I'm still reeling.
All Christ-followers should read this book.
(12 months to read 12 books recommended by 12 friends)
I'm still reeling.
All Christ-followers should read this book.
(12 months to read 12 books recommended by 12 friends)
September stats. Finished four!🎉💥🎆
I really enjoyed this book & it helped me better understand the differences between these two religions. I rooted for Nabeel as he followed his search for truth and celebrated with him as he found it. It is so important to be strong in your apologetics.
#BOOKED2019 Muslim author/mc
@Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage
This surprised me.
“I know of many Muslim women who recognize their need for Jesus, but have nowhere to turn if their husbands abandon them, or worse. They often do not have the financial means to survive the next day, let alone fight for their children in court. They would have to do all this while reeling from an emotionally violent expulsion from their extended families.” —Nabeel Qureshi
Nabeel‘s 3+ year wrestling match with his friend, himself, and God about whether Islam or Christianity is most internally consistent and historically verifiable, comes to an unlikely conclusion. Nabeel is forced to either accept what he has come to believe is true-Jesus did die for his sins and rise again, defeating death itself-and lose the Muslim family he loves, or keep his family and deny what God has revealed, thereby denying God Himself.
Nabeel‘s appeal, in his own voice, to his family to receive the salvation Jesus offers so that they might be a family again even after death, is incredibly moving, as he is now in Heaven awaiting them. Nabeel is an American-born Muslim, moved by reason and visions and dreams to embrace Jesus.
I LOVED this book! In this autobiography, Nabeel is so open, so honest, and so real. Giving insights on his family life growing up as a Muslim and his journey to finding truth in Jesus, Nabeel lets his readers see God's love from a different perspective.
Side note: Nabeel Qureshi has since gone on to be with the God he came to know as his own...What a story and testimony. ❤
A #thoughtprovoking book which detailed the accounts of a young devout Muslim's unexpected journey from #Islam to #Christianity. His story was told with respect and love, without partiality. #NabeelQureshi #conversion #mustread #audiobook #goodread
My dad is in a nursing home finishing up rehab after an amputation. This past week, one of his CNAs commented on the book my dad was reading (I don't remember the title). That prompted the question to my dad, "Have you ever read the Quran?" I'm excited! She's going to bring my Irish Catholic dad is very own copy. I can't wait to take a look. I'm also excited to learn more with Qureshi's book.
We all see the world through our biases. Putting them aside is hard enough - rejecting what was once our foundation is even harder. Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus is powerful testimony, and a good introduction to understanding the differences between Islam and Christianity. A #mustread in our multi-religious world.
(Also, you have to read the companion book - No God but One with this)
Sad announcement from one of my favorite authors. This was taken from his Facebook post. 😥#prayforNabeel