I'll be participating in the #septemberlibrary17 challenge! I think it's a good way to start up my account 😊 since I've missed sept 1st already I'll be posting the first 2 days right now. I'm excited!
#bookchallenge #septemberchallenge
I'll be participating in the #septemberlibrary17 challenge! I think it's a good way to start up my account 😊 since I've missed sept 1st already I'll be posting the first 2 days right now. I'm excited!
#bookchallenge #septemberchallenge
Not sure if anyone has put the challenges together yet for next month, but I've found a quick reference extremely helpful in the past when wanting to participate. Hope I didn't miss any!
Hey Littens! I love a good litsy #photochallenge and because I've had so much fun with others, I decided to create my own. It's called 🍁 #AwesomeAutumnBooks 🍂 I hope you will join me in all the fun beginning SEPTEMBER 1st! Please LIKE, SCREENSHOT and REPOST this photo to get the word out. Thanks! 😘🤗 #AwesomeAutumnBooks
For #septemberchallenge my #favouritevillian is Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I have to admit, I haven't really read the books, I only have this one, but the tv show is my fave
Currently in Costa Rica on vacation and this is my beautiful view everyday. #litsyforandroid #finally #septemberchallenge