Thank you to @Cupcake12 and @kezzlou85 for answering my #litsylove letters. I have written your replies and they'll be sent out today. I look forward to hearing from everyone and writing back ✍️🏻 💌 happy reading and writing everyone 📖💙📚
Thank you to @Cupcake12 and @kezzlou85 for answering my #litsylove letters. I have written your replies and they'll be sent out today. I look forward to hearing from everyone and writing back ✍️🏻 💌 happy reading and writing everyone 📖💙📚
Outgoing #Litsylove 💌📝📬📨✈️🐌📩 to Indiana, Canada, California, Minnesota, Florida, Michigan, Texas, New Jersey, Indiana, Massachusetts, Washington, Virginia, United Kingdom, Missouri, Lithuania, and Pennsylvania.
#Litsylove #penpals #snailmail #paperhugs #bookfriends #booksniffers. #bookfleas #booklovers #mailboxhappiness #notabill
@Louise what a sweet surprise in my mailbox today! I LOVE your thoughtful gifts...the Brene Brown I‘ve been really looking forward to and Agatha Christie...well enough said. 😊🤷🏻♀️
And I really like the little notebook (“Things to Figure Out Later”), and I plan to keep it in my car for those moments of inspiration! And thanks for the catching-up note...I‘ll be in touch soon!
I was truly blessed being paired as your #LitsyPenpal and am so 🔻
I finished this book a few weeks back and just now got a review up. 😅
Review on Goodreads—https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/3024103725
#DaddyLongLegs #JeanWebster #cute #romance
I get to help with a production of Daddy Long Legs, the musical, next month. This musical is an adaptation of the novel by Jean Webster. Of course, I love to read the book before a show.
I found it on Audible and guess who narrates it? Megan McGinnis, who originated the role of Jerusha in the Off-Broadway production!
#DaddyLongLegs #JeanWebster #Audible #audiobook