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Water Memory | Daniel Pyne
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Andrew65 Well done, progressing well 👏👏👏🙌 4y
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The Ardent Swarm | Yamen Manai
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Yay for getting two picks this month! #amazonfirstread

booksandsympathy I picked this one too 4y
DarcysMom @booksandsympathy I am excited to read it - it looks fascinating. 4y
booksandsympathy Yes. It sounded different than what I usually read. That's why I chose it. 4y
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rubyslippersreads Oh no, I picked this for my First Read too. 😏 4y
DarcysMom @rubyslippersreads I hope it connects for you better than it did for me. 4y
Karisa Sorry it was not a good read for you, but so glad i read this. It was the one I was leaning toward. You saved me from a bad pick! Thanks for your PSA! 💗 4y
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What We Forgot to Bury | Marin Montgomery
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This book started off really well, grabbed me on from the prologue. The middle was a bit boring thought and seemed to drag on before anything significant happened. The last quarter was where all the action happened. Completely twisted everything I thought I had worked out and was really great. #amazonfirstread #whatweforgottobury

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Lies That Bind Us | Andrew Hart
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Do any of you choose a book from #AmazonFirstReads each month? It‘s free to Prime members and only $1.99 for others. I have having a hard time choosing this month, but I am leaning toward the tagged book or Match Making for Beginners. I will tag all of these books in the comments. Which one should I choose?

#kindle #ebooks #firstreads #amazonfirstread

kgriffith I wasn‘t really compelled by any of them but I went with 6y
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bookandbedandtea I haven't read it yet but I also went with 6y
Jess7 I‘m not super into any of them either @kgriffith - I skipped getting one last month. I‘m a little worried about the tagged book having too much torture in it for my taste. I‘m not big reader of romance, but Matchmaking for Beginners might be ok bc it seems like the focus is on the old lady‘s story which sounds cute 6y
RealLifeReading My problem is that I download these and never read them. I was thinking of Matchmaking just cos the cover was cute 6y
FreeReadAndWrite I used to do this every month but I got so behind on reading them 6y
jillannjohn I‘ve never done this before but I just downloaded 6y
Redwritinghood I‘m still thinking about this month‘s options. Nothing is jumping out at me. 6y
Jess7 I agree @RealLifeReading that cover is adorable. I read a little about it and I think it‘s more focused on the little old woman than the romance so I might choose it. @bookandbedandtea 6y
Jess7 I haven‘t read any of them yet either... but I think I‘m hopeless when it comes to kindle deals.. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 😂 @FreeReadAndWrite 6y
Jess7 Matching Making for Beginners kind of looks cute...Lies that Bind Us could be good or it could be really heavy on torture (that‘s my only concern with it since the woman wakes up chained to a wall.. I am not a fan of overly gruesome/graphic books with torture. @jillannjohn 6y
Jess7 Checkout the Match Making book @Redwritinghood - it looks kind of cute. I think it‘s supposed to focus on the little lady and not totally on the romance. I‘m not usually a romance fan so I‘m iffy on it right now 6y
jenniferw88 I went for this one as I want to write autistic characters, and as it features an autistic child I thought it might help. 6y
ReadingOver50 I picked Match Making for Beginners but haven‘t started it yet 😄 6y
TheRomantiCate I chose Matchmaking for Beginners too, but it was tough choosing between that and The Speed of Sound...! 6y
cherinium I also had a tough time deciding, and in reality, it will be a very long time before I get around to reading it. 6y
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Silent Victim | Caroline Mitchell
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What did you guys choose as your Feb #AmazonFirstRead? I chose this one and have been reading it in little bits in the morning. It's pretty good so far!

TNbookworm I chose this as well, glad to hear you are liking it so far☺ 7y
MaleficentBookDragon I chose Bone Music. I‘ve always wanted to try Anne Rice‘s son. My sister loves him. 7y
BibliophileMomma I picked this one too! 7y
cherinium Thanks for the reminder that I had not made my selection yet! I went with this one, as well. ✔ 7y
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