Received my next tbr for #whodunnituk from @ScorpioBookDreams -thanks Rachael!
Received my next tbr for #whodunnituk from @ScorpioBookDreams -thanks Rachael!
Sent #theblackhouse off to @daydreamin_star last week along with my notebook and these handmade bookmarks, one for everyone... Then realised that we were using the one N version of whodunnit 😱😱 so i was going to remake the bookmarks with one N... #whodunnituk #whodunituk
Currently reading this MacBeth retelling from #jonesbo and have to say I found it a bit slow to get going but after the murder things really started to get interesting. Im about halfway through it now and should finish in the next few days.
Just getting started on this book for #whodunituk or #whodunnituk lol. This lovely package arrived from @ScorpioBookDreams a couple of weeks ago which is when i took this photo and then managed to lose access to my SD card 😱 Thanks so much Rachael, for the Vera book and the other goodies, i love them all.😍😘😱
Thanks so much @miralunasbooknook for this lovely black edged ARC of Artemis by Andy Weir. #bookmail #andyweir
Finally posted this today @TrishB sorry for the delay due to a spot of weather ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ #whodunnituk #thedry #janeharper
Picked up a new edition of one of my favourite books last week. This one has an embossed cover and red sprayed edges #thehandmaidstale #margaretatwood #gorgeousbook #currentlyreading
Saw this on @jenniferw88 page and thought I'd try #tbrboost
1. Invited by @scorpiobookdreams, was sure I had already joined
2. Text file, blog and giant stack of books
3. e-book and audiobook
4. yes
5. Yes I run one - c/r Reading Lolita in Tehran
6. Nothing lately but some of the Outlander books have that affect
7. An Unattractive Vampire
8. The Little Paris Bookshop
9. A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara
10. Sorry I'm Late
Was at the Edinburgh book festival yesterday, got to meet James Oswald, got my book signed. May have bought more than one book actually lol #jamesoswald #crimefiction #scottishcrimefiction
Posted the second #whodunnituk book on to @TrishB on Wednesday and it arrived safely. Can't wait to find out what book is next for me. This one was pretty good and I love discovering a new (to me) series 😃 thanks @jenniferw88
I got this ARC last week and I'm super excited about reading it. Since then i injured my hand so holding books is a little tricky right now 😔 but I know it's gonna be great #jaykristoff #nevernight #godsgrave
Currently Reading for #whodunituk and received from @jenniferw88 - thanks! 😃
Posted off my book today to @TrishB for #whodunituk hopefully you will get it tomorrow Trish 😃
So I'm just over halfway through this audiobook and I'm starting to slow down because I don't want it to end - you know that way? I love this series, this author (read everything he has in print) and this narrator - just perfect. Again. #sandmanslim
This is a really pretty book, havent read it yet. It's an ARC from the publisher so I better get cracking! Anyone else read it yet? #flameinthemist #arc #reneeahdieh
The very first books i ever fell in love with - The Chronicles of Narnia - I had old battered... erm "well-loved" editions passed down through family and eventually ended up with me. It started my obsession with CS Lewis, and I read everything he ever wrote. Who else loves this series? #chroniclesofnarnia
My pretty bookshelves need some tidying up and A Song of Fire and Ice looks so out of place and needs a new home 📚 what do you think of books arranged by colour? #somanybookssolittletime #coloredspines
My current obsession. And I'm at that point where its nearing the end and I dont want it to finish. #bookhangover in the making
Book 27 - apparently I read a lot of books in series! This is the latest (8) in Jodi Taylor's fun time travel series.
Book 26 - hmmm I was a little disappointed 😞 with this one, so my favourite in the series remains ACOMAF
Book 25 - book 2 in the series, good but a switch in narrators on the audiobook was jarring and took sone time to get used to it
Book 24 This was really awesome, so glad I finally got it off my TBR
Book 23 The latest book in the Alex Verus series and my very favourite Supernatural series!
Book 21 I like to switch gears, so after A Little Life, I switched to some Irish crime fic. Love this author, he's one of my auto purchases. He's also a very interesting, well travelled guy.
Book 20. What a heartbreakingly beautiful book. I've had it since last year but it took my friend asking me to read it with her, to finally get me to pick it up. I was not disappointed
Love this book, series, author and Harry Hole! And met the author and had my copy signed! YAY! Even gave him one of my Nordic Noir candles which he thought was cool 😎
Why no, I dont have the target edition but its the only one showing a cover on here so I went with it. Thank goodness this book is so much better than the last, I was not looking forward to starting this one after reading Queen of Shadows, but glad we are back on track
This is my least favourite of the series so far. Not helped by the fact that I judt finished reading something good, and now this is just so repetitive
A sanity break from reading all that YA fiction and back to one of my favourites. 19th century Russian fiction is so intense
This is probably my favourite of the series
Not loving it as much as the Parasol Protectorate books 📚
Book 2, working my way through the audiobooks of this series. Book one, I read a few years ago, and waited ages for the next audio to come out
Plays are meant for performing, not reading! The next best thibg is listening to the audiobook so I did that. Would love to see the show!
Wonderful, sweet story. Cant wait for the movie!
First book I read in 2017