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#bbrc #coverchange
#booked2020 #summer #eccentricmc
#libby #audiobook
This book was a great "read" for my unplanned trip to SD.
I love reading different versions of fairy tales.

Al Capone Does My Shirts | Gennifer Choldenko
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As a mom of a special needs child, I was apprehensive about how the character of Natalie (who has autism) would be handled. After uncomfortable teasing in the 1st chapter, the rest of the novel shows Natalie as complex with emotions and understanding beyond what she is initially given credit for. The setting is Alcatraz but the story is about the relationship between a typical brother and his autistic sister in the 1930s. #mg #coverchange ⬇️

Blaire #bbrc. The author‘s sister has autism and I think this helps make it a less stereotypical portrait. Natalie is called retarded by another child at the start of the book and I found this upsetting. If reading with kids a lot of context about the historical period and how people who were not neurotypical were viewed at the time. 5y
LibrarianRyan I'm glad you liked it. I love this series. I haven't read all of them, but most of them. 5y
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The Lightning Thief | Rick Riordan
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Finally read this - and can see why my son was drawn to it. #bbrc #middlegrade #coverchange @LibrarianRyan

LibrarianRyan Love this series. 5y
kspenmoll This is a great series!!! 5y
Sarahreadstoomuch I‘m sure I‘ll be reading more....😉 5y
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#BBRC #MIDDLESCHOOLMADEEASY #COVERCHANGE the graphics on this is amazing and I really like the storyline 😋 and the cover is awesome @LibrarianRyan

LibrarianRyan Love this series. 5y
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LibrarianRyan I love this book, but that's not quite right. This is a stand alone. The pink cover is the original hard cover, and the green was a recent paperback. A cover change mid series would be something like Royal Rebels Academy, or Percy Jackson. if you look at #coverchange there are a whole bunch of examples. 5y
Ddzmini Awe but I like this book ... back to the book list 🤣🤣🤣 5y
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Julia Vanishes | Catherine Egan
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I read #juliavanishes and #Juliadefiant and I thought the first book was only ok. It was kind of slow but the second book was way better for me. It followed a different storyline and it had a different vibe to it.
What do you guys think of it? I would also love some #litsy tips if you have any. I'm excited to learn it!

#review #yabooks #reader #coverchange

Jabberwowie I was thinking about adding that to my TBR. Would you still recommend it? 7y
BookBriefs @Jabberwowie yes if you are going to read book 2 as well. The world set up is interesting and I like the version of the witches. I just found book one to be slow in parts. 7y
MrBook Wow, great pic, right @BookBabe ?! You should follow @NovelPairing 👍🏻. 7y
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BookBriefs @MrBook thank you. I'm following all of you now :) 7y
Spinatale Hmm, interesting to hear about these books! Thank you for sharing 😊 7y
MrBook 🙌🏻 7y
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