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Found my favorite story in this collection so far 😭😭

So fitting to read this one when yesterday was the 15 year anniversary of the Doctor Who episode Rose.

💚💚 Now I want to watch Doctor Who but it‘s currently not streaming 😫

#DoctorWho #Rose #BadWolf #24b4Monday - Currently at 2:14:49

Andrew65 15 years since Rose! Wow! Where did that go! 4y
Andrew65 This is one of my favourite episodes : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oj9IpD9BM_w 4y
Laughterhp @Andrew65 Oh yes! That‘s one of my favorite episodes too!! I‘m so mad HBO Max stole the streaming rights but isn‘t in service yet! I used to be able to watch on Amazon Prime. 4y
mrsmarch @Laughterhp Is that what happened?! My 6 year old was devastated! 4y
Laughterhp @mrsmarch Yeah, they have Doctor Who, Friends, and probably a bunch of other shows, but I don‘t think they are launching until May.. 😔 4y
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I love a Big Finish drama! Just bought this one. #9 is my Doctor. #DoctorWho #BigFinish

ghosthost Mine too. I enjoyed the others, but you never forget your first. 6y
rabbitprincess One of my friends also considers Nine her Doctor. I consider Ten my gateway Doctor but Twelve has my heart(s). 6y
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cobwebmoth Nine is still my favorite.❤❤ 6y
Laura317 @ghosthost @rabbitprincess @cobwebmoth I love all the Doctors, but Nine was my first. He has that special place in my heart, or hearts as rabbitprincess said. 💙💙 6y
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#LitsyLoveList @hermyknee

Fandom was the toughest one. I mean, there wasn't room for Harry Potter, Saga, Doctor Who, Disc World, X-Men, Fairy Tail, Star Gate, Full Metal Alchemist, Sandman...somebody stop me cuz I could probably go all day here...

readordierachel Who is your Doctor? 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @ReadOrDieRachel probably Tennant...but then I think of Amelia Pond (fav. companion) and it makes me wanna say Mat Smith. But that can't be right...and Capaldi was so good... GAH. *head explodes* 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @ReadOrDieRachel I'm a 2005 reboot guy...i dont know much about the classics. 🙃 7y
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readordierachel Me too! I've only seen bits of the original series. Poor Eccleston, I've never heard anybody choose him. I liked him, but I'm a Tennant girl, then Smith, then Capaldi. It's close though. I feel your struggle! 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @ReadOrDieRachel I think if Ecclestone had stayed on a bit longer he could have grown on people more. 1 season wasn't enough. 7y
monalyisha I appreciate many of your answers... but especially camping & dragons. 🙌🏻 7y
mabell Plant. 😂😂 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @mabell What? I'm Canadian 😂. I'm not really shy about hiding my love for the Hobbit's leaf. 😁 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @monalyisha Around this time of year I really start to miss camping out and spending time outdoors. I love winter...but.it really starts to wear on me after awhile. 😯 7y
ChasingOm @ReadOrDieRachel My Doctor is Eccleston!! 💜💜 Also, @GrilledCheeseSamurai, I love Fairy Tale too. 😄 (edited) 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @ChasingOm Fairy tale is Sooooo good! 😍 And. Yay for being an Ecclestone fan! @ReadOrDieRachel we found one! 🙌 7y
mabell @GrilledCheeseSamurai In that case, I'm going to make assumptions about those brownies... 🤔😳 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @mabell lol! 😉. Don't worry. I like all brownies. Not just the ones that make you giggle and eat potato chips. 😁 7y
mabell Right on 👍😂 7y
LeahBergen Love it! 😂 7y
hermyknee @ChasingOm @ReadOrDieRachel I really loved Eccleston, too! But Tennant is my favorite, and Rose was far and away my favorite companion! #BadWolf (I‘m all reboot over here, too) (edited) 7y
readordierachel @ChasingOm Awesome! I'm so happy to hear the Eccleston love! @hermyknee Rose for life ❤❤❤ 7y
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