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Dead Witch Walking
Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison
All the creatures of the night gather in "the Hollows" of Cincinnati, to hide, to prowl, to party ... and to feed. Vampires rule the darkness in a predator-eat-predator world rife with dangers beyond imagining -- and its Rachel Morgan's job to keep that world civilized. A bounty hunter and witch with serious sex appeal and an attitude, she'll bring 'em back alive, dead ... or undead.
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Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison
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So I asked for recommendations based on my love of the Stay a Spell series. This one was recommended to me. Just because she is witchy. This one isn‘t as cozy as those books were.

Rachel quits her job and her boss puts a hit out on her. She has to try to not get killed while solving a mystery. She‘s a witch, lives with a vampire and pixies. There are demons and werewolves and all the creatures.

I‘ll probably continue with this series.

TheSpineView Love finding a good series! 1y
Andrew65 Doing great 👏👏👏 1y
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Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison
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March 19 #MarchMagic Book you Often Recommend I just can't Recommend just a book but the whole series. @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Eggs 👏🏻💕👍🏼 2y
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October 8 #OminousOctober Witch @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks #Scarathlon2022 @StayCurious TeamMonsterMash One of my favorite series

Eggs 🙌🏻📚🖤 2y
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Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison

This is a good start to a series.

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#20in4 I hit 20 hours by finishing up with an audio book. I can t believe I‘m saying this but I may have read too much. 😂

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March 21 #SavvySettings Church one of the best series I have read, still reading in fact The only place they feel safe is at the church which is their home. @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 👍🏻⛪️📚 3y
Eggs Well done 👍🏼 3y
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When I think of fireplaces I think of Hearth, and old castles or cottages with witches, so my two books that I have read and both enjoyed tremendously are from these two authors, and I'd you can read them in front of a a hearth well.....need I say more Day 14 Fireplace #Wintergames2021 #FestivePhotoChalange #TeamGameSleighers @StayCurious

StayCurious That's clever 3y
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Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison
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#scarathlon #screamathon #spookoween #wickedathon

This is a #blameitonlitsy or more specifically “blame it on @MeganAnn because when I was stalking her posts for #badicwitchswap I saw she was a fan of this series & when I was looking for witchy reads in library e-books, it popped up. I finished yesterday & it was a fun ride. Lots of supernatural characters so perfect for #TeamHendrix & I really like the MC Rachel. Many characters & plot points ⬇️

DebinHawaii …to keep track of & many unanswered questions at the end hading me placing book 2 on hold. I did make the mistake of reading the excerpt at the end of the book thinking it was for the 2nd book only to find it was several books past that & some plot spoilers & “how did we get here?!?!” 😱 ensued. 😬 So, we‘ll see what I think of the next one & go from there. But, overall an engaging read perfect for the spooky season.🧙‍♀️👍 3y
wanderinglynn One of my fave witch series! 🙌🏻 3y
DinoMom This is a great series!!! 3y
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TheSpineView Awesome 3y
DebinHawaii @wanderinglynn @DinoMom @TheSpineView The first one was fun & I am looking forward to the second! 3y
MeganAnn Oh this makes me so happy!! 🖤 If you visit the author‘s website, she has a reading order that includes all of the short stories as well. Some of those give background information that ties in with later books and all the stories can be found in the tagged collection if your library has it. Most of them are in other anthologies too or specific versions of the books (all listed on the authors site as well) 3y
DebinHawaii @MeganAnn Thanks! 🤗I will check it out. My library seems to have quite a few of the ebooks so I should figure out the order! 3y
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Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison
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DieAReader 🎉🎉🎉 3y
TheSpineView Fabulous 3y
Andrew65 Great 👏👏👏 3y
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Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison
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I‘m giving Kim Harrison a try. The opening has promise, but there‘s a bunch of unnecessary repetition and some dodgy bits, and the LibraryThing reviews tell me I should expect more dodginess soon. We‘ll see if I stick with it.

BkClubCare Dodgy bits!! 😱 3y
xicanti @BkClubCare a measure of early-2000s casual sexism/slut-shaming, with some unfortunate parallels between lesbian vampires and rape culture. 3y
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Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison
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My #witchaesthetic for #basicwitchswap #bws

Bohemian witch with a love for layering jewelry + loose flowing clothing of various textures/prints + dark florals. I love my witches to be strong woman who own who they are. Rachel Morgan (tagged book 1 of the series) is a favorite along with the ones pictured. I do also love A Discovery of Witches but forgot to include that. Very slowly learning tarot.
See also my spooky aesthetic in the previous post

Chrissyreadit I love the last picture!!! It‘s a vibe💛💛💛💛 3y
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Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison
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Here‘s my August #bookspin list! Changed it up a bit this time.

