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The Running Grave
The Running Grave: A Cormoran Strike Novel | Robert Galbraith
40 posts | 35 read | 1 reading | 7 to read
The brand new installment in the highly acclaimed international bestselling series, featuring Cormoran Strike and Robin Ellacott, written by Robert Galbraith, a pseudonym of J.K. Rowling. Praise for the Strike series "There can be no denying J.K. Rowling's formidable talents as a crime writer." --Daily Mail "The work of a master storyteller."--Daily Telegraph "Delivered with panache." --Financial Times "A scrupulous plotter and master of misdirection, Galbraith keeps the pages turning." --TheGuardian "A blistering piece of crime writing." --Sunday Times "Stuffed with intrigue, surprise, action, violence, social comedy and romance: 'value for money,' as the British say" --Wall Street Journal "Rowling's greatest novelistic gifts are her ability to spin wild, intricate plots, and to create colorful, highly individual characters who come instantly alive on the page." --Washington Post "Rowling's wizardry as a writer is on abundant display...This is a crime series deeply rooted in the real world, where brutality and ugliness are leavened by the oh-so-human flaws and virtues of Galbraith's irresistible hero and heroine." --USA Today "Compulsively readable." ?People "Addictive, murderous fun." ?Vox
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1st book of May is finished! I started this one a few months ago and lost interest about 1/3 in, but my daughter persuaded me to give it another go as it gets better after Part3. Well, she was right! Robin is sent undercover to a cult accused of brainwashing people but finds a much darker story. Reminded me a lot of both Scientology & David Koresh at Waco. Recommend. #SeriesLove2024

TheSpineView I loved this whole series!🌞 3mo
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34 hours, 960 pages in print. This definitely qualifies as a chunkster for #chunksterchallenge2024. Book 7 in the Cormoran Strike series—my favorite to date. Disturbing book with Robyn going undercover in a cult ?? stressful! But absolutely loved the pacing. Great character development in this one too: Strike and his ½ siblings, Pat and her fam, Robyn and her fam. The tension btwn Robyn and Strike. Love it! Where‘s the next one! #serieslove2024

Librarybelle I have all of the books but need to get back to the series. It‘s been so long - I may have to start back at the beginning. Cormoran Strike is one of my favorite characters ever! 5mo
BarbaraBB Seems a great series. 5mo
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julesG @Librarybelle Same here. I liked the series but stopped reading it because of the hullabaloo around JKR. 5mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 5mo
TheSpineView This was my favorite book in the series also. The ending had my jaw on the floor. So excited for the next book. 5mo
Read4life This is on my TBR & I still need ‘published by Hachette‘ for #52BookClub2024 Thanks! 5mo
Bluebird @Librarybelle and I think each book gives enough backstory that you won‘t feel lost if you read the next one. 5mo
Librarybelle Good to know! I think I‘m just looking for an excuse to read the first one all over again. 😂 5mo
Bluebird @julesG an author‘s politics and personal opinions can destroy what was otherwise good reading. I try to ignore all but their written books, but I know that sometimes it‘s too hard to separate the artist from the art. 😞 5mo
julesG I agree. I might come back to Strike one day. 5mo
Crazeedi I might have to look for this series! 5mo
Bluebird @librarybelle😂😂😂 don‘t let my comment stop you—love this series from the start.. 5mo
Bluebird @Crazeedi it‘s a great one. Wonderful writing, excellent characters and always interesting mysteries to solve. 5mo
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This was, I think, the best yet in this series. And as at least two others in the series have been Top 6 books of the year for me, that is saying something.
945 pages, 34-hour audiobook, and I just wanted more.
The audio narrator, Robert Glenister, is so good, and obviously the writing, character development, and story telling are superb.
I wouldn‘t be surprised if this ends up being my best book of 2024. Cannot wait for the next!

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“Will, we were appalled to learn from your personal tutor yesterday that you‘ve dropped out of university and joined some kind of religious movement.”


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Off to a solid start!

My ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ reads:

- The Running Grave
- Romney, A Reckoning
- Migrations

#januaryreads #januarywrapup

ChasingOm I have Migrations on my physical shelf - I need to pick it up this year! 6mo
britt_brooke @ChasingOm It‘s slow to get going but the payoff is worth it. Very beautifully written! 6mo
Gissy There are a couple books in your wrapped up that I really want to read...they are waiting for me...the story of my life 6mo
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I loved this 7th book in the Strike and Robin series

A client has a son that has joined a religious cult and want him out. The agency decides to send Robin in undercover. The tension while Robin was in there was insane. I kept expecting the worst to happen all the time. On the outside Strike and the others continue work on that case and their other cases.

