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Meghan and Harry: The Real Story | Lady Colin Campbell
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Kinda in the mood for some tea this weekend ☕️

britt_brooke Ooh, sounds juicy! 1w
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The Club | Ellery Lloyd

Quick read.

Paris: The Memoir | Paris Hilton
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Loved how candid Paris was in this. A reminder that being born into privilege does not automatically mean that you will always have the best life.

kelli7990 I used to think when I saw the popular, rich kids at my high school that they all had perfect lives but I never hung out with them so I don‘t know their lives or what they were dealing with at home. Rich people can have problems just like the rest of us. 3w
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Paris: The Memoir | Paris Hilton
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Was browsing for an audiobook to listen to and stumbled upon this one.

I‘ve only listened about 20% so far and I must say she‘s the perfect example of why we shouldn‘t judge a book based by its cover…

5feet.of.fury It‘s so good! I have been a fan of hers since the Simple Life, but she‘s much deeper than she gets credit for. 4w
Amor4Libros @5feet.of.fury This has been really eye-opening! You see this people in the media “living their best life” and you just have no idea what they‘ve been through. I‘ve always been indifferent towards her, but I have some newfound respect for her now. 4w
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The Club | Ellery Lloyd
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Not great, a little pretentious and boring

Open Book | Jessica Simpson
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Open Book | Jessica Simpson
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Do any of y'all keep a book in your purse in case you find yourself out somewhere waiting on something or someone? In fact, I won't even buy a purse if it's not big enough to hold a book. Pictured: my purse book keeping me company at my child's appointment.

Bookwormjillk Yup. Either a book or my kindle 3mo
kspenmoll Always! And I have one on my phone as well. 3mo
BookmarkTavern Always! A physical book and at least a couple in the Kindle app and the Nook app! 😅😅😅 3mo
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TheBookgeekFrau Wait. You mean there are people who Don't do this?!! 😂😂 3mo
sarahbarnes Yes, always! 📖 3mo
rabbitprincess I always test purses before buying to make sure they can hold a book (ideally 2 or 3 😂) 3mo
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Meghan and Harry: The Real Story | Lady Colin Campbell
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This book is a bit disorganized and longish. Lady C tends to repeat a point several times making for a disjointed read. Having said that, Lady C also has all the dirt on the aristocracy. Those wanting a good gossip about the American Duchess and The Lost Prince will enjoy it. I read the updated version.

Meghan and Harry: The Real Story | Lady Colin Campbell
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Bk2 of June is done. This will be quickly followed by The Traitor King review. I liked the latter much more than this one, much better written in my opinion. The similarities between the two couples is astonishing. At times it‘s like reading a modern version of the Windsors, the men both weak selfish fools who‘ll do anything for the woman they‘re obsessed with, the women both vain ambitious cold women who‘ll play anyone to get what they want.👇

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Meghan and Harry: The Real Story | Lady Colin Campbell
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Currently tandem reading these,the tagged as an audiobook, the other physical. Am quite shocked by the similarities between the couples,I knew they‘d been compared in media, but the extent of the same weak will & petulance by both men & the hard core belief in their own importance by the women is amazing. The main difference seems to be that at least the Duke of Windsor believed in King & Country. Though he & Wallis were in talks with Germany!😱

CarolynM Sounds like a good pairing of books. How have you been, Liz? Hope you‘re feeling better than earlier in the year💕 3mo
Lizpixie @CarolynM Hey lovely! The books are paired really well, look above for my reviews of both. Unfortunately the health is still awful, if not worse. I try not to talk about it much, sounds too much like whining & that‘s not me. I get on with it as best as I can🤷🏻‍♀️How are you? Enjoying all the rain, or has your part of Melbourne missed it? 3mo
CarolynM Sorry to hear that, but I get where you‘re coming from 💕 I‘m ok. We are pretty damp here, but maybe not as much as you in Sydney😆 3mo
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