Some red spines for Valentine‘s Day weekend
#redspines #tbr
Some red spines for Valentine‘s Day weekend
#redspines #tbr
#17rainbowbooks #redbooks #redspines
Basically all these are on my #tbr list.
#redspines #17rainbowbooks I have a confession, I actually don't keep too many books! I pass them along to friends or drop them off in one of the little free libraries in town. That said, I still have tons of books ;)
Despite all the books currently piled on my floor, I only managed to find two #RedSpines. #17RainbowBooks
I've only read four of these so far, but I expect to get to the rest... Maybe some time over the next decade? #redspines #17RainbowBooks #NeverendingTBRstack 📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚
Also, the red book thing appears to be hereditary, so I had to make a second picture for this with the family heirloom books. #redspines #17rainbowbooks #day1 #bookishgenealogy