The next installment can‘t come soon enough for me

The first third #DoubleSpin January

TheSpineView Loved this one! And the ending... 🤯 I need the next book NOW! 6mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 6mo
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It is seriously cold and snowy here today... But not quite bad enough for a snow day....so stuck in school looking out at the ice ❄️ The Running Grave was super- I found some parts of it hard to read, in terms of the tension and subject matter, but it is worth it for that ending .... Iykyk 💯

AnneCecilie Now you got me curious. I‘m reading this now and is almost halfway. 6mo
TNbookworm Just finished and think it's one of the best of the series! 6mo
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Galbraith / Rowling had me believing the Universal Humanitarian Church was so real I was tempted to look for a documentary. That‘s how phenomenal the story building, and telling, is! Strike and Robin are tasked with removing a client‘s young adult son from what they believe is a cult. Both a page-turner and a slow burn. The seventh #CormoranStrike, and IMO, the best.


RobES I have just finished and I loved it ...I actually felt tense the entire time Robin was undercover!!! Also, the ending ..... 6mo
AnneCecilie Reading this now and absolutely agree with @RobES about Robin undercover. I keep expecting something bad to happen 6mo
cariashley This was so good. And agree with @RobES - that ENDING! 🤗 6mo
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And this was my top read in November.

#12BooksOf2023 @Andrew65

Andrew65 A very popular series. 7mo
TheSpineView My top pick for November! 7mo
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#12DaysofChristmas @Andrew65

My favorite book of November was The Running Grave by Robert Galbraith. While I choose Fourth Wing as my favorite of the year. I have to say that it was more like a tie with The Running Grave. Both were so good.

Andrew65 Another popular series. 7mo
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Starting the year off with this #chunkster for #chunksterchallenge2024 The latest in the Cormoran Strike series.

Amiable Excellent! Happy reading! 7mo
Jerdencon I loved this one! 7mo
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Happy new year 🎊 Here's to lots of good reads and 5 star picks in 2024 🥰

erzascarletbookgasm Happy new year! 7mo
bthegood Happy New Year 🥳 7mo
Ruthiella Happy New Year to you! 🥳 7mo
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A Cormoran Strike Novel, book 7.

I‘m enjoying this private eye/mystery series. ♥️

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These books always feel like a guilty pleasure, and the detective stories sometimes drag - but I love Robin and Strike and how they each experience the world they live in. The author really captured how cults use and twist tenets of various world religions to draw people in to things that feel familiar and have supporters and detractors to make the control and abuse seem normal. It was ínstense in this one.

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Christmas trees down, house clean and I'm starting a new book! I don't have a book of the year, but I do have a series of the year- this Cormoran Strike series has been my fave this year and I can't wait to get stuck into this one. Happy New Year everyone!

Tamra It‘s like a breath of breath of fresh air! 😄 7mo
RobES @Tamra completely agree! I love going into the new year decluttered. Happy new year xx 7mo
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Got the audiobook from the library and my time ran out on chapter 76 at a crucial time in the story 😝, it is 34 hours long 🤯, then had to put another hold on it, currently i am #2 on the wait list. Love listening to the C.B. Strike books and this one is really good.

Finally got the audiobook back with 13 hours left to go.

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Strike, Robin, and gang have to delve into the *supernatural* mega cult that has its chokehold on the overly wealthy and semi-famous… while they sift through rumors about magic, smoke and mirrors, conspiracy theories and murder, mayhem ensues. This is my favorite book in the series so far, even though I dislike the Robin/Ryan storyline 😂🫣 and love the new softer side of Strike presented throughout this installment.

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Cormoran Strike - Book 7!

960 pages of good old fashioned gumshoe fun!

If you liked the previous 6 books you‘ll love this one too! This is an easy read, time flies as the pages flip by! I‘m not sure why you‘re looking for & reading reviews when you could be reading the book. I envy you if you haven‘t read the first 6!!

Can‘t wait for book 8.


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Monthly Wrap Up -,November 2023 - 35 books … it felt like a mid month … normally I cherry pick my books. Last month I finished a lot of subscription box books! A number of 2.5 - 3.5 star reads. But the books I enjoyed, I REALLY enjoyed! I‘m now 3 months behind in writing up my monthly stats. Anyone else looking forward to new goals in 2024?

November TBR - complete

I have sooo many books to still review!

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#2023ReadingBracket @chasjjlee

My favorite book of November was The Running Grave. Kind of hard to see it. Looking forward to what December brings.


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Happy Tuesday! Here are today's questions. Thanks for playing along and have a great day!

My answers:
📘 The Running Grave (tagged)
📘 I am most excited about reading System Collapse and Iron Wing.

