless knitting, and a good book. I've been in a reading lull for the past few months, but The Physician is getting me back into it.

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The Physician | Noah Gordon
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Currently immersed in The Physician.