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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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My #BookSpin, #DoubleSpin and #BokSpinBingo list is ready. A mix of buddy reads and seasonal reads.

Looking forward to the numbers on Wednesday

The picture is an art installation that‘s just come up in a public park close to where I live. It‘s “Nordic Pixel Forest” by Pipilotti Rist. The plan is to visit on Wednesday

This is also my tbr for both #31by31 and #Spookoween

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4d
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How to Walk | Thich Nhat Hanh
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Transformative! As a regular walker, this book inspired me to think of it in a new way. While I will still walk often while listening to audiobooks, I will sprinkle in quiet, meditative walking too. This book did have a close encounter with my usually sweet Mollie and is a bit worse for the wear. Was she trying to tell me something about walking more often? #BokspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

Ruthiella Definitely Molly is encouraging you to put down the books and walk her more often! 😂 1mo
Bookwomble "How to Chew" ? 1mo
Julsmarshall lol @Ruthiella ! I think you are right! 1mo
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Julsmarshall She could write that book, @Bookwomble 1mo
TheAromaofBooks When my dog was a puppy he chewed up a library book and I had to take it in and confess and pay for it, etc. Which wouldn't have been too bad except two years later puppy #2 did the same thing! 😂 1mo
Julsmarshall Oh no @TheAromaofBooks ! Puppies gonna puppy 🐶 1mo
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My first ever actual bingo on a #bokspinbingo board! And I might still have time to get another before the month is through.

I LOVED this! It was one of those books where you say to yourself this will be the last chapter, and then you just turn the next page and keep reading. Because really what‘s not to love when a librarian who‘s been downsized escapes to rural Scotland to opening a traveling bookstore?

Ruthiella Yahoo! 😃 4y
TheAromaofBooks Yay bingo!!! 4y
Crazeedi Yay! I'm close to my first bingo ever too, fingers crossed I'll have it by end of month 4y
IndoorDame @Crazeedi exciting!! 4y
Megabooks 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
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Twin Spins! | Sienna Mercer
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Okay, I have struggled with getting these books to fit in this space for the past half hour, so I just decided to take a picture of my list. #BookSpin #DoubleSpin #BokSpinBingo for January are here. The two blank spaces are FREE. There you go.

Roary47 Illuminae is a fun series I just finished it. I would suggest it as an physical read so you can see the formatting. The audio is also good because they have a full cast audio. When you read Fahrenheit 451 let me know I‘ll read it with you. 😊 (edited) 4y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! And I always just take a picture of my list. I'm not techy enough for any of that other stuff 😂 4y
Crazeedi I just took a pic of mine too, I'm not very creative! 4y
Allylu @Roary47 The physical copy of Illuminae belongs to my daughter who is encouraging me to read it. I am reading Fahrenheit 451 in January. I suggested starting a postal book club at my library and we‘re reading classic books. I would love to read it with you! 4y
Sarahreadstoomuch I just take a pic of my list too. Makes me wish my handwriting was a bit neater... but it is what it is. Loved Illuminae! 4y
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