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The 1920's | Kathleen Morgan Drowne, Patrick Huber
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Decided to update my #192019 Challenge, which now has turned into a #192020 challenge, and at the rate I‘m going I‘ll still be working on in 2021 and 2022. BUT I was able to add a few more when I took the time to update it...I really need to put some effort into this though if I ever want to complete it.

DGRachel Aww! I love The Velveteen Rabbit. I have a copy that looks just like the one in your photo. 😍 4y
AshleyHoss820 Look at you!! It may not seem like it, but this is pretty impressive! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @DGRachel It‘s a long time favorite of mine! And it still holds up so well. 4y
Megabooks 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
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On Being 40(ish) | Lindsey Mead
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Finishing up this book today. Also, hi 👋🏻

I had a lot of intentions for the year I turned 40. Climbing Mount TBR. Completing #192019. Being up on birthdays and #jb correspondence. Reader, I failed at all these things.

I still intend on answering my #justbecause mail. I‘ll read what peaks my interest. But I need to not be so hard on myself when I don‘t make goals.

What intention did you miss the mark on this year? What did you learn?

AmyG Every year I try to be more patient. I try to worry less. I did accomplish the “worry less” part a bit....things will be what they will be. And at patience....I do better at some times than others. We all fail as It‘s part of being human. Just keep trying. I‘m doing thr “On Being 60ish”. Just the # is a challenges. Yikes...when the hell did that happen? (edited) 5y
Librariana I don't think I set any for the year I turned 40 😳🤔 I think I'd just rather be pleasantly delighted/surprised by what I accomplish and grateful for the things that happen. I think I've gotten better at setting realistic goals (when and if I do) rather than setting the bar too high and then being disappointed. Above all, I try to be gentle with myself. I hope you will be, too 😊💗 5y
marleed Omg, I‘ve missed so many. But I try to pay attention to what I accomplish and not to track what I miss, just let it go. I‘ll add the misses back to 2020 - like getting and using a passport! 5y
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The Rats in the Walls | H.P. Lovecraft
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I‘m so very close to done ✅ for my #192019 bookish challenge. I decided I wanted to read some Lovecraft for it. But nothing was fitting in to my open slots. So for 1923, I read all his published short stories.
The connection from Lovecraft to so many of my contemporary favorites is undeniable. While I concur with a lot of the literary criticism of his work, I‘m so very grateful he persisted in publishing, and wish he got to see his legacy.

wordzie 👍👏 6y
RohitSawant I'm rereading Lovecraft at the moment! 6y
Sweettartlaura @rohit-sawant it‘s like we‘re reading twins these days 💁🏻‍♀️ 6y
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So my date with Michelle Obama was cancelled due to #snowmageddon in the #pnw 😕❄️. But that just means I have the opportunity to read lots & lots & lots while I‘m tucked away this weekend. I‘ve got lots of choices here - things for #192019 , some @gettbr picks, some #botmbacklist picks. The hard choice will be between hot cocoa or wine🤷🏻‍♀️

CoffeeNBooks The Great Alone was a great book! 6y
wellreadredhead Sex Criminals is so good!! 6y
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I‘m super-excited to reread The Talisman this month for my #chronologicalkingread. I‘ve also stacked a bunch of owned books for #192019.

I‘ll be listening to the tagged book at lunch tomorrow. I‘ll try not to hum Leary‘s “Asshole” under my breath. 🎶

Howl: A Graphic Novel | Allen Ginsberg, Eric Drooker
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A tiny cheat for #192019 - Howl was published in 1956 ... but the graphic novel didn‘t happen until 2010 (don‘t quote me). Still, I‘m glad I read it in this format - it‘s exquisite - a perfect companion to the poem.

#24in48 @24in48

GatheringBooks oooh looks nice! graphic novels are perfect for #24in48 6y
Sweettartlaura @GatheringBooks They really are - and I picked some winners this time 🙌🏻 6y
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The Annotated Waste Land with Eliot's Contemporary Prose | Thomas Stearns Eliot, Lawrence S. Rainey
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#24in48 @24in48
Meh ... I chose this because I wanted to use a The Waste Land for #192019 ... but after I read it I realized I already HAD an entry for 1922 😫
That being said, reading notes that clarify the allusions that litter this poem is more helpful than I can say. But the work IS scholarly - if you‘re looking for something lighter to illuminate the poem, you might feel bogged down by this.

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In 2017, I found #192019 - a challenge to read a book published from 1920 - 2019. I had 3 years to do it - why not?
This has been THE BEST challenge ever. I got to authors & classics I‘d missed. Selecting & shopping for books became a scavenger hunt.
I recommend you do a challenge like this. Since 2019 is upon us, you could make a new one, #192021 - read books from 1920 to 2021 - you have 3 years. Consider it - it will enrich your life❤️

UrsulaMonarch I love this idea! Thanks! 6y
JaclynW Interesting idea! 6y
Sweettartlaura @UrsulaMonarch @JaclynW Do it🙌🏻. For me, it started as my birthday challenge - I figured I was already doing that so I‘d act like I was gonna go for all 100. And in no time, I was❤️ There are all sorts of resources out there, too - Goodreads has lists of the most popular books published each year; there‘s the NYT bestseller lists; there are award winners from each year. So much to help you choose ... and plenty of time to do it!!! 6y
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JaclynW @Sweettartlaura I think I will. I will plug in books I'm already reading and then fill in the holes. I've seen those lists on Goodreads, they would definitely be useful! It sounds like fun! And discovery! 6y
JaclynW @Sweettartlaura Did come up with the 3 year deadline yourself? 6y
Sweettartlaura Yay, @JaclynW 🙌🏻. No, I just happened to find this in 2017, so I had the time to manage it. If you expand it to 192021, you‘ll just also happen to have 3 years. If you REALLY want to get down to it and read 100 books this year, go for it 😜📚🙌🏻. Otherwise, you can spread it out as you like 😊 6y
Sweettartlaura And I think I found this via @Marchpane but I don‘t know who originated it🤷🏻‍♀️. @Marchpane was it you? 6y
Marchpane It was! I‘m still plugging away at it but on track to complete by the end of this year. I‘m sooo happy that you have found it so enjoyable! It‘s probably the best thing I‘ve done for my reading too 😊 6y
Sweettartlaura @Marchpane yay 😁 Thanks so much for this brilliant idea 💡 I love it so much that I decided, since I have the time, to go back to what I DNFed & try another book from that year ❤️ I should be done with all but a handful of books from the ‘20‘s. But I‘m sticking with it til the very end! Thanks again! 6y
llwheeler I've been loving this challenge too! You're much further ahead than me though, I'm at 38/100. It will be my main challenge focus this year. 😃 6y
Sweettartlaura @llwheeler Yay 🙌🏻 So glad we have a little tribe of 192019ers 🥰 You‘ve got a lot of great reading ahead! 6y
CoffeeNBooks I love this!! I'm adding it to my bullet journal right now! 📚 6y
Sweettartlaura @CoffeeNBooks Yay🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻. You‘ll be so glad you did❤️ 6y
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Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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I‘m starting my first #NewYearWhoDis read today, and it ticks off the #192019 challenge, too!

This book appears on both Boxall‘s and Mustich‘s must-Read lists, so I‘ve got high hopes!

monalyisha Happy New Year! Enjoy! 🙌🏻🎉 6y
merelybookish Yay! I hope you enjoy! I was totally sucked in. 6y
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