#99ponkindle #ukkindledeal #Kindledeal #integrateyourshelf
It made my #19in2019 list last year!
#99ponkindle #ukkindledeal #Kindledeal #integrateyourshelf
It made my #19in2019 list last year!
I am currently reading Akala's Natives which is the first book I have read to do w anti-racism this year and next up is Black and British! As for how many on my to be read: good lord, VERY MANY!
#integrateyourshelf @Emilymdxn @ChasingOm
Late as usual, here's my #19in2019. I just realized after spending an hour on this image, that I fucked up and forgot to add one, The Black Maria. It's so good. Just read it.
#19in2019 better late than never...right? 🙃
And, for anyone interested, my Top 5 reads of 2019 along with top 8 honorable mentions on my blog https://leahsaylorabney.com/11796/top-5-books-read-in-2019/
Classics: Beloved, We Have Always Lived in the 🏰 Howards End, The Waves, ❤ Medicine, The 🌍 According to Garp
Future Classics: Constellation of Vital Phenomenon, Station 11, Swamplandia
Non-fiction: The Red Parts, Blue Nights, Stiff, I Am I Am I Am, The Uninhabitable 🌍, The Fire Next Time
Defies Categories: Pastoralia, Invisible Cities, White is for Witching, and my favorite book of the year 🥁🥁....
🦊Mr. Fox by Helen Oyeyemi🦊
#19in2019 #2019favorites
Here's my top reads of the year!!
Some are a slight cheat with more than one book/comic in the series
Mostly YA which is my favorite genre, and a lot of pretty covers (coincidence?? 😆)
Year reading totals:
55,481 pages
220 things read/listened to
89 print
112 digital
19 audio
69 comics
Male authors/artists: 85
Female authors/artists: 169
I'm happy about this stat compared to last year 😁
This was not the easiest thing to do! Of 210 books finished in 2019, 46 were five-star reads for me. I‘ve narrowed those down to my top #19in2019 (in no particular order).