A heads up for any of our members who‘ve selected this book or are thinking about picking it up in the future 😉💡
#aardvarkbookclub #thenightship #jesskidd
A heads up for any of our members who‘ve selected this book or are thinking about picking it up in the future 😉💡
#aardvarkbookclub #thenightship #jesskidd
I am so in love with this book! 🐝🍃 Not only is the cover art beautiful, but the story is captivating. Jess Kidd writes her characters - both human and ghost - into the same world, sharing an adjacent existence. Her prose is poetically crafted and a delight to read! 📗
#jesskidd #himself #ireland #book #ghost #irish #fiction #inlove #readmore #beautiful #coverart
I went to a cafe I got to regularly because they have three book cases full of books and I always seem to find books when I'm there. This visit was no different. I got these five books for £5 and the money goes to charity.
#bookhaul #thediaryofannefrank #thedamnationgame #clivebarker #themoonstone #wilkiecollins #himself #jesskidd #theshadowofthewind #carlosruizzafon
For #ReadingWomenMonth #weekendreading, I've been so, so, SO excited to read #JessKidd's new novel HIMSELF. Hopefully I'll be able to crack the spine this weekend. 😍📚
#weekendfun #thereadingwomen #women_writers #readwomen #amreading #tbr