This book was fantastic. Wittily written and full of scientific information for lay people.
This book was fantastic. Wittily written and full of scientific information for lay people.
Reynolds provides an enjoyable and data-rich take on what science tells us now about exercise and fitness. Often authors of this kind of book insert themselves into the text too much, but Reynolds includes just enough to provide some levity. Thanks to this book, my children and I are running intervals, brushing our teeth while balanced on one foot, and doing homeschool in 20-min increments to avoid being too sedentary.
I tried to pick out a shorter passage to quote, but I love this entire image. It very much reflects my feeling of connection between my baby and myself while pregnant and even after. Does this synchronization continue after birth? Studies suggest that mom and baby synchronize their breathing when they sleep in close proximity to one another (see James McKenna), but I'm not aware of studies of waking mother-baby dyads.
According to this book, research suggests that the best recovery meal after a strenuous workout is a glass of chocolate milk. My children are glad that I'm reading this book, and I'm glad that it's given me something with which to bribe them through running intervals.
"You can avoid overtraining by under-training...but then you won't win."
Pickle juice is 70% more effective than water for helping to relieve muscle cramps 💚🥒
Listening to the tagged audiobook while I walk to work. It‘s been really interesting so far. It‘s full of misconceptions about exercise, and details with a bunch of research and studies to explain their thoughts.
Also, LOOK! Our grass is finally green 😍💚😂
#bookfitnesschallenge @wanderinglynn
I've been reading this book in an attempt to get motivated to exercise again. It tells you a lot about the science of exercise and why we need to do more of it, but I haven't found it as motivating as I was hoping I would. It doesn't really have a fresh take on the material. I'm not going to bail on it though. Maybe it will still get me back on the treadmill.