Foss, the butcher's daughter, falls under a spell that makes her leave her home and travel to the city to work as a housekeeper for the hot sorcerer Sylvester, who bespelled her, in his magical house. After lots of cleaning of the house, and lots of incidents in which Foss doesn't deserve nice things because she considers herself ugly, and after lots of languishing about on Sylvester's part, the two have to fight the evil villain, ⬇️
There was potential here. Unfortunately, I found the world-building lacking, and would have liked to see more of the magic system. Instead I got a female MC that was so busy with telling me that she saw herself as ugly on every other page that I started to skim the pages very early on. She isn't ugly, of course, but she needs the hot sorcerer to tell her that she is beautiful to believe it herself.