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My YA reads of All My Rage and Red Rising were clear favorites this month. I‘m also thoroughly enjoying my slow listen of the Complete Sherlock Holmes for #NoPlaceLikeHolmes.

#DoubleSpin 6 - Nada by Carmen Laforet

#BookSpinBingo #ReadingStats #MonthlyStats #DaiseysReadingSummary

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fantastic month!! 4d
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May was a great listening month, and I finished a few print books as well. I‘m happy with the variety of books, and I got multiple bingos! Both The Drover‘s Wife & The Last Ballad were great stories, and I loved Counting by 7s. Of the 16 completed, 4 were #1001books.

#BookSpin 18 The Drover‘s Wife by Leah Purcell
#DoubleSpin 4 Oroonoko by Aphra Behn

#BookSpinBingo #ReadingStats #MonthlyStats #DaiseysReadingSummary

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Fantastic month!!! 1mo
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I got 3 bingos in April with a good variety of books. There were some good nonfiction, a couple 1001 books, and some pure fluff reading as well. It was also a very good audiobook month, with just one low rated book.

#ReadingStats #MonthlyStats #BookSpinBingo #DaiseysReadingSummary

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fantastic month!! 2mo
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March was a busy month for me, and I only finished 5 books. However, that included Evelina, The Brothers Karamazov, and The Silmarillion, which are all pretty long and/or in-depth reads. My favorite this month was absolutely rereading The Silmarillion. I‘m also thoroughly enjoying slowly making my way through The Complete Sherlock Holmes. Orlando is currently paused/in hibernation.

#BookSpinBingo #MonthlyStats #ReadingStats #DaiseysReadingSummary

Daisey I forgot to include The Porcelain Moon in my current reads. I‘m really enjoying this #LitsyBookClub pick. 3mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fantastic month!! 3mo
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February #BookSpinBingo
I finished 8 books and have several longer reads in progress.

#BookSpin Misty of Chincoteague
#DoubleSpin The Year of the Hare

#MonthlyStats #ReadingStats #DaiseysReadingSummary

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January 2024 #BookSpinBingo

This was a good reading month with 14 completed books (including 7 #1001books), planned progress on 2 long reads, and 3 bingos! I think Cloud Atlas and Mrs. ‘Arris Goes to Paris were probably my favorites. Since I‘m not doing weekly book reports this year, I also noted my in progress reads at the bottom.

#MonthlyStats #ReadingStats #DaiseysReadingSummary

Daisey @puddlejumper #Roll100 19 Nonfiction & 78 - Hell‘s Princess, 83 Strange the Dreamer @TheAromaofBooks #BookSpin 6 - #1001books Amadis of Gaul #DoubleSpin 11 - #LitsyBookClub Cloud Atlas 5mo
PuddleJumper Wahoo! 🎉🎉 5mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Fantastic month!!! 5mo
Vansa I could not love FLowers for Mrs.'Arris more. I actually thought the movie did it quite a disservice with a ridiculous romance subplot with the Marquis, though Lesley Manville is glorious as always 5mo
Daisey @Vansa The book was a delight, but I agree there were a few disappointing things about the movie. 5mo
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2023 was an interesting reading year. #Clarissa was the longest book and greatest challenge of the year, and Don Quixote was plenty long as well. I don‘t really do simply favorites, instead also considering the books that I think will be the most memorable. As of this moment, these are those books of 2023 for me.

#ReadingStats #2023stats #DaiseysReadingSummary

Readerann I got behind on the Clarissa year-long group read, then couldn‘t catch up (I‘m at 70%). Congrats on finishing! 👏 It‘s SO long. 😩 6mo
Daisey @Readerann So long! I don‘t know that I would have made it if I hadn‘t forced myself to mostly stick to the schedule and participated in some discussion with other readers. It‘s definitely one of the toughest to finish classics I‘ve read. 6mo
merelybookish Impressive dent on 1001 books challenge! 6mo
Daisey @merelybookish Thanks! Yes, this is the most I‘ve managed to finish in a year so far. 6mo
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Some graphs of my 2023 reading

All of my 5 star reads were rereads, but there were some great 4 star reads and only a single 1 star read.

#2023stats #ReadingStats #DaiseysReadingSummary

LiteraryinLawrence I love seeing everyone‘s charts! 6mo
Daisey @LiteraryinLawrence So do I! Year end charts also make me want to use StoryGraph, but I‘ve tried a couple years in a row and can never keep up with it. 6mo
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I completed 45 books from the #1001books list this year for an updated total of 253 out of 1,318!

A few were rereads but from long enough ago that I didn‘t have dates in Goodreads. As usual, there were books I just pushed through to finish as well as fantastic reads.

Several were read for the #Reading1001 group, including 13 for #TBRTakedown. Many others were read with or for various readalong groups and challenges listed in the comments.

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2023 #BookSpinBingo
I know this graphic is too small to see the details, but it was fun to go back through each of my bingo boards and see the variety for the year. I read 20 of 24 chosen #BookSpin & #DoubleSpin books. I appreciate the flexibility of this method to track progress on long reads as well as completion. There are 130 completed books represented for the year!

#2023Stats #ReadingStats #DaiseysReadingSummary

Daisey @TheAromaofBooks Thanks so much for hosting this and continuing to do so in the new year! Now to finish the rest of my stats and make a January list. 6mo
Julsmarshall Love this! 6mo
Daisey @Julsmarshall Thanks! 6mo
TheAromaofBooks Oh wow this is so fun!!!! What a great year!! 6mo
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