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All the books I finished in January

#januaryreads #whatiread #readingwrapup

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Off to a solid start!

My ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ reads:

- The Running Grave
- Romney, A Reckoning
- Migrations

#januaryreads #januarywrapup

ChasingOm I have Migrations on my physical shelf - I need to pick it up this year! 6mo
britt_brooke @ChasingOm It‘s slow to get going but the payoff is worth it. Very beautifully written! 6mo
Gissy There are a couple books in your wrapped up that I really want to read...they are waiting for me...the story of my life 6mo
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My #JanuaryReads! Here are the stats:

26 books read
4 DNF‘s
19 Audiobooks
3 Physical books
3 ebooks

My 5⭐️Reads:
The Man Who Died Twice - Mystery
Heartstopper Vol 5 - YA Graphic Novel
Where He Can‘t Find You - YA Horror (for older YA)
Parable of the Talents - Dystopian
Shadows of You - Contemporary Romance
The Last Devil to Die - Mystery - favorite of the month!

What were your favorites?

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My book of the week picks for January.

It's so crazy that January will be over and done with the day after tomorrow. It feels like it has flown by while also lasting 100 days somehow

#bookoftheweek #januaryreads


Wow 🤩 what a galloping romp ! The last 150pages I had my heart in my mouth and pulse racing ! What a fantastic series and a perfect 👌 choice for a winter ❄️ read , I felt chilly to my bones with the detailed descriptions of the snow ❄️ and ice and cold . Often whilst reading it I thought “i could never survive in those temperatures!”
A great read

The Maiden | Kate Foster
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Next read in our January book spin bingo
#doublespin pick 📖🙂 and perfect setting for some reading 📖 me tjme after 2 work out classes back to back !
#rushtonhall historic hotel & spa

RaeLovesToRead Immediately googled this place... looks amazing! And it's not that far away from me 🥰🥰 6mo
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Perfect 🤩 January wintry 🥶 read with your beloved pup 🐶 in bed 🛌 #heaven 😆#bookspinbingo #januaryreads

TheAromaofBooks I loved this trilogy!! 6mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 6mo
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January | Daniel Parker
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#JanuaryReads #BookedInTime #ChildrensClassicReads2024 #NoPlaceLikeHolmes #SeriesLove2024 #HashtagBrigade

Two will continue but I hope to finish five by the end of the month. Happy Sunday Reading. 📖

Argylle: A Novel | Elly Conway
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The movie preview looked funny and ridiculous, rumors swirled that Taylor Swift wrote the book, and Libro.FM gave me the audiobook for free, so I made it my first full book of 2024. The book is not funny, the only ridiculousness is the outdated Russian baddies and Nazi gold train plots, and there‘s no way Swift wrote this bland spy novel. It‘s a 2⭐️, but I was mostly bored. #JanuaryReads

5feet.of.fury Wait, what 😂 the only thing I know about Argylle is that Henry‘s hair looks terrible. 7mo
Bookwormjillk Taylor Swift really?🤣 7mo
Sharpeipup Are they making this into a movie? 7mo
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MidnightBookGirl @5feet.of.fury right?! Why would they make that beautiful specimen of a man wear a brush cut? 7mo
MidnightBookGirl @Bookwormjillk I guess bc it‘s spelled wrong? But she did not write the book and. 7mo
MidnightBookGirl @Sharpeipup it‘s already been filmed! 7mo
Sharpeipup The preview looks interesting. 7mo
MidnightBookGirl @Sharpeipup So the preview is NOTHING like the movie, because the movie is about Elly Conway, author of the Argylle spy books, and Argyll is legit just a spy novel with none of the humor or charm. I like to pitch it as the perfect spy novel if you find James Bond too spicy and Jason Bourne to murdery. 7mo
Sharpeipup Good to know. 7mo
VioletBramble I'm listening to the audiobook right now and there are a number of annoying mispronunciations. One of which is repeated multiple times and must be on purpose. At first I thought it was just the narrator, possibly being too young to know how some words were pronounced back when they were current. I read a review of the kindle version that said there are a number of spelling mistakes, possibly including the title. Hidden code? 6mo
tpixie @MidnightBookGirl @Sharpeipup yeah- the movie had this fun, campy, laugh at myself humor to it & the book was trying to be a serious spy novel. A big disconnect. I haven‘t read the true authors‘ books, so I am not certain if this is their styles, but this book does not make me want to read more of their books! (Terry Hayes and Tammy Cohen) (edited) 2mo
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The Christmas Wish | Lindsey Kelk
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I really enjoyed this Christmas romance! It‘s a take on Groudhogs Day trope, but the author avoids being repetitive. The characters are all interesting and funny (or jackassy depending on their role) and it was a great start to the year! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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