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#ColdAsTheGrave #JamesOswald #BookSpinBingo #SeriesLove2024 #May2024

Her mummified body is hidden in the dark corner of a basement room, a room which seems to have been left untouched for decades. A room which feels as cold as the grave.

As a rowdy demonstration makes its slow and vocal way along Edinburgh's Royal Mile, Detective Chief Inspector Tony McLean's team are on stand-by for any trouble. The newly promoted McLean is distracted, inexplicably drawn to a dead-end mews street... and a door, slightly ajar, which leads to this poor girl's final resting place.
But how long has she been there, in her sleep of death? The answers are far from what McLean or anyone else could expect. The truth far more chilling than a simple cold case...
This is the 9th book of the series. It is a cold case of a mummified girl with plenty of twists, turns and supernatural elements.
EadieB It is a fast-paced page turner of refugees and how they are treated. Tony is promoted to Chief Inspector which doesn‘t allow time on the street but Tony decides to investigate anyway. It has great characters and plot that has pushed Tony and Emma to their limits as Tony seems to get lost in his job and forgets to pay attention to Emma. Madame Rose and Mrs. Saifre return to the story. It is one dark and gritty book that you just have to read. 2mo
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TheSpineView Fantastic! 2mo
DieAReader 🥳Great! 2mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2mo
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#TheGatheringDark #JamesOswald #BookSpinBingo #SeriesLove2023

A truck driver loses control in central Edinburgh, ploughing into a crowded bus stop and spilling his vehicle's toxic load. DI Tony McLean witnesses the carnage. He soon realizes there is much that is deeply amiss and everyone involved seems to have something to hide. The Chief Superintendent's son is missing in the area of the crash.

EadieB This is the 8th book in the Inspector Mc Lean series. This is a detective novel but with a hint of the supernatural. Read this book and find out who is the mysterious person at the site who Mc Lean witnesses. I'm looking forward to the 9th book in the series. If you like supernatural with your thrillers, then you will love this book. 11mo
TheSpineView Great review! Excellent progress on this series! 11mo
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 11mo
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Crazeedi Wow! Oswald is a doppelganger for a guy I dated for a few years! This is an awesome list, I can't I've read some of these authors 3y
EadieB @Crazeedi That's interesting! @Andrew loves LJ Ross' books and I have read 1 book by CL Taylor! 3y
Crazeedi @EadieB @Andrew65 so a couple more authors for me to check out!! 3y
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EadieB @Crazeedi Of course! 3y
Andrew65 A great list of authors. 3y
Andrew65 @EadieB Totally recommend LJ Ross @Crazeedi They are quick reads. Not read any C L Taylor yet. 3y
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The Book of Souls | James Oswald
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Day 2 - #Souls #ThankfulThoughts
#TheBookOfSouls #JamesOswald

I love this series. This is the 2nd book and I read and enjoyed it in 2017.

Eggs 👏🏻📚😉🙌🏻 4y
Bklover I just got Oswald‘s Natural Causes in the mail and couldn‘t remember why I bought it. Finally realized it was this post! Looking forward to starting this series! 4y
EadieB @Bklover I think you will be pleasantly surprised. Just a warning, his books do have a supernatural slant to them but it is not overpowering. (edited) 4y
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Bklover It sounds good!!! 4y
EadieB @Bklover Yes! I like his writing! You should check out his website as he is a very interesting character. He raises sheep in Scotland.

Bklover I‘m going to go check it out! Thanks! (edited) 4y
EadieB @Bklover You're welcome! 4y
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I always enjoy Oswald's Inspector Tony McLean series but I did not like reading about the Sex Unit Crimes. Too explicit for me! The evil twins, the supernatural part of the story, will be back in the future. I was glad to see that Tony finally heard from Emma and looking forward to their relationship. Oswald is one talented writer. If you haven't read about Inspector Tony McLean - What the hell are you waiting for?

#thedamagedone #jamesoswald

Natural Causes | James Oswald
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Another favorite Scottish mystery writer with a bit of humor and supernatural in his novels. I have read these 4 and he just finished his 8th one. They are Inspector Tony McLean police procedurals. Tony has adopted Mrs. McCutheon‘s cat who personally communicates with Tony at times. Books do have a dark undertone and a touch of evil but are very enjoyable reads that should not be missed.

#jamesoswald #inspectortonymclean #mystery

Dragon Sound good, stacking! 👍🐉 6y
EadieB @Dragon Good idea! 6y
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Was at the Edinburgh book festival yesterday, got to meet James Oswald, got my book signed. May have bought more than one book actually lol #jamesoswald #crimefiction #scottishcrimefiction

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