In bed with a book. What could be better?
#relaxed #poetrymatters @LazyDays
In bed with a book. What could be better?
#relaxed #poetrymatters @LazyDays
"Have you ever seen
in your life
more wonderful
than the way the sun,
every evening
#relaxed and easy,
floats toward the horizon"
"The Sun" by Mary Oliver #PoetryMatters @LazyDays
Pic taken last year in Nuwara Eliya, Sri Lanka.
I‘ve got my reading chair set, ambient noises playing, my latte made, and I‘m ready to devour stories. Do you have preparations for your book reading?
#reading #books #bookshelf #readingchallenge #2018readingchallenge #goodreads #alltheeverafters #DanielleTeller #bookish #love #relaxed #happy
Taking a break from ARCs to dive back into this beautiful book. I mean that literally. I love the dust jacket, the actual cover and the story. #WeekendReading #relaxed
Enjoying my Saturday... This book has sooo many twist & turns... But learning a little history too....
#isabelallende #inthemidstofwinter #loveisabelallendewriting #imhooked #cantstopreading #happyhappyhappy #relaxed #bookpagefeature #bibliophile #bookporn #bookpage
Sunday afternoon reading. 📖 #lazysunday #relaxed #romantsy
Relaxing With a Good book and my dog Nela #relaxing #slapperaf #hygger #relaxed #book #bog #bookstagram #bookaddict #bookworm #bogorm #booknerd #nela #mydog #lovemydog #lovereading #reading #læser #readingtime #booklover #bogelsker #lovebooks #samanthayoung #ondublinstreet #dublinstreet #forlagetflamingo #flamingo #goodbook #godbog