I didn‘t get anything out of this one but maybe that‘s because I‘m already living my life the way Strickland is suggesting.
First book for both #nonfictionnovember and #clearurshitreadathon
I didn‘t get anything out of this one but maybe that‘s because I‘m already living my life the way Strickland is suggesting.
First book for both #nonfictionnovember and #clearurshitreadathon
Here‘s my stack of nonfiction to read over the coming weeks.
This weeks #unreadandontheshelf is a stack that I should probably read soon since I‘ve been borrowing them from various people for a few years oops 🙈
“How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?”
#QuotsyMay18 #impossible
Couldn‘t find a more perfect quote if I tried! #quotsy #quotsymay18 #impossible
#QuotsyMay18 #impossible
Did you know that there are 41 'impossibles' in Pride and Prejudice? This quote from Elizabeth to Lady Catherine is my favorite. Lady C does not look amused in Alice Pattullo's rendering of the scene.?
"If you believed it impossible to be true," said Elizabeth, colouring with astonishment and disdain, "I wonder you took the trouble of coming so far. What could your ladyship propose by it?"