Three young, idealistic dreamers escape their gray lives to the glitz and glamour of the roaring twenties in Tinseltown. Not read this but sounds befitting for #cityofdreams .
Three young, idealistic dreamers escape their gray lives to the glitz and glamour of the roaring twenties in Tinseltown. Not read this but sounds befitting for #cityofdreams .
Grann can turn a decent true story into something you crave like an addictive mystery novel. His chronicle of Percy Fawcett's search for the Amazonian #cityofdreams he referred to as 'Z' is gripping. Incredible how explorers of his time (early 20th century) thrust themselves into the unknown, and all they endured for their quest. I thought Grann's own journey to where Fawcett vanished would be the highlight but nothing beat the main narrative.
Paris certainly was a #cityofdreams during the postwar rebirth, especially among the art community.
#SeptemberDanes #day26 #CityOfDreams My literary Dream City is Tar Valon, the Aes Sedai City In The Wheel Of Time series by Robert Jordan. Built by the Ogier builders & filled with amazing buildings, it‘s an island city with the White Tower at its centre. My IRL Dream City is Edinburgh, Scotland‘s major city. With gorgeous views, medieval castle & centuries of history, it‘s on the top of my list of places to see before I die. Fingers crossed!🤞
Bruges #CityOfDreams #SeptemberDanes
#SeptemberDanes Day 26: Messenger‘s Land of Neverbelieve is a veritable #CityOfDreams, indeed. This is a gypsy-faery island carved after my own whimsical spirit! The book is divided into 12 parts (or XII plates as Messenger would like to call them) – marked quite nicely here in this greenish hue of a map. Each full-page spread also has little side-folds that open into more exquisite discoveries. My full review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-b1T
I absolutely LOVED this book!! It kicks off a new YA Fantasy set in the #CityOfDreams (#Paris naturally!). Its narrator is a beastie- an animal changed by a witch into a human servant. But Anouk is more than a maid and this fast-paced adventure takes her and her fellow beasties all over the city - encountering other witches and #Goblins too! Such fun!!! #SeptemberDanes #NewHogwartsAdventure
9/11 in the #cityofdreams
We have premonitions, spirits, mediums, signs. This was a mixed bag for me. I loved the stories about premonitions, psychics and mediums, and talk of the afterlife. I went in thinking it was a bunch of malarkey but the stories were genuine and definitely made me reevaluate my spirituality, not a small undertaking.
There were also a lot of stories about butterflies, rainbows, etc. that were redundant and reaching.
When I think Beverly Hills, I think of actors and actresses and Hollywood, which many consider to be the #CityOfDreams . I picked this up during my latest Book Outlet haul and was the first to catalog it in LibraryThing. Fairly newish (early 2018 publication), this book discusses the separation of Beverly Hills from LA. It also looks at one of the first times celebrities embraced a cause and campaigned for it. Looks good! #SeptemberDanes