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Gilmore Girls: The Official Cookbook | Elena Craig, Kristen Mulrooney
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"Roquefort puffs would complement that dish quite well!"


wordslinger42 I‘ve debated on getting this! Are the recipes good? 5h
TheBookHippie @wordslinger42 70 percent yes! 30 percent is EH but I just adapt. I‘ve been cooking every Friday all year from this cookbook it‘s my plan for 2024. 5h
wordslinger42 @TheBookHippie Oh, that‘s fun! I‘ll have to give it a try for September! There‘s a Gilmore festival in MI at the end of the month, so I‘m thinking of making Sept. Gilmore-themed 😄 4h
Tamra Gorgeous! 4h
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It‘s corn season!! 🥳🌽

By contrast to the fail on the sourdough, this chowder has amazing flavor! My only regret is not having enough leftovers for a complete meal tonight. (I even doubled the recipe.) #Mtcookbook

TheBookHippie Oh yum 13h
IndoorDame Looks amazing!!! 12h
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Beard On Bread | James Beard
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FAIL! I tried Beard‘s sourdough starter & bread recipe. While the loaf is otherwise perfect, the subtle flavor was off putting. You could taste the sour milk. I was totally suspicious about using milk for the starter and letting it sit for a week at room temp - with no feeds either. 🫢 #Mtcookbook

Going to try again with Emilie Raffa‘s recipe. That had good flavor, but not enough rise. I‘m going to cheat and add yeast when I bake the bread.

dabbe It sure looks fabulous, though! 🤩🤩🤩 1d
Deblovestoread Beautiful looking loaf! 1d
willaful Aw, bummer!

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Ruthiella Bummer! ☹️ 1d
Cathythoughts Well , it looks delicious. I think my favorite food is fresh bread and butter. ❤️ 21h
Velvetfur At least it looks pretty though! 😁 19h
julesG Milk?! In the starter? That sounds offputting. I followed the starter recipe from the tagged book and my starter has been great for months. Even when left unfed in the fridge for weeks. 17h
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Prepping for dinner tonight - Somali stew. The Xawaash spice mix is essential to Somali cuisine, though compared to Ethiopian Berbere ♥️ it has little heat. I‘ll be adjusting to our taste.😋


mabell I saved a few recipes from this one! 1w
Tamra @mabell it‘s nice to read the stories and cook from it! 😄 1w
Dilara How was the stew? 😁 4d
Tamra @Dilara fabulous! So funny you asked because I just finished up the leftovers for lunch. 4d
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1. Read tagged cookbook for #mtcookbook decide on a recipe or two
2. Enjoy my wildflowers
3. Eat fried green tomatoes
4. Watch the turkey family in my yard 🦃🦃🦃

Chrissyreadit 😍😍😍😍 2w
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#Mtcookbook selection this week. This was a dynamite marinade! Unfortunately, I had to make a mess on my stove because the grill is inside right beside my son. 🫤 A grill pan is not my preferred method.

Note, best use the chili flakes to taste. I have a very hot blend and 1 Tlb would have dissolved my daughter. 😳

Ruthiella Two thumbs up from the peanut gallery! 👍👍 Well done. 😄 2w
Tamra @Ruthiella yes! A unanimous thumbs down for the raw veggies they had to eat first, but I take the approval where I can get it. 😆 2w
Jess_Read_This Looks delicious! 2w
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Gilmore Girls: The Official Cookbook | Elena Craig, Kristen Mulrooney
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Some of Stars Hollow's best Asian cuisine comes from the Pancake House, and you'd be lucky to pull this meal on International Grab Bag Night at Al's. This Vietnamese noodle dish has marinated sirloin or flank steak, noodles dressed with a limey dressing, and fresh herbs and spices.


It‘s interesting 🤣🤷🏻‍♀️👀

Tamra At first glance I thought those were sweet or dill pickle slices! 😆 Now that would be fusion. (edited) 2w
TheBookHippie @Tamra we used basil not mint and zucchini not cucumber 🤣🤷🏻‍♀️ 2w
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Gilmore Girls: The Official Cookbook | Elena Craig, Kristen Mulrooney
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The one where Rory is Donna Reed ….

Lime Fantasy Supreme jello 👀🤷🏻‍♀️😂


IndoorDame Great episode!!!! 3w
Bookwormjillk Retro 3w
kspenmoll Can I just have the whipped cream?! 3w
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dabbe Oh, I have such memories of my grandma's lime green jello with pineapple bits inside. #sometimesgood #sometimesnotsogood #sometimessheputlettuceinit 😱 3w
vlwelser Seems gross. But I love your dessert dish. 3w
Leftcoastzen 👏😂 3w
Avanders Lime fantasy supreme jello sounds perfect 🍋‍🟩🦄🪄🔮🍭 3w
TheBookHippie @kspenmoll Grandson is with ya! 3w
KadaGul Lime 🍋‍🟩 Fantasy 🪄Jello sounds so refreshing. 3w
TheBookHippie @KadaGul it‘s actually was. 3w
TheBookHippie @Avanders it was surprisingly yum😅🤷🏻‍♀️ 3w
TheBookHippie @dabbe my Bubbe put in orange jello- carrots 😵‍💫 3w
dabbe @TheBookHippie 🤢😂😀 I guess that's one way to get a kid to eat her vegetables. 😂 3w
dabbe @TheBookHippie 😱 Someone's family calls it the Sunshine Salad. 😂 3w
TheBookHippie @dabbe 😅😂😅😂😵‍💫😵‍💫 3w
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Sweet corn soup from Alice Waters‘ The Art of Simple Food, which is a favorite of mine, and a peach and blueberry cobbler from a recipe I got decades ago from the Martha Stewart Living magazine. Blurb on the back says it‘s from August 2001!

kspenmoll Yum! 4w
Tamra Wow! This is a seasonal feast. 😍 4w
LeahBergen That sounds delicious! 4w
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Aimeesue @kspenmoll 💛 🌽 💛 3w
Aimeesue @Tamra Almost hyper seasonal! There‘s like 3 weeks where peaches, blueberries, and corn are at peak ripeness and deliciousness together. 😂 3w
Aimeesue @LeahBergen 10/10 can recommend! I adore peaches 🍑 3w
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Finally a successful rise on a gluten free sandwich loaf! This is for my daughter; glad to have a homemade option. The available store brand has the tiniest slices for an exorbitant price.

My loaf is not white like the pic in the book and I realized it‘s my psyllium husk which is that brownish color. Not sure if all psyllium husk is that color?

My quibble with ATK is you MUST read all of the notes in order not to go astray.


merelybookish Congrats! It looks great. 🙂 4w
mabell It looks really good! I‘m sure she‘ll love it! Homemade bread is so much better! I do agree about the notes and ATK 😆 4w
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