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Winter's Tales | Isak Dinesen
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Written in 1942 during the German occupation of Denmark, Danish writer Dinesen (a nom de plume for Baroness Karen Blixen) weaves beautifully rich tapestries that are her short stories, believing in the power of myth, romance and medieval fable as bulwarks against the bleak “wintry” landscape of WWII. Great contrast with my “summery” reading spot: Standish-Hickey State Park along the beautiful Eel River.

Babette's Feast | Isak Dinesen
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Tamra I don‘t know that I‘ve read this, but I 💙💙 the film. One of my favorites. 8mo
Eggs Great cover ❤️🖤❤️ 8mo
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Babette's Feast | Isak Dinesen
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Such a soul satisfying film! I get something new out of it with every viewing. I read the short story long ago, but I think this is one of the rare instances in which the movie rivals the written word.

In the US you can rent or buy on Amazon Prime.

JamieArc I remember this being such an impacting watch years ago. Definitely need to watch again. 2y
Tamra @JamieArc yes, it‘s one of those that are rich enough to be watched again & again. 2y
LeahBergen One of my very favourite films! 💗 2y
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EvieBee A feast for the eyes! One of my faves. 2y
Cathythoughts I loved this movie too ❤️ (edited) 2y
Tamra @EvieBee @Cathythoughts I love movies about people fulfilling or at least trying to fulfill their passions. 2y
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Babette's Feast | Isak Dinesen
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The #feast at my house tomorrow will be Filipino fruit salad and lumpia. 😋

@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

NataliePatalie Oooo yum 🤤 3y
Eggs Sounds feastiful ❤️❤️ 3y
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I am having deep longings to travel again. My husband and I are vaccinated now. I am salivating to travel. But I‘m not yet comfortable traveling overseas though I‘m starting to put plans onto paper for fall. Until things improve globally and more vaccines are available to everyone, I will just hunker down and read travel books like this one which looks so interesting!

LeahBergen I can‘t wait to travel again. 😫 3y
HardcoverHearts @LeahBergen 👯‍♀️ 3y
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“The cure for anything is salt water—sweat, tears, or the sea.” – Isak Dinesen

Seven Gothic Tales | Isak Dinesen
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Chrissyreadit Are they good? 5y
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Seven Gothic Tales | Isak Dinesen
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Day 5 #7Covers7Days #CoverCrush

I have lost track of who has been tagged, so see this as an open invitation to join in, and post all your pretty covers for the next week 🙌

SauerPatch Wow, what a gorgeous cover! 😍 (edited) 5y
readordierachel That is stunning! 5y
Itchyfeetreader This is a stunner 5y
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kspenmoll Love that Lady! 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Wow! 💙 5y
Cathythoughts 💙💙💙 5y
Nute I‘m over the moon!🌙💙 5y
ferskner My favorite!!! 5y
hilded Wonderful cover 😍 The book itself, very interesting and beautiful prose - but I struggeled with it. 5y
BiblioLitten 💙😍 5y
Kalalalatja @hilded I struggled, too, but I can‘t put my finger on why 🤷‍♀️ 5y
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Another mini penguin! Not sure about the cover of this one, it‘s a bit weird....

KarenUK Very creepy! 😳 5y
KarenUK But I do love those mini penguins 🐧😊💕 5y
gradcat It IS weird... it nice that you have so many Penguins! 5y
Cinfhen Weird cover🤔 5y
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Ngong Hills | Karen Blixen
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Karen Blixen / Isak Dinesen, the author of Out of Africa, is most definitely an #africanlady.


Cinfhen From the lovely orange collection 🧡🐧 5y
BarbaraBB Have you read Out of Africa? I loved the movie but never read the book! 5y
Curiouser_and_curiouser I have a heap of these!!! I bought them for 50 cents each about 20 years ago. I'm not sure I have this particular title though. So cute and nice quick reads :) 5y
squirrelbrain @Curiouser_and_curiouser - my husband bought these for me- I think I have about 90! I‘m working my way through them but have a looong way to go! 5y
squirrelbrain @BarbaraBB - I think I read the book years ago but I don‘t remember it.... maybe time for a re-read... 5y
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