⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ while this sequel had a slower beginning, it really ramped up and I was HOOKED. Ina and Skedi remain my favorites
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ while this sequel had a slower beginning, it really ramped up and I was HOOKED. Ina and Skedi remain my favorites
Hooooohhh, my goodness, what on earth can I say that isn't a spoiler? This was at least as awesome a read as the first book, I continue to love the tandem audio and print book experience. I cannot WAIT until my turn with the third in the series, once my library's order arrives. Fingers crossed for a short hold list! Stellar character development for everyone involved. 1/?
“How dare he?“ Really?! And the award for the biggest hypocrite goes to Arren! 🏆
Obviously there are more serious implications, but I love how happy Skedi is with the shiny giftie! ☺️
Well this was a bummer. The first 10% basically made the previous book not matter so bailing on this one. #hailthebail
Why are 29 people waiting for this in my Libby APP? It was OK. If you liked the first book you‘ll probably like this one also. I liked Godkiller a bit more.
This is very much a middle book and while it isn‘t bad, it definitely didn‘t hold my attention the same way the first book did. (In fairness, it may be me more than the book since I‘m generally finding it difficult to settle down into a book these days.) The plot thickens, there are some good twists but ultimately, it was the characters that kept me turning the pages. I do want to know what happens so I‘ll finish the trilogy for sure.
Starting this one today. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the first book and I‘m really hoping this one is just as good.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4.5/5)
Like “Godkiller”, “Sunbringer” is slow to start off with and tends to be slower paced than its predecessor. However, the character development continued to impress me, the plot was interesting, and there were a couple surprising plot twists. I‘m very much looking forward to reading the next installment in this series!
Yay book mail!!! I started rereading Jade City and decided it was time to finish the trilogy. Tagged book is also a sequel I‘m looking forward to reading and then what more needs to be said about Tana French other than…it‘s Tana French.
Bk18 of my 2024 #BookMail is one of a few absolutely gorgeous editions that have come in. The 2nd in the Fallen Gods series, it follows Godkiller(which is also a beautiful edition!)Professional Godkiller Kissen & her companions, young noble Inara & knight Elogast, return in a world of magic, beauty & danger. A world with a dark truth at its heart. A world of Gods & demons.