I adored this series. Lana and Logan were great.
I adored this series. Lana and Logan were great.
These covers are awful, but the books are so addictive. This was probably my least favourite of the three I've read so far, but I am routing for Lana so hard!
I am devouring this series! A serial killer who is falling in love with an FBI agent, but she only kills scumbags.... what's not to like?!
Short, snappy and addictive!
Started strong and humorous, but one of the characters (clearly the comic relief) was absolutely unbearable and ruined the book for me!
Rather predictable, but it was mindless enough 🤣 I liked the pacing, and it was a welcome change from all the fantasy books I've read recently.
My favourite of the entire series. I loved Nesta's redemption and really enjoyed reading about the friendships she made along the way.
I already own the hardback. But this was far too gorgeous to leave in the bookshop 😍😍😍
This was too cute 😍
I love Azriel and Cassian so much.
This seemed to take me forever to read 🤣
I found this my favourite in the series so far. There was excellent character development, good plot and a happy ending
A little bit heavy in parts but an improvement on the first book. Azriel has my heart 🖤
Late to the party! 😬
I didn't find this the addictive, compulsive page turner everyone said it was. I found it VERY tedious in the middle but it picked up when Rhysand was introduced. I hope the rest of the series picks up as this was just a Beauty and the Beast retelling 🤣
I am, however, getting strange vibes from Tamlin... so I will finish the series and hope it grips me!
Bail at page 80.
For what this novel is about, it's tedious.
Probably one of my least favourite Freidas. It was however a good palette cleanser after a heavy series.
*throws book at the wall*
My least favourite of the series initially, I found it a slog until the last 100 pages, where SHIT WENT DOWN.
I cried, my soul has died, Rebecca Yarros has ruined my life again.
Fully up to date and recapped for OS.
I am ready. Bring the Storm.
Happy Onyx Storm day to everyone, except Dain!
Re-read before Onyx Storm!
I forgot just how good it was. Liam 😭🥹
I flew through this! Typical Freida fashion.... addictive!
Dark, taboo, and sensual.
I was initially uncomfortable with the student/teacher story but you really do root for them.
I was absolutely hooked. But the ending has made me furious. It's like it's missing a final chapter 🤦♀️
Very cute but I predicted what was going to happen in chapter one.
However, it was an absolute joy to be back with Molly.
Another day, another Freida.
I did guess both twists in this, but it was still an entertaining read.
Meh. My least favourite of the series. I found it rather slow. It was too religion heavy for my personal taste.
I loved Sean! Spicy and sweet.
Not one to read if you're very religious!
I initially struggled with this as there were too many characters all introduced at once. However, after a fee chapters, I was hooked.
I love a whodunit in a secluded setting, and this delivered. A great twist.
The twist queen.
I flew through this. It took a bit of getting into, but when the plot started to gel, I was hooked. The twist was brilliant.
I absolutely loved this. A dark, mafia romance with a twist of "The Little Mermaid". I adored Enzo and Venesa.
This is the longest book of the Never After Series and certainly one of the best. Clever and subtle hints to the beloved fairy tale but action-packed and gory. 4.5⭐️
Bail at 17%
This failed to grab me, I found it was just missing a little magic.
One of Freida's best! I couldn't put this down!
I thought I had this all worked out... I absolutely did not 🤣🤣 that twist was fantastic!
A low pick for me. It was a bit slow, but I didn't see the twist coming!
Not on Litsy to review but my god, I didn't think it could get spicier than the first. I am SHOOK. Jade West did not hold back 😬😬😬
Oh. My. God.
My kindle is on fiiiiiiiiiire! 🥵🥵🥵 this steam is steaming.
Always intended to read this as I love the musical. I got the book for Christmas and I couldn't get past page 100. This was just not for me!
Utter perfection. I'm sad to have finished the series again.
This gets me right in the feels every single time ???
The jigsaw starts to be put together, Harry starts to feel the pressure and burden of being " The Boy Who Lived" and we say goodbye to a much beloved character.
This is the best book in the series. It takes a huge dark turn!
I love the beginning of the book before Hogwarts as we don't go back to school until 1/4 into the book! I think it's criminal that the movie doesn't show much of Sirius as he becomes such a great godfather to Harry in GoF.
The scenes where Harry relives the graveyard to Sirius & Dumbledore, also Sirius & Mrs Weasley sitting by his bedside get me every time 🥺
Also, Dobby is back! 🥰
One of the best books in the entire series. I adore Remus Lupin, and my favourite character in the franchise is Sirius Black.
Forgot how much I loved this one! We meet some great characters in this novel, including Lucius Malfoy, Arthur Weasley, and of course... Dobby!
I needed to get out of my reading slump...
It doesn't even need a review, really, does it? An absolute classic.