As you would expect from this author, atmospheric and pacey historical crime, rich in detail.
I was practically ready to sign up for the SNP by the end...
As you would expect from this author, atmospheric and pacey historical crime, rich in detail.
I was practically ready to sign up for the SNP by the end...
The mountains looking down from either side were silent, immovable, and the glens and peoples they hid might almost be unguessed at. For a moment lain had the mad thought that they would get to the other side of the loch and discover that nothing of the past years had ever been: no rising, no marching, no battles, no vengeance, no loss.
It‘s not that this wasn‘t a good book, because it was. It was just a really slow read. It did have a lot of history and I like that. There were several times I wanted to put it down and say it‘s that‘s enough but I had to finish it.
Is this one good? Just got it from the library 📚
Kickstarting my day at the Rendezvous Cafe. I know this opinion may be a bit heretical, but I find that Anthony Horowitz‘s additions to the James Bond canon (like William Boyd‘s ‘Solo‘) are so much better than ian Fleming‘s originals. #rendezvouscafe #books #bookstagram #jamesbond #booksandcoffee #coffeeandbooks #fiction #caffeine #caffeineaddict #coffee #anthonyhorowitz #foreverandaday #inverness #williamboyd
Easy like Monday morning, or something like that. Enjoying this very accessible biography of one of the pioneers of civil engineering. #thomastelford #julianglover #biography #civilengineering #books #currentlyreading #bookstagram #booksandcoffee #coffeeandbooks #caffeine #caffeineaddict #inverness #scotland #wakeupandsmellthecoffee #wakeupandsmellthecoffin #STEM #engineering
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