Feeling like a reread of the Rachel Morgan series is in order before I try to read the last two books that have come out. Book 1 is tagged, but I used 7 spots for that series so however many I read in August will get a space to check off.

Filled in with a few categories, the next #lmpbc title, Persuasion for #pemberlittens and some other titles off my shelf that spoke to me.

LitStephanie I so admire people who do the bookspin and commit to reading so many books in a month! 3y
MeganAnn @LitStephanie I definitely won‘t read all these books in a month! And there are plenty of people who do it and only read a few off the list - or even just the #bookspin and/or #doublespin numbers drawn. What I love is having those numbers drawn as choices for me so I read those books off my shelves and make slow progress on the TBR books I already own. I also admire those who read that many books in a month, but I‘m not one of them! 3y
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Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison
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Eh, this was my nighttime read (reread from years ago to see if I still liked it). I may pick up the next and get back into the series, but it was just meh. Good for nighttime book to fall asleep while reading.

#paranormal #witch

Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison
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I‘m gonna post a book (or series) from my TBR every day until I‘ve shared the lot. No descriptions. No explanations. Just a whole bunch of books I haven‘t read yet.

This is Day 54.


Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison
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Thank you for #WondrousWednesday @Eggs and thanks for the tag @TheSpineView 😁

1. Voldemort! Wait, that‘s too easy! I‘ll go with Holden from “Leviathan Wakes”. Holden tries to do the right thing, but he‘s also impulsive, narrow minded, and makes so many bad decisions I wanted to smack him off the page!

2. Tagged! Fun book, but a lot of questions were raised about the world of The Hollows and almost none of them were answered!

3. Fairly often.

Eggs I 💗💗 #1 🤣😂🤣. Thanks for playing Dave 👏🏻👏🏻 (edited) 4y
DaveGreen7777 @Eggs 😁😁😁 4y
Branwen Ooooooh I love your answer to number 1! Very thoughtful and SUPER ACCURATE! 🤣😂👍 4y
DaveGreen7777 @Branwen I thought you‘d approve! 😂🤣 4y
TheSpineView You're welcome! 4y
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Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison

I enjoyed the story and characters, yet felt at times there were a lot of unnecessary babble that took away from the main plot line, IMO. Where I wanted more, there was less. Where there was less, I wanted more. Left me feeling unsatisfied, but since I do love the characters and overall story idea, I‘m willing to give book #2 a try! Hope it‘s better and reads faster than this one!

DaveGreen7777 I did enjoy this book thanks to the characters, but I hear you about the issues waiting for the plot to move along. It seemed like there almost wasn‘t a story at times, just excuses for characters to interact with each other, and by the end almost no questions brought up in the book were answered! 🤦🏻‍♂️ 4y
BooksNBowls @DaveGreen7777 I‘m so glad you agree! It was frustrating and underwhelming. Have you read the other books in the series and do they get better?? 4y
DaveGreen7777 I haven‘t read any of the others yet myself, but I do have friends who have read more of the series and they assure me the series does get better after the first book. Hope this helps! 😊 4y
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Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison
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My reading buddy is helping to keep my lap warm today! 😽💕📚 #catsoflitsy #littenkitten #chaplin

MizzGraham Those eyes 🥰 4y
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Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison
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1) My favourite witch/wizard movie/show. Tough one! Sabrina and the chilling adventures of Sabrina. Harry Potter, Charmed, Bewitched... that‘s all I can think of right now but I love a magical show 😋
2) My mood board for Rachel Morgan from the Hollows book series (aka Itchy Witch, according to her demon mentor Algaliarept who is one of my favourite characters)

#PLC #ParanormalLoveCrew #Wizards #Witch

AsYouWish I love your mood board!!! So creative and meaningful!!!! 4y
ElizaMarie Ooo I love love love Sabrina! 4y
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Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison
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I saved this last night but forgot to share!

