Seems appropriate! It‘s been a tough week teaching in Florida… #TeachersofLitsy #GetVaxxed #MaskUp #PandemicLife
Seems appropriate! It‘s been a tough week teaching in Florida… #TeachersofLitsy #GetVaxxed #MaskUp #PandemicLife
Good night from #BonBonCat who is happy to report his two mommies are perfectly well after their vaccinations — just a mild ache at the injection site. It‘s working! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 #CatsofLitsy #pandemiclife
We got our first shot of the Moderna vaccine 💉 yesterday afternoon! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 #TeachersofLitsy #pandemiclife
The #PandemicLife of a teacher — freshly washed masks ready for reuse atop a pile of books, magazines, and notes
Kiddo‘s new workbooks came in and I‘m so excited. He can‘t wait to practice scissor skills and tracing. #whenprekgoeshome #pandemiclife
New arrival from #BOTM plus a few of my favorite masks from BAGGU, which are the only ones I use at school, because they fit tight to my face and have a pocket for a filter. #pandemiclife
This book is gorgeous. This is inside the cover. I need a weekend off so I can plow through it. Oh wait, quarantine with a 2 year old. #imadeittooagefourtonight #pandemiclife #justkeepreading