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Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison
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#HallowReads #day12 #HallowedGrounds Catching up on yesterday's prompts,got wrapped up in The Rules Of Magic.This is a series I've used before but it's perfect for this.Rachel Morgan is a witch in an alternate version of this world.She & her business partners,Ivy a live vampire & Jenks,a pixie,all live in an old church with an attached graveyard. Most of their property is still hallowed ground, which gives them protection from demons & the undead.

Cinfhen How are your eyes??? Improving?!? 7y
Laura317 A live vampire. 🤔🤔🤔 7y
Lizpixie @Cinfhen slowly but surely. Adjusting to two sets of glasses is annoying but if that's what it takes👍 @Laura317 in this world, you're born a vampire but don't become truly undead until your mortal death. Kind of similar to Vampire Academy & their different types of vampires. 7y
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Graveyard Book | Neil Gaiman
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And the #hallowedgrounds picture I took for #hallowreads before realizing I killed two prompts with one book. I love (and hate) that weeping angel funko so much I couldn't not post it. Doctor Who has ruined statues for me forever! Especially ones that have their faces hidden.

Friend Request | Laura Marshall
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This debut thriller is definitely hard to put down- with storylines set in 2016 and 1989, it brings Louise back to the #HallowedGrounds of her old school in a reunion tinged with secrets and regrets! #HallowReada @JoeStalksBeck @Tiffy_Reads

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Native Son | Richard Wright
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The Prague Cemetery | Umberto Eco
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Another book I haven't read! 😢These challenges are a harsh reminder of all the lovely books I've owned for years and not gotten around to reading. I'm sure y'all can feel my pain. #uncannyoctober #setineasterneurope #hallowedgrounds #hallowreads

diovival Yep, right there with you. 🙈 7y
jen_hayes7 @diovival Thank you!! I knew I wasn't alone in this!! 🤣😳 7y
Varske I got started, but found the beginning antisemitic and anti- almost everyone else, a bit disturbing. Eventually I realised it was just some typical attitudes at the time. But somehow it didn‘t encourage me to carry on, although the plot was very interesting about two people who seemed to inhabit each other‘s lives. Or one split identity. Perhaps curiosity will make me eventually go back to find out more. 7y
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##Hallowedgrounds #Hallowreads
I took this in March, when the trees were still bare. Funky red light...love walking in this cemetery near my house; some graves go back to early 1700s. Definitely #Hallowedgrounds!

Libby1 Gorgeous. 7y
Merethebookgal Cool photo! 7y
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Jhullie Hubby and I had one of our first dates walking through a cemetery. I love them. 💀 7y
Suet624 ❣️❣️❣️ 7y
kspenmoll @Libby1 @Merethebookgal @JoeStalksBeck @Jhullie @Suet624 Thx all! Love walking here- its basically 2 houses down, across the street from me. @Jhullie wonderful date; Always loved cemetery walks! 7y
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How It Went Down | Kekla Magoon
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I'm using this book for past present & future Oct challenges bc I'm running out of books I've read or own to use for these things!! 😳😫 How It Went Down describes the fictional shooting of a young black boy from #multipleperspectives w/ #firstpersonnarrator(s). I enjoyed the exploration of the subject and didn't find it too tough to handle, if that's a worry some ppl have. I'm taking the idea of #hallowedgrounds pretty seriously for this one. ❤️

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The Shadow of the Wind | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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#hallowedgrounds #hallowedreads

The Cemetery of Forgotten Books is a series well worth reading. I've only read the first one, Shadow of the Wind, but the other 2 are on my tbr.

LeeRHarry I'm the same - loved Shadow of the Wind 😊 7y
mrp27 @ LeeRHarry 👍🏻👍🏻One of theses days I'll get to the tiger 2 books! 7y
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As the legend goes, the Amityville Horror house was built on the site of an ancient Native American massacre, propitiating evil and paranormal activity on the site. Although the book has far too many exclamation points, I couldn't think of a better pick for #hallowedgrounds

@JoeStalksBeck @Tiffy_Reads