Watching “Organ Trail,” a horror Western movie, with Miss Dolly Cat in our messy playroom. #Scarathlon #bloody #horrormovies #5points #TeamWhoYaGonnaCall
Watching “Organ Trail,” a horror Western movie, with Miss Dolly Cat in our messy playroom. #Scarathlon #bloody #horrormovies #5points #TeamWhoYaGonnaCall
Watched “Muppets Haunted Mansion” with wee boy tonight. Ghostly family fun. #5points #halloweenmovies #Scarathlon #TeamWhoYaGonnaCall
Another one for the witch photo prompt. My family loves this witch on a quest for pumpkin pie… #witch #kidlit #Scarathalon2022 #teamslaughter #5points
Blatant promotion of a charity anthology close to my heart for today‘s witch prompt- my own story of witchcraft in this collection to benefit the Women‘s Law Center. Sorry for the bsp, but now is a crucial time to support women‘s rights, & I think witches of yore would approve… #witch #photoprompt #Scarathalon22 #teamslaughter #5points
Nonfiction from the cool & skilled writer Meg Hafdahl for today‘s Scarathalon prompt, “killer.” It‘s been in my TBR pile for a long while, as I have published Meg‘s fiction & love her writing, but primarily read fiction. Determined to read it this month! #TeamSlaughter #scarathalon #killerprompt #5points
A black cat on the cover of this spooky collection for today‘s Scaratrhalon prompt! Excited for Team Slaughter this year! #scarathalon22 #teamslaughter #5points
“...A room full of books smelled like dessert.” This chapter made my day #booksmell #scarathalon #horror #TeamHarkness @StayCurious #5points
Don‘t mess with demons, particularly with Lilith back from pre-biblical banishment! This empowering, if somewhat predictable, take on girls at a purity retreat conjuring some “evil” that may be less evil than their fringe, patriarchal church, was fun to watch. @StayCurious #TeamHarkness #scarathalon #5points
Enjoyed this smart zombie movie featuring an excellent young actress (and Paddy Considine & Glenn Close) last night. The ending made me want to read the book for a fuller explanation, but it‘s a well acted, scary watch. #zombies #scarathalon #TeamHarkness @StayCurious #5points