If any of you are interested in learning how to knit, the lovely Kim Harrison is planning to teach everyone this Sunday!
The video will be on YouTube so can be accessed later if, like me, you don‘t have needles and yarn to hand! She suggests you bring needles of size 6-8 :)

As someone commented, it‘s not every day you can say one of your favourite authors taught you how to knit! 🧶

#Knitting #Author

Sace I encourage anyone who doesn't know how to knit to take advantage of this! 😊 4y
FlowerFairy Thank you for sharing this! I love to audiobook and knit. About as relaxing as it gets. So happy she is sharing this skill with others. 4y
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Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison
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The Hollows was my first foray into urban fantasy with a female protagonist. Getting to know Rachel, Ivy, and Jenks and their world was an awesome thing. Harrison is a fabulous storyteller and I'm happy to note that Rachel Mariana Morgan is returning to us this June after a six year absence. If you're a fan of the urban fantasy genre and haven't spent time in the Hollows, do so now, I guarantee you won't be disappointed.

robinb As a fan of Ilona Andrews and Patricia Briggs, this sounds interesting! Stacked! 4y
ralexist @robinb - I haven't picked up Patricia Briggs yet but I love Ilona Andrews 🙂 (edited) 4y
robinb @ralexist Briggs' Mercy Thompson series is really good, featuring a kick-butt heroine. And in some ways it is very similar to Andrews' Kate Daniels' series. (edited) 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I like these! Also Stacia Kane, Craig Schaefer (the Daniel Faust books), and Melissa F. Olson. 4y
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Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison
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I have started a re-read before the new book comes out. I am doing a slow re-read with The Cincy Underground Facebook group, which suits me at the minute timeline wise, though I may jump ship to the Goodreads read along with Kim at some point!

It‘s been ages since I read these, and I had forgotten a lot! But I love Rachel, Ivy, and Jenks, and I can‘t wait to see more of Al. I never warmed to Trent or Nick though, Rach has terrible taste in men!

thegirlwiththelibrarybag Ahh, I also started a reread... I should get back to it! I didn‘t know there was going to be a new book 5y
Bookworm54 @thegirlwiththelibrarybag There are 2! American Demon is expected to come out in June next year :) it‘s set between the end of the last book and the epilogue 5y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag Ok! I stopped reading originally after one of my favourite characters was murdered - but I read at least the first two earlier this year - hopefully will get back into it (I‘m pretty bad at drifting away from series) 5y
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Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison
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Day 16 of the #Fallisbooked challenge by @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks and @OriginalCyn620

#Wicked - The word often gets thrown around in reference to witches (mainly because of that one bad apple), but most witches I know are actually benevolent and compassionate people. Rachel Morgan, Wanda Maximoff, Arra Pelindrake, and the good witches from the Potterverse are all noble heroines. Witches aren‘t wicked, they PROTECT us from the wicked! 🧙‍♀️

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🧙‍♀️🖤❤️ 5y
Branwen Yaaaasssss! Preach it! 😁💕👐 5y
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DaveGreen7777 @Branwen Thank you, Becky! I will not stand for slander against witches! 😁 5y
OriginalCyn620 🙌🏼😊🖤 5y
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Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison
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OMG I‘m so excited!!!! This is one of my all time favorite series!! So excited for another after all this time though it‘s not out til June next year. Might be time for a reread.❤️❤️❤️❤️

Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison
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This was a bit all over the place but I'll probably go on with this paranormal fantasy series in the hopes that it's sequel moves into 5 🌟 land.

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Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison
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Okay I tried. I tried so hard for over 2 months to like this book, but this book is so damn boring I want to scream! You could literally skip over entire chapters and not miss a thing. I'm still torn because I really really want to like this book but I know I shouldn't force myself. Perhaps I will set it aside for right now and pick it up at a later date.

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Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison
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Dead Witch Walking
Halloween Murder
Shot in the Dark
The Dead and the Beautiful
Sherri I made a special stop by the library so I could participate 🧡
#spinepoetry #jazzyjune

Gissy 📚😍❤️❤️❤️ 5y
Eggs Oh Jody ! I‘m honored!! Love it 💗👏🏻🤗 5y
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Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison
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This is fun! Thanks @Klou for thinking of me :) @howjessreads #friYAYintro

1. Dead Witch Walking by Kim Harrison The first book in my favorite series.
2. Only on days I change the sheets lol. I keep meaning to though.
3. 74 degrees and blue skies.
4. Dill pickles dipped in chocolate pudding. Yummo!
5. Hey @Cris33 @LeahMW89 get in on the fun!

