Late night dinner and reading with the cuddliest doggo.
#reading #readingchallenge #2019 #IsabelAllende #InTheMidstOfWinter #books #bookshelf #dogs #dogsofpittsburgh #pitbulls #pitbullsofpittsburgh
Late night dinner and reading with the cuddliest doggo.
#reading #readingchallenge #2019 #IsabelAllende #InTheMidstOfWinter #books #bookshelf #dogs #dogsofpittsburgh #pitbulls #pitbullsofpittsburgh
Enjoying my Saturday... This book has sooo many twist & turns... But learning a little history too....
#isabelallende #inthemidstofwinter #loveisabelallendewriting #imhooked #cantstopreading #happyhappyhappy #relaxed #bookpagefeature #bibliophile #bookporn #bookpage
My situation on this rainy night 🧐
#isabelallende #inthemidstofwinter #rainynight #sipandread #alittlechillyout #booksarecool #readingislove #readingiscool #relaxingafteralongday #lifeisgood #readingismytherapy #readingismypassion #readingismyescape #readingissexy #readingislove #bookswag #bookstagramfeature #bookpagefeature #bibliophile
Did everybody see this? You could win a personally autographed copy of Isabel Allende's In the Midst of Winter. Just take a selfie holding her new book at your favorite bookstore and post it. Runs thru Dec 4th.
Check out Isabel's Facebook page for details.