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The Embroidered Book | Kate Heartfield
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Sorry to bail on this one, I just can‘t get past the age of the girls and the dialog. #hailthebail
#bookspin pick off the TBR
#bookspinbingo! #roll100 selection done

PuddleJumper Blergh. Better books to come 2d
TheAromaofBooks Sometimes a book just isn't a match!! 2d
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I‘ve spent 5 days in Paris and came back last Thursday.

A visit to Shakespeare and Company feels almost mandatory as a reader and book lover, but I also love that store.

These are the books I bought.

I also bought this new tote bag with the very fitting quote

LeahBergen What a lovely haul! 3d
Bookwomble Excellent work! 👏📚🛍️ 3d
TheBookHippie Love. ♥️♥️♥️♥️ 3d
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squirrelbrain That tote is fabulous! ❤️ 3d
BittersweetBooks That tote speaks to me 😍 3d
AnneCecilie @LeahBergen @Bookwomble @TheBookHippie Thank you. Now I just need to find out when to read them 3d
AnneCecilie @squirrelbrain @BittersweetBooks That quote was just too good to pass 3d
TheBookHippie @AnneCecilie The Dior book I adored 🙃♥️ 3d
AmyG Wow! 3d
KadaGul Love 😍your purchase. #BookishLife 3d
youneverarrived 😍😍 1d
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The Three Musketeers | Alexandre Dumas
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(thru ch21) How is it going, friends? I know a few of us are a little behind 😂 So without getting into too many spoilers, I have to say that the action has been quite exciting over the last couple of chapters!! (Although I felt terrible for the horses! 😢) I didn't realize there was going to be so much political intrigue, but on the whole I feel like Dumas keeps it light enough to stay entertaining.

I am planning to stick with the chapter-a-day⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) plan through October, but would you all like to take the first weekend of November as catch-up days, and then pick up with chapter 32 on November 4? Let me know what you think!!

@BarkingMadRead @Bklover @CatLass007 @ChaoticMissAdventures @Clare-Dragonfly @Cuilin @curiouserandcurioser @Deblovestoread @Jadams89 @janeycanuck @julieclair @Librarybelle @Read4life @TheBookHippie @wordslinger42
janeycanuck I‘m on chapter 10 but I think I need to reread a couple of chapters so a bit of extra time to catch up would be awesome! 3d
TheBookHippie Yes catch up would be wonderful!!! I struggled the first bit but now I‘m hitting my stride. 3d
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ChaoticMissAdventures I am trying to catch up with 2 chapters a day which is doable for me, but goodness he really likes his words huh? Did he get paid by the letter in writing this? 😂. After watching King James and George it is interesting to see the Duke here running around France wooing the ladies 3d
BarkingMadRead I‘m loving this, it‘s still very Don Quixote-like without the insanity 🤣 3d
Librarybelle Sounds good to me! I‘m very behind still and hope to read more this week. 3d
nanuska_153 @ChaoticMissAdventures yes, Dumas actually got paid by word/line 😅 It's kind of like when series were on tv rather than streaming and seasons where 20 episodes, some of them where nothing happened: Halloween episode, Christmas episode,etc Now with streaming it seems like there's only 8 episodes and all of them important.Dickens is particularly obvious cause he was paid by installments and there are chapters that have a Thanksgiving episode's vibe 3d
CatLass007 I‘m enjoying this much more than Don Quixote, something on which I quickly bailed. It was just too depressing. So much of this current book is tongue in cheek. Not depressing at all. Audible lists this as the first book in “D‘Artagnon: The Musketeers Cycle.” Depending on how this one winds up, I probably would enjoy listening to more in the series or other books by Dumas. 3d
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I‘ve listened to 5 of this 9 hour audiobook and I‘m sorely disappointed. The vast majority of the book is about King Louis in Versailles and various royal relations and mistresses and little of the “crimes.” The title especially and somewhat the book description are misleading. This month when I‘m trying to read as much as I can, I just can‘t spend the last 4 hours on it. So bailing for now. ⬇️

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The Three Musketeers | Alexander Dumas
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Still a bit behind on #randomclassics reading but chipping away, this is such a fall morning vibe!

aa_guer2021 What a wonderful book. Enjoy!! 6d
marleed It took me so long to read this book. I finally googled the spark notes and found a site that explained in segment, how it was published as its own installment to the story, and what the story was saying about its own current day. That really made it all more interesting for me and allowed me to finally finish😳🤣 6d
ChaoticMissAdventures @marleed I love reading but there are just so many words.... 🤣. Was this one of those books that they put in weeklies and the author got paid by the word?? Like dude is not saying anything with all these words. 6d
Kitta Wow beautiful copy! 6d
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So excited to read this one. It‘s been on my tbr so long. Thanks to @CSeydel for choosing it for #trappedinaspookyhouse!

#halloweenatoz #letterC
#hauntedshelf #hexesandcrows @Catsandbooks @PuddleJumper

PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 6d
Catsandbooks 🧡🖤 5d
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#Lantern 🏮


kspenmoll So pretty! 1w
AnnCrystal Nice book staging 🍂📚💝. 1w
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Eggs I loved this one! It‘s a comfort read💓. Beautiful wreath! 1w
KadaGul Fall Vibes 🍁☕🏈🥧🤎🍂📚🧡 1w
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🙌🏻🏮 1w
Eggs Beautiful 🧡🏮🤎 1w
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