Klou You're welcome! 😊 6y
CoffeeNBooks Welcome to Litsy! 📚 6y
xxjenadanxx @CoffeeNBooks thanks! I love it so far! 6y
Slajaunie Welcome to Litsy! 📖📚💚 6y
xxjenadanxx @Slajaunie thank you so much ❤️❤️ 6y
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Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison
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What a wonderful gift package from a dear dear friend.
@MaleficentBookDragon you made me feel amazing today! Thank you so much my sweet friend ❤️🤗❤️
BTW I absolutely love the mermaid cup and the mermaid pen 😍😍 I just can't wait to read the books. I know you said Into the Drowning Deep was really good. 😍😍😍😍


BeansPage @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I just got your letter in the mail sweetie. I would really like to be a part of your pen pal group. What do I need to do? 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TheReadingMermaid nothing my friend!! I‘ll add you!! You will receive a google document from me soon! 💗 6y
MaleficentBookDragon Yay! I'm so glad. That mug was so fun. It practically kept off the shelf. It needed to go live with you. I ♥💙♥💙 6y
BeansPage @MaleficentBookDragon and so it shall be declared my new coffee cup! 📜😄 6y
BeansPage @MaleficentBookDragon just sent you an email sweetie ❤️ 6y
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Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison

Enjoyed it

Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison
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4 out of 5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Two things that are very important to me in a novel are characters and story. Fortunately, this book has a plethora of fun characters! Witchy heroine Rachel is funny and engaging, yet also flawed enough to feel real. Ivy the vampiress is somber yet charming, and Jenks the pixie is a hilarious scene-stealer!

The story is a bit lacking, and there are too many unanswered questions at the end, but it‘s still worth reading.

DaveGreen7777 The image is from fan art by Irrel on DeviantArt, you can find more of their artwork here: https://orig00.deviantart.net/9c8c/f/2009/307/6/e/hollows___braid_by_irrel.jpg 6y
Branwen Did you like it enough to continue with the series? 6y
DaveGreen7777 @Branwen Oh, definitely! I know people who have read the series who have told me that the first book is one of the weakest installments, and that the storytelling gets much better later on. I do want to continue the series eventually! 😊 6y
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Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison

I love the world building in this book, an AU where humans didn't head to the moon, but instead focused on genetics. When a genetically modified disease wipes out half of humanity the supernaturals reveal themselves.

This focuses on a witch called Rachel, who just wants to quit her job, but of course it is never going to be as easy as that.

It has fast paced plot, great characters and I loved every moment. Can't wait to read yhe whole series.

Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison
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Plot pacing was good, a few nice turns to keep you on your toes. I do hope the main character matures with the series, though. #beachread #booked2018 #12of36 #audiobook

Cinfhen Glad it was a pick! 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage This is a fun series! 6y
Buechersuechtling I think it‘s the series I started reading years ago (8 or 9 or so). By that time the series already had like, don‘ remember exactly, 13 volumes or so. At first I really liked it but after reading 5 or 6 books I was tired of it. I didn‘t like how the storyline was built. It bored me. But I wish you more reading joy. 🙂🍀 6y
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Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison

I found this book an amusing and comical read. Tomatoes of all things are terrifying and revealed the supernatural world to us humans.

Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison

Great world building and the heroine Rachel has some potential. Love Jenks the pixie. But the first book didn't leave me hungry enough for the next. I am still going to read the second one because I want to see what happens with Rachel and Nick

BehindthePages The second one picks up speed. Less world building and more action. 5y
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Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison
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@LazyOwl #NYBirthdayGiveaway

Hands down my favorite fantasy! This series is amazing 🤗

LazyOwl I haven't read this, but I do want to read more urban fantasy. Looks interesting 👍 7y
Lisaw13 @LazyOwl Definitely check out this series - soooooo good 👍👍👍 7y
BehindthePages The Hollows is by far my favorite Urban Fantasy :) I'm in the middle of re reading it! 5y
Lisaw13 @Letora my favorite too! Definitely need a reread 😊 5y
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Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison
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Zeus is too tired to even eat a bone after our trip to the park and I'm happy to curl up with a reread of Kim Harrison's first book. I'm hoping to reread and finish the series this year. #dogsoflitsy

Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison
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@LazyOwl These are my top 5 #urbanfantasy series because, when it comes to this type of read, I have a hard time choosing. For me, these series have to have a strong female MC and a world that closely reflects ours. I'm not a big fan of the overdone vampire/werewolf trope. There has to be something in the series that stands out from the crowd. I want strong world building and relatable character development. #NYBirthdayGiveaway