Want to play? @Eggs @dabbe @Susanita @The_Penniless_Author @Read4life @RamsFan1963 @JenReadsAlot @BookNAround @BethM

The_Penniless_Author Thanks for the tag! 8mo
Eggs 💚💙🩵 8mo
Read4life Thanks for the tag! 🤓 8mo
dabbe I do; thanks for the tag! 🤩 8mo
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Gosh, this book is phenomenal! A great continuation of the series. I've certainly been in my smut era this year, but when my library hold came through I couldn't pass it up. It's a chunkster, but the story is so we'll fleshed out and executed that it never lost my attention. Religious cults fascinate me and I was HOOKED. But holy moly does JK know how to reallyyyy takes "slow burn romance" to another level (IYKYK) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

RobES Eeeeek! I love this series and I love Strike and Robin ❤️ I can't wait to read this 😍 8mo
reading_rainbow I‘m so behind on this series 😭😭 7mo
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I really didn‘t think the library‘s 21 days would be enough time for me to read this chonker…they do realize some people have to work, right?? But, I did it! With 2 days to spare! It was another really good one in the series. However, this time, I was left on a cliffhanger, and I haaaaate thaaaaat😭.

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I do enjoy the Strike series, mainly because of the characters of Strike and Robin, and the storylines are always good, but I feel Rowling does need some self-restraint. The middle section of this book is overly long, and throughout, there are sentences that could have had the same impact with fewer words.

Of course, I will read the next in the series, but please, JK, I beg you, tighten up your prose a tad

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My current read is the last piece of Octobers #BookMail. I thought I posted it when it came but apparently not. Strike & Robin are asked to look into a cult by the father of a member. Robin volunteers to go undercover in the Norfolk commune to rescue him, but ends up in the greatest danger she‘s had to face. With connections to Strikes youth with Leda, it takes its toll on the both of them. Reminds me a bit of Scientology so far, to be honest.

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I put this chunkster off a few weeks since it is 960 pages. Just finished it today and wished I had read it sooner. I thought Rawlings couldn't top The Ink Black Heart, but I was so wrong. This book was more focused on the case and less on the relationship between Cormoran and Robin than past novels. Also, it has more tension because I was so worried about Robin. And the ending... is just WOW. I was not expecting that. I had to read it twice. ⬇️

TheSpineView Now I have a big book hangover. Also, left wondering how long till the next book. #SeriesLove2023 #RushAThon @Andrew65 @GHABI4ROSES @DieAReader #ChunksterChallenge2023 @Amiable 9mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 9mo
Andrew65 Brilliant, always good to finish a chunkster and easy to put them off. 👏👏👏 8mo
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The Running Grave may be my favorite book of the series so far!!!! Can‘t wait for Risingshadow due out 2024!!!!

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So good!!! This series is a favorite!

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I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new. Don‘t judge me - I have a lot of books. Join in if you want!



I've spent the last 4 days completely engrossed in Strike's latest investigation. Great plot, characters, tension, and pace. Very good read.

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I just love reading about these two. Book 5 remains my favorite, but i couldn‘t put this one. Robin goes undercover in a cult while Cormoran call down the fort and all their other cases. There‘s a lot of growth as they each come to terms with their unhealthy habits from the past, so they can move forward to a better future. At this point most people reading this series either love it or don‘t, this one stays in the same vein. It didn‘t disappoint.

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This behemoth is due back at the library in 2 days, and I'm only 10% done 😭😭. It's been an insanely busy October, that I just haven't had time to sit down with it. Trying to decide if I read as much as I can today (I'm not going to have much time during the workweek)or just keep it where I am till I can get ahold of a copy again...

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Andrew65 Great to have you with us, good luck 😁 9mo
Clwojick Great job! ☠ 9mo
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I love the Cormoran Strike and Robin Ellacot series. Just downloaded the latest and it‘s already great 3 chapters in. To borrow from Kingsley in the Harry Potter series, Say what you will about JK Rowling‘s personal views. You‘ve got to admit she creates great characters and stories.

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A creepy cult. Robin undercover again. Treachery within the agency. Kidnapping attempts. Suicide. This was an intense read but one I absolutely tore through to get to the resolution. Can't wait to see what's next for Strike and Robin (and maybe to reread this one at a less breakneck pace once I've had a breather...)

Momob121 I am the same way with certain books. I won‘t peek ahead to read the end; but I will read at break-neck speed to find out what happens!! I really do love these characters. 10mo
CaramelLunacy @Momob121 Me too! I hope you enjoy this round 10mo
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Ordered this book and it made it to me today. Love book mail! Looking forward to digging into this tomb. Another for the #ChunksterChallenge2023 @Amiable This one comes in at 960 pages. I love big books!

Amiable Nothing better that a nice meaty chunkster! 10mo
TheSpineView @Amiable Agree!📚 10mo
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It came in!! I hadn't received a pick up notification from the library, but was there when I checked out two others. So excited to start this!
#CormoranStrike #RobertGailbraith

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🍂 Death Among the Ruins by Susanna Calkins 5 🌟
🍂 🍁 The newest Robert Galbraith novel, The Running Grave (tagged).


@Kaylaapps Play 🍁 Tag 🍁 Share

TheSpineView Oh I want to read the new Galbraith book. I totally forgot it is coming out next month. Thanks for playing! 10mo
TheSpineView Oops, just checked the release date is today. Just bought it online! 10mo
Born.A.Reader Ooh really! Earlier than I thought! Well I won't read it till October if that counts lol 😅 10mo
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