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20. Set in your favorite season

Eggs Pretty 🤩 5mo
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Autumn Brides: A Year of Weddings Novella Collection | Katie Ganshert, Kathryn Springer, Beth K. Vogt
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#Setinyourfavoriteseason #NewYearNewBooks
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

Autumn/fall is my favorite season. It's finally starting to cool down and the holidays are on the horizon. 🍂 🍁

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 😍 5mo
Eggs Lovely 🌺 5mo
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The True Deceiver | Tove Jansson
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A classic suspense novel that reads thoroughly modern. Better than any current book I‘ve read in a long time. I was completely drawn into this world of snow and cold deception. It gave me a feeling of claustrophobia as Katri and Anna circled each other. I can see why this was an NYRB book club hit! I loved it, too.

Great #NYWD22 pick @vivastory and a fantastic way to kick off the (rainy) year! 🌂

vivastory Yay! I read it a year ago myself & my love for it has not diminished whatsoever. Tove Jansson was one of my favorite new to me authors that I read in '21. So glad it was a hit! 3y
Megabooks @vivastory I‘m going to look and see what else she has available in the nyrb catalogue. I‘m also going to look into reading more classic suspense novels because I also very much enjoyed this from Persephone. 3y
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vivastory @Megabooks I read Fair Play by her. I enjoyed it, but not as much as True Deceiver. I have her book of stories on my TBR (The Woman Who Borrowed Memories, also pub by NYRB) NYRB has a few excellent noir novels. I especially like both Dorothy Hughes novels (Expendable Man AND In a Lonely Place), Elliott Chaze's Black Wings Has My Angel. I have also heard that Nightmare Alley is amazing. I'm hoping to read it soon. Oh & I also bought this noir 3y
vivastory during a recent NYRB flash sale 3y
BarbaraBB I am so happy you loved it. Scandinavian literature is so different from English books, I sometimes need that change. Also I agree with all suggestions made by @vivastory , especially regarding Dorothy Hughes 🖤 3y
Megabooks @vivastory @BarbaraBB I have taken a screenshot of this, but with both of you recommending her, I‘ll probably start with Dorothy Hughes. Thanks!! 3y
vivastory She's brilliant! I hope you like her books. I've been trying to get KC to establish some sort of memorial plaque since she's a KC native 3y
BarbaraBB @vivastory That would be great, if you could arrange that! 3y
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