WarpedSweetness I'm so glad I came across this! I love Kim Harrison and Patricia Briggs. And I'm always on the hunt for urban fantasy that fit that. I'm going to look up those other books. 7y
LazyOwl Thanks so much for posting. I've screen shot these so I can peruse later. 7y
sherryvdh @WarpedSweetness 👏 Glad I could help! I hope they peak your interest. 7y
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Richryan52 @sherryvdh Thanks for the like. Please vote 7y
WarpedSweetness @sherryvdh I looked up the three I'm unfamiliar with and they all sounded interesting. I'm going to add them to my TBR. 7y
Bex1205 Patricia Briggs is my favourite 😍 so good to see someone else who loves those books as much as me 7y
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Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison
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Reading a few pages every time my teammates take their turns for skill and item management in Diablo III

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Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison
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4🌟 LOVE!

Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison
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Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison
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#HallowReads #day12 #HallowedGrounds Catching up on yesterday's prompts,got wrapped up in The Rules Of Magic.This is a series I've used before but it's perfect for this.Rachel Morgan is a witch in an alternate version of this world.She & her business partners,Ivy a live vampire & Jenks,a pixie,all live in an old church with an attached graveyard. Most of their property is still hallowed ground, which gives them protection from demons & the undead.

Cinfhen How are your eyes??? Improving?!? 7y
Laura317 A live vampire. 🤔🤔🤔 7y
Lizpixie @Cinfhen slowly but surely. Adjusting to two sets of glasses is annoying but if that's what it takes👍 @Laura317 in this world, you're born a vampire but don't become truly undead until your mortal death. Kind of similar to Vampire Academy & their different types of vampires. 7y
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Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison
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I've already used the first person narratives I have on my shelf. So I went looking for ones I've already read on my Goodreads list.

#firstpersonnarrator #uncannyoctober @RealLifeReading

Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison
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#UncannyOctober #day9 #FirstPersonNarrator This is one of my favourite paranormal series.The world that Harrison has created is so different & interesting. In a similar world to ours,a mutated virus escapes into the world at the end of the 60s which attached to a tomato,decimates the worlds population.The supernatural community,being immune to the virus,come out to humans in what becomes known as The Turn.Rachel Morgan,the narrator,is a witch.

BethM So good! 7y
WarpedSweetness I love this series! 7y
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Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison
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Because I can't just read one book at a time...

Ubookquitous You mean some people do that??? Weird... 😆😆 7y
MrBook #KindredSpirits! 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
TrishB I only read one at once 😀 7y
Owlizabeth @TrishB that's cool, I'm too scattered for one at a time 7y
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Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison
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@MinDea tagged me in #bookcolortag a couple of days ago, said to do my favourite colour. My favourite colour is blue, sadly I own no blue books and I own about ten physical books thanks to life circumstances. So I have have four black covers. :-)

Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison
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The Hollows series captivated me. Rachel Morgan is a delightful main character whose intriguing mixture of confidence and vulnerability and complex interpersonal relationships endeared her to me right from the start.
#junebookbugs #urbanfantasy @RealLifeReading

WarpedSweetness This is a great series! 7y
Billi Loved this series!! 7y
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Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison
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#junebookbugs This came in my booksfree mail the other day, so I'm checking it out. I wasn't sure how I felt through the first couple chapters but it's starting to get a bit more interesting. #death

Bookworm54 It took me a while to get into it the first time I read it, and the Hollows is now one of my favourite series! Rachel really grows as a character throughout, and I love the relationship between her, Jenks, and Ivy 🙂 7y
Kamisha @Bookworm54 yeah, I'm about halfway through it now and I appreciate it a lot more than I initially did! I like that it packs its own sort of unique take on the supernatural world rather than just being a twin to all the others. I love guilty pleasure urban fantasy but if it's got unique ideas too, sounds great to me! Haha 👍🏼 7y
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Dead Witch Walking | Kim Harrison
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Playing catch-up for #MayBookFlowers. My pick for #supernaturalmysteries is Kim Harrison's Hollows series, starting with Dead Witch Walking. A coworker bought this book for me to cheer me up after I had a bad day.
Witch bounty hunter Rachel Morgan, her pixie backup Jinx and vampire roommate Ivy battle demons, vampires, and all manner of supernatural creatures. They all have movie titles, and the rest are Clint Eastwood titles.

Bookwitchery Titles like, The Good, The Bad, and the Undead and Fistful of Charms. 7y
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