No time to read this weekend as we had first Thanksgiving with one grown kids‘ family on Thursday (bottom pic) and with another today (top.) Lots of cooking, lots of fun, and my fridge is stuffed with leftovers. I won‘t have to cook for a week!
No time to read this weekend as we had first Thanksgiving with one grown kids‘ family on Thursday (bottom pic) and with another today (top.) Lots of cooking, lots of fun, and my fridge is stuffed with leftovers. I won‘t have to cook for a week!
This is a serious case of dramatic irony starting with a character that has a lot of eyes, but can't see what's obvious.
Happy Groundhog Day. 3 of them said early spring. Yay! I love Groundhog Day. Spring is coming.
Thankful for Dipsgiving, my college kid hosted her Highschool friends for a dip extravaganza. I miss these faces❤️
Finished this week for the Leadership 101 series I teach at work. While I (& most of my group) appreciated (pun intended) much of the core & practical information in this book, we didn‘t appreciate all of the fluff such as listing out each kind of workplace & saying why appreciation will work there. We‘d have liked more practical examples & ideas for each type of appreciation. Note: those participants who read The 5 Love Languages liked it most.
The pages are turning yellow. The spine sounds a little crunchy, but I could not discard these brave hens who stood before the king and his chicken dinner and glass of wine in his high chair.
I chose this book from my massive TBR pile with the hope of gaining some ideas on how I can better show appreciation for my coworkers. I immediately liked it and found the introduction and background story interesting. I then almost bailed on it entirely when the authors started reporting on statistics and research. Fortunately, I stayed the course and gained a lot.
Full review at https://abookandadog.com