This book started off really well, grabbed me on from the prologue. The middle was a bit boring thought and seemed to drag on before anything significant happened. The last quarter was where all the action happened. Completely twisted everything I thought I had worked out and was really great. #amazonfirstread #whatweforgottobury
Do any of you choose a book from #AmazonFirstReads each month? It‘s free to Prime members and only $1.99 for others. I have having a hard time choosing this month, but I am leaning toward the tagged book or Match Making for Beginners. I will tag all of these books in the comments. Which one should I choose?
#kindle #ebooks #firstreads #amazonfirstread
What did you guys choose as your Feb #AmazonFirstRead? I chose this one and have been reading it in little bits in the morning. It's pretty good so far!